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 Haze, a ps3 halo killer?
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Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 08:41

this titles looks very promosing and graphics look much better than what halo 3 offer, now from Free radical which is the developer of time spliter and some of them developed the almighty Golden eye, i' ll expect some quality gameplay as well.

there is a co op mode 4 players . awesome.
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 08:58
Halo killer? get real ffs.
Was killzone also a halo killer ABoU?

And was Timesplitter serie that ?
Hell no.

Also the game is gonna come out for 360 and pc.
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 09:04
nope it' s an exclusive, at least for now, sony just brought up its wall and signed a big fat check.

it' s the website that said it looks very promising. and 4 players co op is fantastic.
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 09:11
omg! another halo killer thread. i' ll make this simple....


Every other game labeled as the next " Halo killer"
Ninja Dog
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 09:14
Aww, he' s so cute!
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 09:15

there is a co op mode 4 players . awesome.

It only works if you got a friend on your console,which sux,then basically its like 2 player co-.op.
Cause you wont be able to talk with the guy playing at some friends house over internet.
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 09:28
please cut the fucking crap about halo all right, you' re talkinga bout this game like it' s a legend or something, i don' t know about the multiplayer but the single player , that' s way overrated, i played the first one which was good but nothing extraordinary at all and the second halo was very disapointing.

The Mega Cartridge
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 09:30

i don' t know about the multiplayer but the single player , that' s way overrated

That' s the problem right there, all of the appeal for 95% of players is in the multiplayer. At least, all of the appeal that makes both the first and second ones enjoyable to play even to this day.
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 09:37
obviously halo 2 multiplayer is excellent otherwise it wouldn' t have so many addicts, i havent experienced it myself though .... you know this discution has been in so many threads before, my point was to talk about a game that might be real good but nobody noticed it. at least the graphics look very promising.
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 09:41
Cut the fucking crap yourself ABa,you think HALO 2 WOULD SELL 8 millionm copies if nobody loved HALO?

I could care less about your taste about halo,you seem to think any fps for sony consoles will be halo killers.

Well in your mind halo sux,so ofc any fps will be a halo killer,and thus we shouldnt listen to you,expect sony fanboys.
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 09:44

ORIGINAL: lotusson

omg! another halo killer thread. i' ll make this simple....


Every other game labeled as the next " Halo killer"

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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 10:12
Haze isn' t an exclusive!

It was shown at Ubisofts Ubiday in Paris a few days ago where Free Radical confirmed that it would release for PS3, 360 and PC, all by he end of the year.

There had been a rumour about PS3 exclusivity but it was bullshit.

See for yourself...

As for it being a " Halo-killer" ...every sci-fi shooter is referred to as being the next possible " Halo-killer" . Resistance was tagged as such and ended up sucking hard, ...but if anybody can put out a game that stands up to Halo 3 it' s Free Radical.

Saying that, Future Perfect was terrible (yes it was!), so the last good game they made was Timesplitters 2 (which was awesome!). I guess we' ll see.
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 10:30
I' ve nothing against timesplitters they were good fps,if not even more but halo class?
No,andt hats why they can' t get the same ratings or same amount of people who buy their games.

A lot of the people behind goldenye workd on rare true.
But what happend after they left?
Rare still did Perfect Darkm which was insane,and show that rare had and still has staff that knew how to do good fps.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 26 May 07 2:31:25 >
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 12:18

i played the first one which was good but nothing extraordinary at all and the second halo was very disapointing.

Actually , IMO, i thought halo 1' s SP was very extraordinary for its time and i still think its a good story line.
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 12:19

A lot of the people behind goldenye workd on rare true.
But what happend after they left?
Rare still did Perfect Darkm which was insane,and show that rare had and still has staff that knew how to do good fps.

hahahahahahaha lmfao, good one quez ... or was he serious?
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 13:23
mastachefbkw, I believe he' s talking about the original Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64.
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 14:44

mastachefbkw, I believe he' s talking about the original Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64.

Oh, my bad, i guess thats excusable. I thought he was talking about PDZ [:' (]
Ninja Dog
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 17:44

I could care less about your taste about halo

Same can be said for you...
I' ve got Halo , and Halo 2. From the Clips I' ve seen of H3, its nothing spectacular, mostly i think that it' ll sell to a largely M$ Fan-Boy population. It just doesn' t look to have anything that i can' t get anywhere else.

you think HALO 2 WOULD SELL 8 millionm copies if nobody loved HALO?

Many a game have sold well but actually been rather pitiful excuses for games.

There had been a rumour about PS3 exclusivity but it was bullshit.

Yeah but thats not bad, it' s just the trend for everything to go Multi-P, but i believe they also stated that Ps3 will be the lead Development platform, so we may see a bit more of the " Potential" of the PS3.

Quez stop your bitchin' woman!
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 20:33

Oh, my bad, i guess thats excusable. I thought he was talking about PDZ

Well they also did PDZ.

Well it was dev for gc,xbox and then rushed for 360 at the same time as rare did the same thing with Kameo.

I dont consider PDZ or KAMEO bad games,I liked them,but was nothing epic about those titles though
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RE: Haze, a ps3 halo killer? - May 26, 2007 20:35

Same can be said for you...
I' ve got Halo , and Halo 2. From the Clips I' ve seen of H3, its nothing spectacular, mostly i think that it' ll sell to a largely M$ Fan-Boy population. It just doesn' t look to have anything that i can' t get anywhere else.

You idiot,you think the 8 million people who got HALo2 were xbox fanboys.
You saw nothing,but the others? wake up you dumbfuck,why do you think Halo3 already has 4 million pre-orders in NA alone.
You' re a fucking idiot man,You seen nothing from the story so far,or the campaign in SOLO,you seen some multiplayer from a BETA,it will be better in the finale game,but the beta is already really appreciated from gamers.
But most of the people who liked halo1 and 2 is after the story and the gameplay form SP which is unmatched.

Or all the ratings has been fakes,I dont care if you got halo or halo2.

Many a game have sold well but actually been rather pitiful excuses for games.

And Halo is supposed to be one of those?
Hah you ***ing fanboy,get a life you whiny disgusting sonyfanboy.People like you' re the lowest form ever," OH I HAVE HALO I DIDNT LIKE IT,ONLY HALOP FANBOYS LIKE IT!!!"
Hahahah *** off.

I pretty much got every game,that doesnt mean my view of certain games should be bothered to listen to if these game has a large fanbase and get good reviews,then there must be something good wiuth these games.

Same with Pokemon it sux,but kids love them and I can see why,thus the ratings and gameplay should be aimed towards them and people have to understand that instead of giving the game some critic.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 26 May 07 12:41:48 >
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