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Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 08, 2007 19:14
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RE: Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 08, 2007 20:45
A thanks,was gonna check majornelson sites tpnight but gonna dl the demo soon then,thanks man. I mean the overlord demo.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 09, 2007 01:03
When did Overlord go up as it wasn' t up last night, I am really impressed with Shadowrun though, shame it has been given such a bad rap.
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RE: Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 09, 2007 03:01
I agree. I downloaded the Shadowrun demo yesterday, and I have to say that I have been having a lot of fun playing it online. Gameplay is solid, controls are good, and I like the powers and abilites they give you as well. I also like the fact that at the beginning of each round you can spend your cash to either purchase Magic, Tech, or Weapons. Graphically this game reminds me a lot of Crackdown for some reason.
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RE: Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 09, 2007 04:07
I DL-ed Shadowrun this morning, haven' t had a chance to play it yet though.  I totally missed Overlord though, I' ve never even heard of it to tell the truth.
Mass X
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RE: Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 09, 2007 16:09
Both demos were pretty fun but I still cant quite form a solid opinion. I' ll probably just rent them.
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RE: Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 09, 2007 21:32
I downloaded the Shadowrun demo and well its good but not great. I like the magic aspect of it but the game just feels very ordinary. Its not as bad as some reviews say it is though. I definitely wouldn' t pick it over Gears and GRAW 2 online.
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RE: Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 09, 2007 23:40
Shadowrun' s training levels are driving me insane, and I haven' t downloaded Overlord yet.
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RE: Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 09, 2007 23:46
Shadowrun' s training levels are driving me insane, I know, the gliding is a bit of a pain.
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RE: Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 10, 2007 01:41
The only having 3 abilities is a bit of a let down, but other than that I quite like it, not sure it is worth a full price, seeing as it is cheaper on PC than 360 by about a tenner. Just been playing the Overlord demo and whilst the game looks promising, something makes me feel that this is an old game with a new spin, also the demo is a bit short as well.
< Message edited by alijay034 -- 9 Jun 07 19:09:14 >
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RE: Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 10, 2007 13:42
From what i played online of Shadowrun, i think im gonna get it. It sort of reminds me of a cross between UT and Counter Strike
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RE: Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 10, 2007 19:54
I would like to have sampled the Sp in the demo.
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RE: Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 10, 2007 20:59
SP? Shadowrun? You must be confused my good man. Shadowrun is a bit of a letdown, after playing it for a while, I' ve concluded that it' s easier to sit back with a Sniper-Rifle or pick folks off with your Assault Rifle than bother with re-mapping and memorizing all of your different spells and abilities. In the time it takes me to cast gust & put up one of those spiky meth-walls, I could have jumped around the guy & nailed him with my firearm of choice. I' ll give it another shot tonight, but so far I can see why the game got consistent 6s and 7s.
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RE: Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 11, 2007 01:00
I thought there was a SP campaign in Shadowrun? Nope just checked my mistake.
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RE: Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 11, 2007 17:30
I played Shadowrun on a friends 360 and I have to say that I think it might be a buy for me but I agree there will definitely be other games I want to buy first like CoD4 or Halo 3 etc.
Iad umboros
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RE: Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 12, 2007 08:45
I' d say Shadowrun is more there to tide you over until CoD4 and Halo 3 are released :) What are the thoughts on Overlord?
< Message edited by iad umboros -- 12 Jun 07 0:45:48 >
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RE: Overlord and Shadowrun demos up on XBL...
Jun 12, 2007 14:02
What are the thoughts on Overlord? I thought the cruelty was rather amusing