While there' s something to be said for freedom of expression in movies or games, you' ve got to wonder how much of this was Rockstar being artistic, & how much was just them trying to push the envelope to gain notoriety.
I like Hitman & Gears of War as much as the next man, but I think eventually you have to draw the line.
There are those who will say, " well I' m a responsible adult and I should be able to play that!!!" And they' re absolutely right. The problem is, there' s tons of adults that simply aren' t responsible and mature enough to separate fact from fiction.
Am I saying that immature teenagers and young adults are going to use Manhunt 2 as a simulator for a murder previously planned? No, but if you immerse an emotionally underdeveloped with violent tendencies in more violence as creative as that found in Manhunt (that' s not exactly a compliment either), there' s bound to be some subconcious retention. I.E. Well that' s what
I' d do if I had to hurt somebody.
You can' t say there aren' t folks like that out there either. Dumb, angry, violent & highly influencable. They exist, whether it be at the pub, or outside of the local 7-11.
The game should be released, but I really don' t see the point in toning down the violence to achieve an M-rating. Sawing somebodies head of with a pocketknife is just as deranged with a little blood as it is with jugulars gushing ( I can' t actually say that somebody gets their head sawed off with a pocketknife, but it' s as creative as I let myself get

< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 21 Jun 07 13:38:30 >