especially your claim of distortions of the brain being labeled as a specific reason for sexual orientation.
Studies have clearly shown that homosexuals show signs of having a brain that is more like the opposite sex in the area that supposedly controls sexuality. You can deny it all you want but it' s a fact.
Trust me I' ve done my research. I also have a professor/doctor at my school who is a published author, that has lived in 13 countries (just to throw your American bias argument out the window) who is a psychologist, and teaches sexual education class (college level, no birds and bees bullshit). Since sex is her primary focus for studies homosexuality is a common discussion for her. She' s read all the research, all the reports, etc... nothing can conclusively explain what makes a person gay.
I think you' re being selective when it comes to what research you choose to believe in. You' ve chosen to believe in the person that has arguments that supports your own view.
Also, the research I' m talking about is relatively new, and while it cannot entirely explain the reasons for homosexuality, it is a clear sign that much of what controls our sexuality is determined before we are born. It' s a fact.
Of course, I might be selective too but at least I' m not saying a group of people are doing something wrong just because I have a different preference.
I say that someone is not guilty until the opposite has been proved. I have seen no proof that homosexuality in any way would be harmful to other people.
Now anyway, back to the quote I took from your post, let' s compare that with what Nitro is doing right now. He' s telling me I' m wrong. He' s telling me my beliefs are garbage. He' s making vast generalizations, picking out a certain group of people and attacking them and my directly. Yes it sucks. I' m sure it sucks for gay people to. I know it sucks for gay people to be hated. I' ve had plenty of conversations with my gay friends about it. Some things you just have to deal with. People are told they are wrong all the time. I' ve been attacked for my beliefs all my life, too. My gay friends and I complete accept each other' s opinion on the matter. It really boggles my mind that straight guys are sitting here getting all crazy about it when gay people are accepting my opinion.
There is a difference. You have an opinion or a belief that' s being attacked. Why do we attack you? Because we hate you? No, because through discussions your opinion might change.
Homosexuality can' t change. No matter how much you tell gay people are wrong, they can' t stop being gay.
That' s a very important difference between attacking ones opinions and ones sexuality.
On that note, you guys keep telling me just because I think somethings gross or disturbing doesn' t make it wrong. Well who decides what' s right and wrong? Why do you guys get to tell me I' m wrong for saying having gay sex is wrong? Just because you find my opinion mean or disturbing? Please... What gives you the right to judge me when I can' t judge others? Once again, hypocritical bullshit.
Telling what' s right or wrong is a difficult thing.
But the thing is, right or wrong is based on choices. Gay people can' t choose to become straight. I bet lots of them would if they could, just to stop hearing people like you telling them they' re wrong. But they can' t change.
We might say you are wrong about some things, but you always have a choice.
That' s what I think is the difference.
I' m not saying sex for pleasure was after religion. I' m just saying at its core, sex is for reproduction and should be viewed as such.
Humans have become much more than animals following instinct. We now choose what to do with our lifes. We are supposed to eat in order to get nutrition and survive. But you like good food don' t you? Or candy, donuts, soda, snacks? We have chosen to make eating to something more than just " surviving" and that' s what makes life worth living.
Even though the initial function of sex was to reproduce, it has become much more.
Give me it' s a reason acceptable to have sex without reproduction being the focus.
It' s enjoyable and stimulating.
That having gay relations are complete fine and acceptable
Because some people enjoy it and it doesn' t hurt anyone.
The core of my way of thinking is that the only reason something should be considered to be wrong is if it hurts someone.
Gay sex, as annoying and gross it can be, does not hurt anyone (unless someone is raped of course).
I really don' t want to think of two men being intimite with each other. I feel kinda uncomfortable with the thought but I do not consider it to be wrong. Because I know everyone is not like me. I cannot base my moral values on my own personal feelings. I have to take into account the way others think and how they work, both from a psychological perspective as well as from a biological perspecitve.
So your saying that no matter what someone can be diagnosed with homosexuality at birth? What happened to people having a choice? Personally i think that is impossible to determine what will happen
Theoretically, it is possible to diagnose the
probability of someone becoming homosexual from birth. Some scientists claim that they can tell if your gay just by seeing how your brain reacts to male feromones.
He' s stated that he doesnt hate gays, he just doesnt like their life style, which has nothing to do with him being a stereotype.
Saying someone is wrong when all they do is being something they cannot choose not to be is down right mean. Maybe he doesn' t hate them, but it' s just as bad as hate.
No, I don' t. As I' ve said this entire damn thread, I' m not okay with the act of gay sex. I don' t judge the people. Obviously you can' t read.
I' ll say the same thing. I' m not judging YOU. I' m just discussing one single opinion you have. Other than this I find most of your opinions agreeable.
Think back when humans lived in small packs and tribes, what if you have a struggling tribe of 30 people, with 10 able to healthily reproduce but 8 of them are faggots?
Gay people actually reproduce anyway. There' s a theory that when we lived in the wild gay couples would reproduce with a woman and let her give birth to a child. Once the child was born they would dump her and take care of the child themselves. The chances of survival for the kid would increase by more than 30% due to the strength of the second male compared to a couple of a woman and a man. Sounds weird that a gay guy would have sex with a woman but it' s actually possible. There has been sightings of this situation in certain animal societies.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 16 May 07 11:16:02 >