Adam Doree
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New Xbox Design Revealed!
Mar 19, 2003 00:17
Well not really. (Sorry).  But this leads me onto my question, what do you expect the new-look Xbox (reportedly to be unveiled at this year' s E3) is going to look like? What did you think you were going to see when you clicked into this topic (provided, of course, you bought my BS headline)... Discuss!
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Mar 19, 2003 01:35
I think it will look the same, except it will be smaller. Just imagine the same Xbox, but smaller, maybe a bit more streamlined too
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Mar 19, 2003 16:55
Of course it will be a more streamlined design, and as a result, it will kinda resemble the old PSX.[with the air channel groves on the sides] It will remain a front loaded machine and will probably be available in different colors to accompany the up coming colored controllers. It would also be nice if they went ahead and implemented DVD playback without needing the remote kit. We shall see!!!
< Message edited by HELLBENT -- 3/19/2003 4:56:28 PM >
N.O.R.E.2? Who the hell is he?
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Mar 19, 2003 17:38
A lot smaller and lighter. Microsoft may go as far as a flip top lid to really cust the price of the system.
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Mar 20, 2003 16:03
I hate you Doree damn false thread advertising
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Mar 21, 2003 22:10
False Advertisement....I' m reporting you to the Better Business Buerreau, oh wait, you' re not American. I' m reporting you to the U.N. Securirty Council, oh wait, they' re powerless.....well...well, I' m reporting you to President Bush! Tremble in fear.
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Mar 23, 2003 14:26
That topic was pure evil Adam. The size doesnt really bother me, but I really want them to make it lighter as its just to heavy to carry round to my mates!!
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Mar 24, 2003 03:11
LMAO at Skurf!
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Mar 30, 2003 16:55
Yeah, it' s definitely going to be lighter, considering that there won' t be a HDD installed in it. It probably will look the same as has been mentioned but just smaller. My guess is that there will only be two controller ports as well.
Beef Shala
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Apr 01, 2003 15:57
What!!! No HDD. That is part of what makes the X-Box the X-Box. Where did you hear that there won' t be any HDD? Post that link plz. What I would like to see going forward in all consoles is wireless controllers. Wireless is the next thing and I am tired of untangling controller wires!
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Apr 02, 2003 01:13
There will be a HDD in every xbox console. Actually Microsoft has been denying any new smaller version of the Xbox is in production. I guess we' ll see at E3. The new OxM has some pretty cool ideas for what a new version could look like though.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Apr 06, 2003 16:25
Uhm, why even bother with a new design? Sure other consoles has got their intestines modified to make them cheaper to manufacture, but would not a redesign of the appearance this soon be sort of an admission that the design was faulty to start with?
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Apr 07, 2003 10:57
Well I' m sure they' ve greatly refined the inside but if they really are going to drop the price they need a flip top lid.
The flat shaded polygons are much more rounded here...
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Apr 09, 2003 00:03
I should hope that the design shall be more lap-top esque. With a mobile " 2.5 HD, alot thinnner, but still keeping all the same hardware functions of the original design. Of course, it would be really cool if it looked like the first unveiled prototype in the big " X" design! Thats highly, highly unlikely though! oh and a variety of colours!
Grey Fox
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Apr 09, 2003 07:27
ADam, what happened to Sega web, ??? I used to hang out there until last summer then poof, you guys went under. Do you still talk to Luna??? Tell her i said hi!
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Jun 21, 2006 08:33
Y' know, Microsoft SHOULD have revised the original Xbox hardware like Sony did with both PlayStation and Playstation 2. I know Microsoft hardly need the money that they would save on every machine sold but it would have been nice for the end users. They really do need to do it with 360, and before Sony manage to majically shrink PS3 too for it to have maximum effect.
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Jun 21, 2006 08:38
Yeah, it' s definitely going to be lighter, considering that there won' t be a HDD installed in it. It probably will look the same as has been mentioned but just smaller. My guess is that there will only be two controller ports as well. If you' re gonna post something that out there, then lets get some links... and out of curiosity, what makes you think there' ll be only two controller ports. What game console do you know of that downsized the number of controller ports in their slimline or updated model? Wouldn' t that take the whole point out of updating? That is to say, making things better? I doubt Microsoft would change anything too fundemental, like color or basic design. It' d be nice to see someone steal from Sony for a change though, and make it look just like the previous one, only flip top.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 21 Jun 06 0:40:33 >
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Jun 21, 2006 08:43
Eddie, ...i bumped a thread from 2003. I don' t think that guy is with us anymore and i' m presuming (because the date of the thread precedes the Xbox 360 announcement) that the original topic was about the original Xbox. Fortunately for us all though, we no longer havd to worry about controller ports at all, with everything gone wireless...
