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I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 05:59
As great as games have been in the past 7 years, CD' s, DVD' s and Blu-Ray just don' t do it for me. I want carts back!
Iad umboros
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 06:01
yeah my Shadowrun is scratched and I actually paid for that one!
***flyingsaucersdisguisedasmushrooms*** ***mushroomsinvadingfromouterspace***
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 07:57
crats had a certain charm, at the expesnisve of our collective wallets... 8megs FTW!
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 08:16
yeah my Shadowrun is scratched and I actually paid for that one! If i were you I would either swap it with a rental or pull a walmart switcharooo
Joe Redifer
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 08:30
No PS3 Bl00-ray disc can compare to the might of the 8 Mega Power of Sega carts. And let' s not forget Neo Geo cartridges... they were bigger than your house!
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 08:44
Just because of this I' ve decided to put off the much needed cleaning & play a round of Super Mario 64.
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 09:19
You' ll still have to clean the cart though. I always have to blow before I go.....
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 09:25
I think eventually we will end up back at a cartridge like form for games. Solid state memory is advancing quite quickly, with solid state hard drives now getting beyond 160GB. While they still aren' t in the price range of mortal people, give it few years time and market saturation should get the prices to acceptable levels. Either that or it' ll be all digital distribution but realistically I don' t think the bandwidth capabilities are there yet. I too loved the good old days where if your cartridge didn' t work, you simply blow air onto cart and presto it worked again!
Joe Redifer
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 10:49
Blowing on cartridges really isn' t a great idea. Your breath has lots o' moisture. Moisture=bad for carts. If a cart isn' t working when you turn on the power, try re-orientating it' s position in the cartridge slot and flip the power on again. If that doesn' t work, clean the cartridge contacts (and slot) with sandpaper.
Agent Ghost
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 10:51
I think it would be really cool to go back to solid state as well, if only for obscene data transfer rates. It would be easy to have a 16GB card, or whatever size the game needs. The only problem is making them cheap enough. They would make piracy much more difficult so maybe the industry wouldn' t mind the added cost. Majik did you get a damaged 360 disc?
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 19 Jun 07 2:51:29 >
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 10:56
I think in the future when everyone has high speed internet, they should make it where you buy games like you do on XBLA
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 11:09
You' d need massive 1TB+ HDDs as well as far more than fiberoptic connection. We' re not there yet. Maybe in 15-20 years though. I' m a big fan of solid state. For the most part they' re quite idiot-proof. I think with the current technology, and a lot of component cost reduction it' d be a pretty safe way to go. Blowing on cartridges really isn' t a great idea. Your breath has lots o' moisture. Moisture=bad for carts. If a cart isn' t working when you turn on the power, try re-orientating it' s position in the cartridge slot and flip the power on again. If that doesn' t work, clean the cartridge contacts (and slot) with sandpaper.
It' s not about getting the game to work, it' s about the experience. I keep a copy of the Tiny-Toons game around just so I have something to blow the dust out of when I get retro-lonely.
Joe Redifer
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 14:34
I' m not a big fan of downloading games and not having a physical copy (unless it' s free), but I am a fan of solid state memory... no moving parts, save feature built right in with no battery to die. I agree we' re not quite there yet, but having all memory in a game instantly accessible would open up many new gameplay possibilities. Loading from discs? Teh ghey.
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 15:04
You can buy games via download. You can do it on Steam and other places too. Most of the time with PC games when you install the whole game ends up on your hard-drive anyways. 10 mbs internet is fairly common now days, you could download a 4GB game in a little over an hour with that. Fiber optics used in South Korea and the likes are ten times faster than that. 320 GB hard drives are sold for less than $100. I think next gen consoles will have online distribution for games, maybe have options to use optical media too, but you' ll definitely be able to download the games straight to your hard-drive.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 19:16
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Majik did you get a damaged 360 disc? Nah, i just don' t like discs.
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 19:29
I love Mini Discs and UMD' s! Hate me all you want, I will not hide my love
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 19:53
As great as games have been in the past 7 years, CD' s, DVD' s and Blu-Ray just don' t do it for me. I want carts back! Spam  [:' (]
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 19:53
We need more carts!!! It would sure as hell save us having to dish out on memory cards or SD cards every so often. Plus, it' s a lot more satisfying to rip the cartridges out of the console, in my opinion.
