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Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 01, 2007 18:06
It may be June already, but nobody else has done a thread like this yet (I even checked the Search engine). So what are the 10 games you are looking forward to the most this year? Mine are, in no particular order: 1. Super Smash Bros Brawl 2. Super Mario Galaxy 3. The Darkness 4. Bioshock 5. Mass Effect 6. Timeshift 7. Blue Dragon 8. Rogue Galaxy 9. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl (UK) 10. Assassin' s Creed 2007 has only just begun. This will be one hell of a year! I would' ve included Crysis, but I' m not sure my current PC would be able to handle it. Oh, and don' t critisise other peoples' choices. That' s not the idea of the thread.
< Message edited by Marink -- 1 Jun 07 10:56:59 >
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 01, 2007 20:10
GTA 4 MGS 4 Assassins Creed pc GRAW2 Diablo 3 (whenever it ever comes out- I anticipate it every year) There are others but i cant type it now, time to get ready for work.
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 01, 2007 21:40
In no order Mgs4 [looking unlikely for 2007] Assassins creed Uncharted: Drakes Fortune Bia: Hells Highway Gta4 Rainbow six Vegas Home/LittleBigplanet Heavenly Sword/NGZ Mario Galaxy Devil May Cry 4 edit: forgot to mention shenmue 3 on moblie phones!
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 1 Jun 07 13:47:29 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 01, 2007 21:54
silent, there is not a single chance in a million that MGS4 will be released for this year. Assassin creed devil may cry 4 GTA 4 Mass effect Crysis Bioshock The darkness heavenly sword
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 1 Jun 07 13:56:43 >
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 01, 2007 22:07
Canadagamer kinda did a thread like this on the front page, but hey-ho. Forza 2 (not out here yet dammit!) (360) Mass Effect (360) Crysis (PC) GTA4 (360) DMC4 (360) Bioshock (PC/360) Assassin' s Creed (360) UT3 (PC) BIA3 (PC/360) Blue Dragon (360) HL2:Ep2+Portal+TF2 (PC) Eternal Sonata (360) ?PGR4 (360) ?Halo 3 (360) ?Alan Wake (PC/360) ?Stranglehold (360) ?Too Human (360) ?Jericho (360) Thats not 10, but thats everything!
< Message edited by choupolo -- 3 Jun 07 0:35:04 >
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 01, 2007 22:14
In no particular order. Lost Odyssey Assassins Creed Blue Dragon Ninja Gaiden Sigma Heavenly Sword Devil May Cry 4 Mass Effect Halo 3 Super Smash Bros. Brawl Little Big Planet
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 01, 2007 22:15
Shenmue Online PC Virtua Fighter 5 X360 PGR 4 X360 Blue Dragon X360 Devil May Cry 4 X360 Halo 3 X360 Assassins Creed X360 Yakuza 2 PS2 Seaman 2 PS2 NiGHTS Journey Of Dreams Wii( I don' t have a Wii yet!) Regards-Alimn
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 01, 2007 23:32
No Order Crysis Uncharted: Drakes Fortun LittleBigPlanet Bioshock Assasins Creed Heavenly Sword/Ninja Gaiden The Darkness Mass Effect Eternals Sonata (Trusty Bell) FF7: Crisis Core HL2 Orange Box IV I cannot count to ten. [:' (]
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 02, 2007 03:12
1. Unreal Tournament 3 - PC 2. StarCraft 2 (hey, there is a 1% chance it will come out this year) - PC 3. Halo 3 - X360 4. Crysis - PC 5. Quake Wars (when is that coming out anyways?) - PC 6. PGR4 - X360 7. Shenmue 3 (lol I wish) - X360 8. Unreal Tournament 3 - X360 (if it is really that good on 360 I may have to get it for 360 as well) 9. Virtua Fighter 5 - X360 10. ?
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 03, 2007 08:32
I just realised Marink, Timeshift? Really?
Agent Ghost
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 03, 2007 13:54
In no particular order Huxley (although I doubt we' ll see an ' 07 release) UT III (PC and/or 360) Halo 3 Crysis PGR4 COD4 Orange Box (mostly for TF2) Mass Effect Super Smash Bros. Brawl GTA IV
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 3 Jun 07 5:56:56 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 03, 2007 14:25
Here are the games I am looking forward to this year: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. That' s right, there' s nothing special at all coming out!