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Jun 21, 2006 09:15
Man, how did i miss that one?  The only other people I know on this thread are you and Rampage. See this is what summer does to me. No school to worry about, and my brain starts to shut down. Fortunately for us all though, we no longer havd to worry about controller ports at all, with everything gone wireless... While wireless is my favorite way to go in most situations, there' s always that fear of your battery dying out in the middle of a firefight. It' s why I don' t play Metal Gear Online with my Madcatz controller anymore.  Hopefully Sony, or another third party, makes the equivilent of the 360' s play & charge kit for the ps3. Even though it' d be a little impractical, and definately late in its lifespan, a slimline Xbox would be pretty sweet. But I' d rather have the 2 pound and 1 inch thick 360 first.
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Jun 21, 2006 17:51
Well if MS consider a new redesign on original xbox, they sure well take an example of Sony' s way of both the PSone and PS2 design, little, lightweight, and some key componet out of the box, yes I' m guessing it' s the HDD, if for some reason they decided to make 2 sku units, one with the HDD and one without. In the other hand, they might not even make a redesign, because of the new wave for next-gen gaming, MS rather persue whats ahead of them then going back to the past. As far as I know there are plenty of original xbox out there that are still being left in bestbuy/target/EB and other electronic shop, with the lack of sale why on earth would MS would want to release a redesign of the original xbox, since they aren' t selling enough units to regain the profit to produce new design(I know that MS owns billions). It' s best to let MS continue the goal of next-gen platform, and produceing more 360 unit' s by the holiday, some developer are already switching to develope next-gen and cancel current-gen. Alright everything here is base on my opinion, and I do not have any hard-facts about artical are anything written upon MS.
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Jun 21, 2006 18:56
Is it just me or is someone necromancing on dead threads???
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Jun 21, 2006 20:03
ORIGINAL: Tiz Is it just me or is someone necromancing on dead threads??? Well I didn' t notice that this thread was already dead, so I didn' t want to resurrect dead threads, it' s just that the topic intrested me, so I want to place my opinion. Hmm every thread has a topic, then everyone switch gear into off topic, then the page goes on and on, so once the thread is missing it' s topic then it becomes a dead thread, alright now I seem to understand in some way, I just don' t want to post in a dead thread, next time I shall check the date and time which a thread was made. I will not be necromancing again.
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Jun 21, 2006 20:40
He' s talking about me. I like old threads from way back in 2003 when there were only about 10 members (i wasn' t one of them obviously). While i pointed out that the original thread was about the original Xbox, that console is DEAD now. There would never be a slim version now. But we can turn the topic into one about what you would like to see chhanged in revised versions of 360...
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Jun 21, 2006 22:38
I think the new Xbox will be Called Xenon Bacause I love that Name, Halo 3 and Shenmue 3 will be a launch titles, it will be smaller but still have the big X on top of it, it also will have a 160Gb hard drive. And Duel HMDI.And Seven Controllers.And Sipder Man Text. And one of those HD-dvd drives.And Xbox Live 2 [which will be remained ' Wii Live' as we are playing together].And It will be fully backwards compatable with every xbox games. And Neo Geo too. Every time you boot it up, it will load Windows. And you have to put cash into the disc drive just to play it. JUST LIKE THE ARCADES! and even a sweaty guy called Steve comes around to empty it every thursday. I think I' ll preorder.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Jun 22, 2006 02:39
I' d definately like to see the power brick get smaller. Right now it' s as big as the trapper-keeper from Ghostbusters, and a total pain to lug around. Although it' s great as a hand to hand weapon.
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Jun 22, 2006 05:01
I agree with Eddie on the powerpack, as I' m sure most 360 oweners do. They should ditch the core pack entirely, and put in HDDVD. I can' t figure out why it didn' t have one in the first place... oh, wait I just saw the price of the PS3.. maybe that was why!
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Jun 22, 2006 07:40
console owners (me included) dont know how good they have it - at the end of hte day if you have a power hungry device its oging to need a powerbrick these days, unles syou build it in. Think of a PC' s powersupply, its generally massive (bigger than the brick too) for a typical 400w one. My Alienware has 400w external brick as big as the 360' s but twice as hot! Anthing with that much technology inside it isnt going to start using any less energy any time soon, until they make that sucker nuclear.... or hydrogen fuel cell or something!
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RE: New Xbox Design Revealed!
Jun 22, 2006 10:17
I think the new Xbox will be Called Xenon Bacause I love that Name, Halo 3 and Shenmue 3 will be a launch titles, it will be smaller but still have the big X on top of it, it also will have a 160Gb hard drive. And Duel HMDI.And Seven Controllers.And Sipder Man Text. And one of those HD-dvd drives.And Xbox Live 2 [which will be remained ' Wii Live' as we are playing together].And It will be fully backwards compatable with every xbox games. And Neo Geo too. Every time you boot it up, it will load Windows. And you have to put cash into the disc drive just to play it. JUST LIKE THE ARCADES! and even a sweaty guy called Steve comes around to empty it every thursday. I think I' ll preorder. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!! But in keeping with the now new title of the thread: But we can turn the topic into one about what you would like to see chhanged in revised versions of 360... I would like to see ummm... a bigger sized hard drive. Less initial problems with it. Shenmue 3. Um, i' ll think of some more..
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.