< Message edited by Marink -- 19 Jun 07 11:55:27 >
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 19, 2007 19:55
We need more carts!!! It would sure as hell save us having to dish out on memory cards or SD cards every so often. Plus, it' s a lot more satisfying to rip the cartridges out of the console. SPam.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 20, 2007 00:42
I never want to see the day when every thing is downloaded. Downloading is way more hassle than just getting a real copy..
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 20, 2007 00:48
I have some good old Sega Master System carts that have been through hell and back AND still work with a little blow.
Currently playing: Korg DS 10 (ds) / Metal Slug 7 (ds) Rhythm Heaven (ds) / Fire Emblem (ds) Super Stardust HD (psn) / Virtua Fighter 5 (360) FSX (P
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 20, 2007 00:52
the blow is priceless, yeah so many times i missed carts when my gaùe won' t play because of scratches, or when the console lens starts screwing up... years ago all you need is a blow
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 20, 2007 02:53
I like the idea of heading up to my local game store, browsing the shelves & shooting the breeze with the employees I talk to. There' s a reason mail-order never replaced window shopping. Sometimes it' s about the experience more than the outcome.
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 20, 2007 07:02
I' ve bought and dl' d loads of games over the net, and it' s actually a lot easier. Too easy, that sometimes I buy games I dont actually want! It' s cheaper for the developer without all the restrictions of having to pay to be green-lighted by publishing companies and then competing for shelf space. As long as those benefits reach the consumer then its all good. The only drawback is that you never really feel as though a game is really ' yours' , if that makes any sense. Having a chunky physical representation of something that you can unwrap and plug in just feels good, rather than just getting a new icon on your desktop...
< Message edited by choupolo -- 19 Jun 07 23:05:28 >
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 20, 2007 07:13
I like the idea of heading up to my local game store, browsing the shelves & shooting the breeze with the employees I talk to. Thats usually the worst part of my experience when i go to my local game stores
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 20, 2007 21:36
Despite, treating them with a lot of care I always worry about damaging my discs. Carts on the other hand can go through hell and still survive!
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 20, 2007 21:42
quote: I like the idea of heading up to my local game store, browsing the shelves & shooting the breeze with the employees I talk to. Thats usually the worst part of my experience when i go to my local game stores It definately depends on where you go. Our local Gamecrazy & all the local Gamestops are managed by stoners or 30-something out-of-work Ford employees. The EB Games I go to actually has competent human beings behind the counter. There are certain advantages to knowing the clerks by name though, I got to play the Wii the first day they got a unit in, instead of a week later like everybody else was forced to wait!
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 21, 2007 02:35
And let' s not forget Neo Geo cartridges... they were bigger than your house! And cost just as much!
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 21, 2007 06:50
It definately depends on where you go. Tell me about it ... I have to go 2 hours away to get competence from game shop employees
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 22, 2007 09:25
Bummer dude.[:' (]
Chee Saw
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 22, 2007 10:58
I don' t think cartridges were that great, actually. I mean, yeah, there were no load times, but the fact that there was always eventually some malfunction between the cartridge and the slot sucked. Also, I like having dvd cases. They look nice and neat on the shelf. To be honest it' s probably because I' ve never had even one problem with a scratched disk or anything like that. Of course I keep my disks in pristine condition, as well as my hardware. And we ALL know that solid state storage is too expensive to be considered. I mean, yeah, they may drop drastically in price, but will they ever be as cheap to produce as a dvd (or Blu-ray, eventually)? Probably not. So in I can manufacture a game on a 2¢ dvd, or put it on a $10 memory card (or flash drive, or whatever). Which one would YOU choose if you weren' t a game-player, but a manufacturer?
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 22, 2007 11:57
Bummer dude. Yeah, but i always have my cousin at walmart. Thats much less frustrating than arguing with gamestop [:' (]
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 22, 2007 18:07
Seriously, why would you talk to gamestop/whatever employees?,I know about 10 times more about games than them.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: I want carts back!
Jun 23, 2007 02:10
Seriously, why would you talk to gamestop/whatever employees?,I know about 10 times more about games than them. Thats the thing, I prefer not to, but they' re like car sales men, they want you to buy half the store. Any time I purchase a game thats on multiple consoles they feel that they need to point out that its on other consoles, then they try to get me to get that version [:' (]