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 04, 2007 01:18
C' mon Joe, there has to be at least one game out there being made just for you..?
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 04, 2007 01:31
I just realised Marink, Timeshift? Really? Oh, and don' t critisise other peoples' choices. That' s not the idea of the thread.
< Message edited by Marink -- 3 Jun 07 17:32:00 >
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 04, 2007 01:32
In no real order cause it' s hard to pick Shenmue  would prefer 3 but online would do (would love to see Shenmue go on Wii Nintendo fans would appreciate it more than xbox fans) NiGHTS (and Alimn I do have a Wii  ) Metroid Prime: Corruption Supers Smash Brothers Brawl Mario Galaxy Project HAMMER (although I' m not sure if we' ll get it in Europe this year) Disaster: Day of Crisis (same as above) Resident Evil: Umbrella chronicles Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Yeah I know all Wii don' t own any other of the new consoles. As for pc there' s nothing that really comes to my mind.
Wii code: 2072 1110 4558 6538 Smash Bros Brawl: 1848-3246-8526 Mario Kart: 412452409500 Mario Strikers: 120360 413659 NiGHTS: 3737-8754-6785 PES 08: 4339-4437-7901 PSN: Demonoroth pm me if you add anything
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 04, 2007 02:08
I just realised Marink, Timeshift? Really? Oh, and don' t critisise other peoples' choices. That' s not the idea of the thread. Oops, heh. Was just asking though.
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 04, 2007 02:14
Metal Gear Solid 4 and Devil May Cry 4... that' s it, really.
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 04, 2007 09:45
Number 10:
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 04, 2007 10:22
Resident Evil 4 ( Wii) Freakin Awesome Game, Awesome Gameplay Metroid Prime 3: Corruption ( Wii) Mario Galaxy ( wii) The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass ( DS) Half Life 2: Orange pack ( PC) Nights ( wii) GTA IV ( PS3) Super Smash Bros ( Wii) Sega Rally 4 ( PC) Bioshock (PC) Edit: 11 games.. Blaa. so what.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 4 Jun 07 2:26:43 >
Currently playing: Korg DS 10 (ds) / Metal Slug 7 (ds) Rhythm Heaven (ds) / Fire Emblem (ds) Super Stardust HD (psn) / Virtua Fighter 5 (360) FSX (P
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 05, 2007 01:34
Mass Effect GTA IV Assasins Creed Prince of Persia Classic Too Human Halo 3 Super Mario Galaxy Splinter Cell: Conviction Quake Wars
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 05, 2007 01:51
I know it is only supposed to be 10 but damn there are far too many to choose from. Halo 3 Assasins Creed (360) Bio Shock Mass Effect Blazing Angels secret missions CoD4 Two Worlds Overlord ET Quake wars GTA IV MOH Airbourne Endwar(If it is released this year) Halo Wars (If it is released this year) Yes most are 360 but there are a couple of PC titles thrown in, could also add the following as maybes Battlefield Bad Company Kand and lynch Dark Messiah BIA UTIII Oh and not forgetting the usual suspects of FIFA 08 or PES 7
< Message edited by alijay034 -- 4 Jun 07 17:53:24 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 05, 2007 02:15
Dark Messiah This is already released for PC, unless you' re talking about the 360 version.
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 05, 2007 03:30
opps sorry meant the 360 version, also missed out the possibility of Fable 2 looking to be quite good.
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 05, 2007 05:06
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 05, 2007 08:43
ORIGINAL: Nitro 9: Thanks for that Nitro I forgot about No More Heroes. I' ll also pick up the remake of RE4 since I never played it before and Manhunt 2 should provide me with some entertainment when I' m pissed off and feel like killing someone
Wii code: 2072 1110 4558 6538 Smash Bros Brawl: 1848-3246-8526 Mario Kart: 412452409500 Mario Strikers: 120360 413659 NiGHTS: 3737-8754-6785 PES 08: 4339-4437-7901 PSN: Demonoroth pm me if you add anything
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 05, 2007 09:51
8: ...and a bonus No More Heroes gif... ...
