As for the animation. Looked good but also keep in mind it' s a trailer to promote the game of course they' ll put the best parts in it. Will just have to see how it turns out when you actually play the thing.
No shit Sherlock!
Forgive my smartassed existence.
And ' cause it seems like U might' ve missed it, Assasins Creed is for both Ps3 and 360, and there are Rpg' s on both.
Anyway' s, IF Assasins Creed gets even 10% as good as I WANT it too be, then I just might have to write in stone " Ubisoft is the greatest video game publisher/developer in D World!"
Anybody got any challangers to this blessing of a company?
(Firstparty developers doesn' t count, so Nintendo and Sony are ruled out! [:' (])
< Message edited by dionysius -- 24 May 07 23:44:37 >