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Sony announcing 200 ps3 titles...
Jun 22, 2007 09:29
... for the remaining fiscal year, this is like releasing 22 titles each month for 9 months which is huuuge , this is coming from kaz, it seems like bulllshits didn' t die with Ken. i' m wondering what is sony playing ? i don' t think sony is that stupid , what is their goal ,? build hype? encourage people to buy ps3 ? let' s see, those who would read this comments are likely gamers who are interested in the industry and they know what' s going on, they read forums , articles , who are they trying to deceive ? the occasional gamers ?? but occasional gamers won' t hear this comment in the first place !! hardcores will see it as bullshits and even sony fanboys see that too hard to swallow... what the fuck is sony doing ? they can' t be that dumb !! but it " seems" they are that dumb as up to know they over promised and under delivered... i was having the same question about those CGI shown at e3 200, sony can' t be thats stupid to embraass itself once the game is on shelves and it' s far from those trailers, they must have said the truth ... but they fucking didn' t , now all the press is hoping for ps3 games announced at e3 to get " close" to trailers. if this is all marketing, i don' t understand how it works , in fact it doesn' t work sales are flat in japan and mediocre everywhere in the world, so how is sony reasoning ?? how many companies are reasoning when they release their CGI trailers or screenshots hoping that gamers will believe them... have you seen the last screenshots of Need for speed prostreet, those screen shots look amazing but they are obviously bullshots, again what is the scheme of EA behind that ? why can' t they be honnest and release ingame screenshots like many successful developers ? i think EA is only making hard for themselves: first they are destroying their image second , the press will be tougher with them third, people who read websites and buy magazines will know its " most probably" bullshit, people who don' t go on video game websites and stuff won' t see those pictures... damn it i don' t understand those pigs.
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RE: Sony announcing 200 ps3 titles...
Jun 22, 2007 11:10
And i thought Nintendo working on 55(?) games was ambitious Yeah Abasoufiane when you break it down like that 22 titles for each month over 9 months it does sound a little far fetched when every other console struggles for double digit (10+) releases in ANY month of the year. If they can do that hats off to them - that is very VERY impressive, but considering there woeful record in the ' truth department' i will believe it when i see it. Some people have said that the number (200 titles by end of fiscal year) includes regional releases (ie Japanese/European only releases), so if that is true they might just pull off those numbers, techincally speaking. Also that 200 games mark would include titles already released - making it an even more probable target. One problem though with such a small install base (compared to rivals) and from last estimate the lowest attach rate (anyone with recent attach rates), having so many games flood the market may not be the best option (as oppsoed to a steady stream of games). But what choice do they have at the moment? BTW i think they said there would be something like 180 downloadable games over the psn so that 200 number rules out downloadable content.
Chee Saw
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RE: Sony announcing 200 ps3 titles...
Jun 22, 2007 11:13
According to the article HERE, the list includes games that are already out, as well as games that are in development, and even ones just in the planning stage. As we all know, this is subject to change (and definitely will), as games are pushed back to next year, or shelved. Also, the list includes games that will be released in every market, but not necessarily ALL markets. As such, we probably won' t even see about 25% of these games, unless you import (which, I don' t).
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RE: Sony announcing 200 ps3 titles...
Jun 22, 2007 11:51
If Duke Nukem Forever is on the list I' m throwing my PSP at the wall.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Sony announcing 200 ps3 titles...
Jun 22, 2007 11:56
BTW i think they said there would be something like 180 downloadable games over the psn so that 200 number rules out downloadable content. No, it' s 200 boxed games plus 180 downloadable games. A lot of games have been pushed back to the end of the fiscal year to allow for the largest install base possible. Frankly I expect many of these games to be delayed. Still we' ll see a lot of games in the next 12 months for PS3. http://games.kikizo.com/news/200706/074.asp
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 22 Jun 07 4:01:47 >
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RE: Sony announcing 200 ps3 titles...
Jun 22, 2007 12:00
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost BTW i think they said there would be something like 180 downloadable games over the psn so that 200 number rules out downloadable content. No it' s 200 boxed games by March and 180 downloadable games. http://games.kikizo.com/news/200706/074.asp I thought thats what i said 
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RE: Sony announcing 200 ps3 titles...
Jun 22, 2007 12:00
i' m wondering what is sony playing ? i don' t think sony is that stupid , what is their goal ,? build hype? encourage people to buy ps3 ? Well im sure they' re trying to build hype to go along with microsoft' s halo 3 hype, plus they could use as much hype as possible to keep the wii from running laps around it
Agent Ghost
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RE: Sony announcing 200 ps3 titles...
Jun 22, 2007 12:07
I thought thats what i said So you did, my bad. The way you phrased it was a little awkward and it' s easy to misread when I' m high.
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RE: Sony announcing 200 ps3 titles...
Jun 22, 2007 12:09
While it is good that so many games are coming out, I' m sure it can' t be cost effective to put out that many in such a short time, I mean people have limited funds so they are not going to buy more games because there are more to buy.
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RE: Sony announcing 200 ps3 titles...
Jun 22, 2007 20:13
So, how many of those games will be GOOD games?
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RE: Sony announcing 200 ps3 titles...
Jun 22, 2007 20:27
Sony has promised PlayStation 3 owners that at least 145 titles are on the way to the US, which includes approximately 40 PSN titles and more than 105 boxed games. Including games already released. LINK
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RE: Sony announcing 200 ps3 titles...
Jun 22, 2007 21:49
yes that i knew, i forgot to mention it in my OP but still it' s hard to make as of right now, only 61 games have been released, they still have around 140 games to make... i don' t think this is possible
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RE: Sony announcing 200 ps3 titles...
Jun 22, 2007 23:35
I' d rather they listed 10 good games that weren' t Killzone, Final Fantasy & Metal Gear Solid, than 200 random titles floating around in vaporware land.