Summer I mean Fall Games
May 30, 2007 06:33
I figure with June just around the corner, that it might be a good time to go over some of the games that are coming out this summer that you are gearing up for, and also to over the ridiculous list of games coming out in the fall.
If there has been a post about this recently, then I do apologize, and you can just disregard this post.
1. The Darkness
2. Shadowrun
3. Two Worlds
4. Too Human
5. Bioshock
6. Blue Dragon
7. Mass Effect
8. Halo 3
9. Grand Theft Auto IV
10. Unreal Tournament 3
11. Eternal Sonata
12. NHL 08 (I live in Canada)
13. Assassin' s Creed
14.Mercenaries 2
15. Half-Life 2 Orange Box
16. Kane & Lynch
1. Ninja Gaiden Sigma
2. Heavenly Sword
3. Warhawk
4. Killzone(That is if it makes it our this year)
1. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
2. Mario Galaxy
3. Super Smash Brothers
I know, I know, there are a lot of 360 games I put in there, but as you know a lot of them are multiplatform, so they could be in either the PS3 catagory or 360 catagory.