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Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 00:33
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 01:12
...f*ck off, anyone with half an iota of intelligence knows this crap to be nothing more than the usual bunch of retarded Christian f*ckers using videogames as an excuse to impose their religious brainwashing on the rest of society.. ....or do you think America to be the only western nation full of Christian fundamentalist f*cks?  ...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 9 Jun 07 17:20:01 >
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 01:24
Have you not read the article, it is saying that it has used the interior of the cathederal illegally nothing to do with Christians against games. Try reading before telling someone to Fuck off, it is a copyright issue not a religious issue you ignorant fuckwit.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 01:33
The game might be shit, but this is just retarded. It' s not like it' s a perfect representation, ...and if car, gun, aircraft, whatever manufacturers can' t do anything about similar but unlicenced models created and used in games then this Manshester Catherdal things is because of religious muppets.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 01:38
It does state clearly that no permission was gained to use the interior of the Cathederal, they thought they had, the church of england is quite strict on copyright, nothing more than that. Why is it that people jump on the religious anti gaming bandwagon, this is a copyright issue, and Sony have cocked up.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 01:40
Have you not read the article, it is saying that it has used the interior of the cathederal illegally nothing to do with Christians against games. Try reading before telling someone to *** off, it is a copyright issue not a religious issue you ignorant ***wit. ...i think you forgot your reading glasses, granpa ...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 9 Jun 07 17:41:42 >
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 01:48
I wish the buildings in Resistance were destructable.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 01:52
Oh look 2 American sites are reporting the news in the UK and look they are putting a religious spin on it! The other site is hardly a reputable source of newsworthyness. It is a copyright issue, you ignorant twerp.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 01:52
I live in Manchester. I might go and kick the shit out of the Bishop.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 02:10
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 03:05
You spell it Bishonen, you really are an ignoramus aren' t you, had Sony in the first place followed the letter of the law and asked to use a graphical representation of Manchester Cathederal, this would not have been an issue, they didn' t and so the Church of England are now complaining because of said depiction in the game, they are annoyed mostly because Manchester has a large gun crime issue and the Church in Manchester is trying to help young people to move away from that culture, and now that the Cathederal is depicted in an FPS it makes a mockery of what the church is doing, it is not a religious point. They are not saying games are evil or anything like that for once the Church is trying to help the community by helping to get people away from that gang culture.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 03:47
But it' s not like they' re bothered about the copyright, and it' s not like they can do fuck all about it.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 04:00
Granted, however I wasn' t making the point of " Oh look the Church are anti games." It was more a case of " Oh look Sony have made a cock up again, this time by not checking copyright laws." That nutjob Bishonen started all the religious crap, in this case the church would be justified (IMHO) in attempting to sue Sony because they are trying to do some good, in (if you were honest about it,) a pretty gun infested area, and having the church depicted as a battle zone doesn' t exactly help with what the church are trying to do.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 08:16
It' s The Church of England? Who gives two $h17s?
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 08:22
wasnt the Cruch of England Formed by King Henry the Eighth for the sole reason to divorce his wifes?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 09:21
Why is everyone picking up on the religion side of this? It just so happens that the Church of England is one of if not the biggest land owners in the UK, they do have influence, but that is not the point, the point is that Sony have put themselves in a position of ridicule again by not checking up on the copyright laws. I mean can you not see the headlines in the next couple of days? " God' s at War" , " Resistance of man Vs Creator of Man" . FFS you all sound like Jack Thompson wannabes but in reverse, religion has nothing to do with the reason why I posted this.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 09:37
You posted it because of the copyright thing, ...but their actual problem isn' t the copyright, ...that' s just a technicality that will go absolutely nowhere. The reason why this is even in the news is the religious issue. Should SCEA, as the games publisher have sought permission on behalf of Insomniac Games to use the building in Resistance? Probably. But nobody is interested in the copyright, and that includes the church. It' s just the only thing they have from a legal standpoint, and they know that it won' t go anywhere. The church and the media are bothered about the religious and moral aspects. Machester' s gun crime has gotten increasingly worse so they see being able to run through a poorly modeled digital recreation of Manchester Cathedral shooting aliens as sacrilegious. It' s bullshit.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 09:41
i partly agree with what you' re saying alijay but when the church is talking about copyright and suing a company for this matter " a game about alien using their church" , sounds a little bit too greedy for me, i would perfectly understand if they express their frustration and warn sony , but taking this all the way up to the court doesn' t seem right, it' s almost ridiculous and from a religion point of view they should be a little more forgiving...
