Guy games, can sex sale?

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Guy games, can sex sale? - Aug 20, 2004 00:26
I have read many reviews on the recent trend of these " guy" games but do these games really have potential as a real game should? or are they just trying to catch the eyes of all the men on Earth so they will buy these games? what is your opinion on these games? Playboy:The mansion/The Guy Game/ Leisure Suit Larry

Joe Redifer
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RE: Guy games, can sex sale? - Aug 20, 2004 00:40
They don' t sell well. Look at Outlaw Golf. Of course Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball sold decently, so I could be wrong (I still think that game is stoopit). Dead or Alive the fighting game sells pretty well and it has some nice looking babes in it (and that western skank Tina). But as far as Playboy games go, I don' t think they can be looking to set any records with that one. It looks 10 times worse than DoA:XBV.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 8/20/2004 12:41:08 AM >

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RE: Guy games, can sex sale? - Aug 20, 2004 02:57
Leisure Suit Larry is a pretty decent franchise nothin new really, I think hes been around since the 80' s. As for Playboy...ya that seems pretty useless.

The Guy Game sort of seems like " You Don' d Know Jack" and " Girls Gone Wild" mixed together, it could be a good party game however Im sure ppl can go out and find a much more real expeirence on their own...some ppl at least

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RE: Guy games, can sex sale? - Aug 20, 2004 14:22
i think it depends on the game.

the old leisure suit larry games i like verry much. not becouse of the " sexy" content, but just for the humor.

a game like dead or alive xtreme beach volley works for me too, becouse of the gameplay from the game is also rather good. also you can gamble in the casino at night. the only thing i dislike in the game is that whole " buying pressents for each other" crap. this makes the game feel like a " barbie game for grown ups" . all in all, those barely dressed woman look good in the game, but it whas not the reason for me to buy (and keep) the game.

the bad examples would be that XXX bike riding game. i' d rather play tony hawk 3, 3, or underground.

anny playboy game sucks too. anny gamer likes content. but if i want to watch at lovely woman, i' d prefer to buy the playboy, instead of buying a playboy game.

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RE: Guy games, can sex sale? - Aug 23, 2004 18:15
Sex does help sell videogames, but it just doesn' t replace the real thing!!!

Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.

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RE: Guy games, can sex sale? - Aug 23, 2004 19:09
First of all, I would like to say that DoA: XBV is great fun to me, and has been since the day I got it a year and a half ago. It' s a niche, " relaxation/leisure" game first, and a sports game second, which is something most critics failed to realize. I like the volleyball in it, I like my custom soundtracks, I like the location, and yes, I like the chicks. It' s fun.

As for this " guy game" stuff, developers are going to make a crushing mistake if they think that sex will sell in the video game world the same way it sells in the movie world. Sure, it will HELP, but it won' t help enough. Games are INTERACTIVE, and if the gameplay sucks, it won' t sell well...just like most every other video game in existence.

The novelty of naked chicks in a game will wear off relatively quickly, especially when there are tons of better games to play and tons of REAL porn at just about every turn.
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RE: Guy games, can sex sale? - Aug 23, 2004 19:21
Plus you' ll never get anyone to admit that they found a group of polygons that make up a video game chick " like totally hot" . ;) The same is somewhat true of anime " chicks" .

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RE: Guy games, can sex sale? - Aug 23, 2004 23:27
lol, erm... I had a massive crush on Claris back when I was a kid (the girl in Nights) and then Candy (from Fighting Vipers). Alas, it' s true. But was aware they were polygons and it was a stupid adolescent thing.

Sex does seem to sell video games though. if it didn' t why would most games go out of their way to include buxom girls with bodies to die for?

Final Fantasy X-2 is guilty of this... aimed at the male RPG loving fans of Japan and the world to sell by the bucket-load. I' ve not played it so don' t know if it' s any good but it defiantly looks like the kind of game to attract players for more it' s looks and girls than game play.

There’s a new wrestling game on the horizon too, Rumble Roses. It features ' hot looking chicks' , humiliation moves and a mud wrestling mode. While the game is said to have pretty solid game play I doubt anyone who buys it will be looking for a hardcore wrestling game.

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RE: Guy games, can sex sale? - Aug 24, 2004 01:56
Im with Fathoms. Adult themes and content are okay as long as they compliment gameplay and dont replace it. And yes, you will find someone to admit it. I have (many times) admitted to finding and anime or videogame girl cute, but never " mind blowing" . And really, who will buy the guy game? $50 for something like this? I would be willing to bet you would get " more bang for your buck" if you bought a pornographic movie. And Paul, FF X-2 is just like any other FF game. So if your into that kind of game you' ll like it regardless of the women.
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RE: Guy games, can sex sale? - Aug 24, 2004 02:15

Sex does help sell videogames, but it just doesn' t replace the real thing!!!

True that. Sex could never replace videogames.

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RE: Guy games, can sex sale? - Aug 24, 2004 03:41

Final Fantasy X-2 is guilty of this... aimed at the male RPG loving fans of Japan and the world to sell by the bucket-load. I' ve not played it so don' t know if it' s any good but it defiantly looks like the kind of game to attract players for more it' s looks and girls than game play.

FF X-2 is NOT guilty of this. Read my review here at Kikizo for the in-depth look; I' ll be brief here.

The combination of the fastest FF battle system ever and the now-classic Job system implemented into FF X-2 provides one of the most startlingly action-packed formulas ever in an RPG (especially an inherently turn-based one). The game features three females in the lead role, but this doesn' t mean that it' s geared toward males; if anything, it' s geared toward females with its underlying theme of " girl power."

It was not as good as FF X, but then again, not much is. I played the game from start to finish, got 96% completion, and started a New Game +, totaling well over 60 hours. I don' t do this unless the GAMEPLAY is stellar. The graphics, especially the cut-scenes were indeed stunning, and the girls are certainly cute, but that' s not an issue. Anyone who tells me it is needs to point out an overweight, balding, short, and overall unappealing male character in a video game.

In the end, games like BMX XXX and FF X-2 are GALAXIES apart.
< Message edited by fathoms -- 8/24/2004 3:42:11 AM >
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RE: Guy games, can sex sale? - Aug 24, 2004 03:47
I don' t think sex can really sell a game. I don' t see myself buying a game because of that. Or maybe I just don' t see many games like that. I really liked Fear Effect 1 and 2. Maybe if they also did games with same sex oriented. That could sell fairly good. Like Fear Effect. Maybe a game about homosexuals... or maybe not who knows what other games are out there like that? I would like to know.