Fable worship

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Fable worship - Aug 16, 2004 18:41
I have read probably every review for Fable that there is on Earth and have concluded that I now worship Fable. Have you seen the visuals? have you seen read the story? it is so damn compelling and original that I think I would give up almost anything just to be able to play it right now. I just want the gameing community to be ready for such a breakthrough in gameing history, this will start a new way of how games are made, an so we enter the 4th age of gameing " evolving, changing, intereactive worlds" age. I think everybody on this website should purchase Fable just for what Big Blue Box and Lionhead have done for us.

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RE: Fable worship - Aug 16, 2004 19:41
I don' t " worship" anything based only on previews.

Let me get my hands on the controller with the game on the screen in front of me, and then I can give you an accurate opinion.
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RE: Fable worship - Aug 16, 2004 20:02
Down boy!

Despite a game boasting a gen engine or innovative ideas, I try not to get too excited about it, unless it' s a sequel to a game that i enjoyed. Get too hyped up and when the actual game is released, there' s a possibility that you might be disappointed.

I will most likely be purchasing fable without trying out demos because its a Lionhead game and i havnt been disappointed by what mr molyneux has offered in the past, but despite that sign of ' loyalty' , fans should also be aware that this is a new venture for the company.
It could be great and it could also be crap.
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on a three wheeled shopping cart
sliding across the floor
avoiding kids and pots

Reaching for the games,
and taking out my cash
oh what fun will i have today
before my brain cells crash

couldnt fit

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RE: Fable worship - Aug 16, 2004 20:31
I think and I hope that Fable is going to be great. Even if the gameplay sucks (wich I doubt) I will still enjoy walking around in the locations they have created in the land of Albion. Even if it turns out to be a normal rpg...I wouldnt mind since I cant wait to play a rpg :P

I will buy this game the second it gets released and I cant wait till October.

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RE: Fable worship - Aug 17, 2004 19:07
Fable appears to be headed for ' greatness' ...

If all is as they (previewers) have indicated, then Fable should reach the status that Halo has already reached.

I acted in a similar manner towards the launch of the XBOX itself, but not so much towards the game side of things.

I too keep my eyes open for any and all reports concerning Fable.

Informed: Yes.

Worship: No.
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