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 09:49
Yes some of the media is picking up on the religious aspect of it but the BBC is picking up on the copyright and quite rightly on the gun crime side of things, it will be interesting to see what the " Real concerns" are when they speak on Monday, maybe then it will become a " Religious" point, but until that time, it is just funny that Sony have got the new PR guy in, and almost immediately he has to deal with something like this, which in all honesty shouldn' t have become an issue, had lawyers done their jobs properly! Irrespective of whether it is an accurate or a vague rendering of the cathederal, they still should have looked into it, especially when you are dealing with the Church, everyone knows how touchy they can get, " you can' t film this" or " take pictures of that" , yes it is bullshit, but again it is Sony leaving themselves open to be ridiculed in the media again.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 10:00
Ali it' s not Sony, they didn' t make the game, Insomniac Games made it. They' re the ones responsible. It would be unrealistic to expect Sony to notice the game has a church that looks like an existing one while testing and have the developers change it. Of course SCEA is liable being the producers. As Majik mentioned the ingame church isn' t a carbon copy of the real thing. You don' t need permission to emulate a likeness of anything. As long as they don' t have Manchester Church written in the ingame model they have no case whatsoever. Even then... This whole thing stinks. First of all the church has no buisness making judgment calls for society in public. The fact that the game is violent is irrelevant, but that' s their whole justification. They don' t want their image tainted. They' re just trying to throw their weight around and come off as having a higher moral standing. The funny part is they think their bullshit will hold up in court, LOL. The thing is, they don' t have a higher moral standing. The Church doesn' t understand the first thing about morality. They' re just a bunch of criminal assholes, just like the politicians and their lawyers representing them. ***ing greedy bastards.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 10 Jun 07 2:11:46 >
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 11:55
Bishonen is owning people today.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 19:51
No they are not owning anyone. Of course one thing overlooked by everyone including myself is that it puts the PS3 into the forefront of peoples minds, publicity albeit adverse will make the PS3 a talking point and this can in most cases boost sales, as stated in a follow up by the BBC it could indeed be a win win situation for both parties. As said earlier this weeks conversation between the 2 could make for interesting reading.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 20:00
they see being able to run through a poorly modeled digital recreation of Manchester Cathedral shooting aliens as sacrilegious. I thought the UK could use to get rid of some of it' s aliens. Sorry, bad joke, back to business. Correct me if I' m wrong, but didn' t Treyarch put the Empire State Building, Macy' s and a slew of churches in the Spiderman 2 map? Nobody got sued for that.  I usually wouldn' t take this side, but this is their idea of trying to take the moral highground. I can' t say I agree with them, but you can' t say that the person doing this wasn' t pushed by someone higher up. As far as most religious institutions go, one person can influence thousands. A handfull of bishops say they want to file a lawsuit? Folks downstairs file a lawsuit. This sort of thing rarely happens over here. (I' ve never heard of a movie or game being taken off the shelves because a Mosque Temple or Church didn' t like the fact that they were being used for filming.)
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 20:24
Your right we could do with getting rid of our fair share of Aliens. Yes other companies have as you say put landmarks into games, I understand that New Yorkers are not too happy about GTAIV using landmarks. But this does seem to smell of greed, although when both parties meet for talks on this, it will be interesting to see what the outcome will be, both sides will get something out of this of that there is no doubt.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 20:49
I can' t see The Church of England backing down unless litigation doesn' t go right for them (which it inevitably will), and we know Sony won' t back down, if that is who the lawsuit is being filed against.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 21:20
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 10, 2007 22:02
All I can say is this,ALIJAY SUX ASS,FUCK HIM. WHat a fucking fag.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 11, 2007 00:56
Why is that then Quez?
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 11, 2007 04:50
quote: ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated I thought the UK could use to get rid of some of it' s aliens. Very true. Hell, i even think i saw Gangsta last week, walking down the highstreet all blinged out courtesy of the state...
Lollercakes. Who knew people claiming asylum got complementary DS Lites.  Nobody here is still in contact with him are they?
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 13, 2007 00:51
Agent Ghost
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 13, 2007 01:37
" Chapman explained that there is a provision in the UK' s 1988 Copyright Designs and Patents act which " explicitly states that it is not copyright infringement to represent certain artistic works that are on public display" . This includes buildings and sculptures which are " permanently situated in a public place or in premises open to the public" ." I knew they had to have somehting like that written down somwhere.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 13, 2007 02:26
Judging by Resistance, I must say it' s a very nice looking church. :) However, if Manchester is having such a huge gun-problems, and it somehow offends them that Sony made such a offending replica, I don' t think the concerned people in Manchester should waste their time in court fighting Sony. They should be out on the streets picking up all the guns and ammopacks wich were just lying there. I saw how it looked in Resistance, and it' s no wonder there are gun-problems in Manchester, when just anyone who are abit depressed, and want to punish the world, can just go outside and search the sidewalks, and then be stocked up with a minigun, shotgun, and grenades.. I would very much like to show respect for Manchester, and it' s gun problems, and it' s church. Unfortunately respect has to be earned before it can be given. I think this is the wrong way to go about earning it, they are shooting at the wrong target when adressing their problems in this case, especially if it really is about guns and crime. I don' t think it has anything at all to do with this videogame, I think the source of those problems are much closer to home. :-/ Naturally, I really like that people give money to charity program, I also like it when Insomniac gives donates to Childsplay in other peoples name, wich they do in every second week during theyr podcasts. And I wouldn' t mind that large companies like Sony would be as generous as possible, in dealing with charitable organisations, however this case of ' forced' charity given in court, leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. Naturally, it' s a terrible thing that people are victims of gun crime, in Manchester. And offcourse Sony shouldn' t use those crimes to earn money, and they should offcourse be conciderate not to hurt anyones feeling when they make a game, based on an alternate version of history, in Manchester. However the church of Manchester, should also be conciderate.
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RE: Sony in Copyright issue
Jun 16, 2007 08:43