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 05, 2007 09:54
1. Mass Effect 2. Bioshock 3. Assasins' Creed 4. Halo 3 5. GTA IV 6. Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway 7. Too Human 8. Virtua Fighter 5 9. Devil May Cry 4 10. Lost Oddessey If I had a PS3, Drake: Uncharted would have undoubtably made the list as would Heavenly Sword.
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 05, 2007 10:02
Warhammer Online is my most anticipated. Followed by Blue Dragon, Assassin' s Creed (though I think it may end up being crap), and Halo3. There aren' t any other 6 games I can list.
< Message edited by emofag -- 5 Jun 07 2:07:48 >
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 05, 2007 12:11
All Pro Football 2k8, Haze, and Uncharted.
Mass X
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 05, 2007 17:32
In no particular order: 1. Mass Effect 2.Splinter Cell Conviction 3.Unreal Tournament 3 4.Halo3 5.Mercenaries 2 6.Call of Duty 4 7.Assassin' s Creed 8.BioShock 9.Half-Life 2: The Orange Box 10.Brothers in Arms Total $600 before tax and additional games that didnt quitmake the list...
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 06, 2007 04:45
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 06, 2007 05:10
Total $600 before tax and additional games that didnt quitmake the list...
Gaming ' ain' t cheap. That still is a little frightening though.
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 06, 2007 05:20
well that would be £300 over here however 10 games based on the recomended selling price in sterling would be £400 or at current exchange rate would be $800
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 06, 2007 05:31
Gaming costs money and i spend waaaaay more in arcades than i do on consoles and i spend shitloads on console games... But then i spend as much on alcohol and clothes as games. Living in Canada should be interesting.
Dead Saint
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 06, 2007 05:36
No real order, GTAIV Assassins Creed Bioshock Too Human Eternal Sonata Mass Effect Splinter Cell Conviction Blue Dragon Overlord Kane and Lynch Dead Men and a fair few more.......
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 06, 2007 06:25
Gaming costs money and i spend waaaaay more in arcades than i do on consoles and i spend shitloads on console games Arcades? like video game machines? Which ones you' ve been playin recently?
Currently playing: Korg DS 10 (ds) / Metal Slug 7 (ds) Rhythm Heaven (ds) / Fire Emblem (ds) Super Stardust HD (psn) / Virtua Fighter 5 (360) FSX (P
Vx Chemical
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 06, 2007 06:28
Arcades? Arcades are dead here. Something was cool about the social aspeect of them though! i Loved NBA JAM! it rocked!
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 06, 2007 06:59
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 Gaming costs money and i spend waaaaay more in arcades than i do on consoles and i spend shitloads on console games Arcades? like video game machines? Which ones you' ve been playin recently? Strangely enough i play Tekken: Dark Resurrection more than anything else. I own Tekken 5 for PS2, Dark Resurrection for PSP and Dark Resurrection for PS3 and yet i spend a ton of money playing the arcade version on a regular basis. Other than Dark Resurrection though i play a lot of House of the Dead 3 & 4, OutRun 2, the Time Crisis and Silent Scope games, you can' t really pass up when you see them like Daytona USA/2, Scud Race and the King of Fighters, Samurai Showdown and Metal Slug games. Arcades own!
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 06, 2007 07:02
Lately I' ve realised that arcades are disgusting. Just imagine how many dirty hands have been on those arcade sticks and buttons. The next time I visit an arcade I' ll either bring some dedicated " arcade gloves" or some anti-baterial spray and a cloth to clean the stuff. Of course the staff probably cleans the machines but you never know how dirty the hands of the previous player was....
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RE: Your 10 most anticipated games of 2007?
Jun 06, 2007 07:14
ORIGINAL: ginjirou Lately I' ve realised that arcades are disgusting. Just imagine how many dirty hands have been on those arcade sticks and buttons. The next time I visit an arcade I' ll either bring some dedicated " arcade gloves" or some anti-baterial spray and a cloth to clean the stuff. Of course the staff probably cleans the machines but you never know how dirty the hands of the previous player was.... I' ve never really thought about that... Anyhoo... 6: