Anyone Getting Jumbled Text in these Forums?

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Adam Doree
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Anyone Getting Jumbled Text in these Forums? - Mar 17, 2003 20:52
Hey everyone, is anyone getting problems with jumbled up text and bad character coding like in this example? The example is taken from the general gaming forum, but I' m not getting this problem so is anyone else?

Please reply here if this is the same in your browser...

< Message edited by Admin -- 4/6/2003 12:54:15 AM >
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Adam Doree
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RE: Anyone Getting Jumbles Text in these Forums? - Mar 18, 2003 09:39
I have looked into it and the problem seams to be that the text is sent using UTF-8 encoding but the header nor the document states this, some browsers (IE 5.5, Netscape among others) makes an educated guess upon this whereas others (Safari, IE 5.0 among others) goes for what the w3 consortium says should be done which is ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) encoding.

Content-type HTTP header Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8, or adding:
<META HTTP-EQUIV=" Content-Type"  CONTENT=" text/html; charset=UTF-8" >
the the pages should sort out the problem.

Or otherwise one could use the HTML character reference entities present for representing characters, quite interesting if ASP' s server.HTMLEncode is not able to produce correct character encodings though.

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RE: Anyone Getting Jumbles Text in these Forums? - Mar 18, 2003 13:10
I have not encountered these problems thusfar.

Phear My Taste In Music

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RE: Anyone Getting Jumbles Text in these Forums? - Mar 18, 2003 22:11
i havent had a problem either!

But I do sometimes get an error due to my firewall in these forums
Sharan Dev Jain

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RE: Anyone Getting Jumbles Text in these Forums? - Mar 19, 2003 00:04
Yup. What PeyloW said.

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RE: Anyone Getting Jumbles Text in these Forums? - Mar 19, 2003 16:57
No I' ve not had any of those problems yet. The main site does seem to load rather slowly though.

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RE: Anyone Getting Jumbles Text in these Forums? - Mar 19, 2003 17:35
I had the slwo loading in the beginning, but I also haven' t encountered that for a while now. It is as fast as any other forum now. On my PC that is.

Phear My Taste In Music

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RE: Anyone Getting Jumbles Text in these Forums? - Mar 20, 2003 19:15
Thats what you get for being a cheapass Adam ..

I havent encountered these problems .. Yet .. Maybe its your stoneage Vaio ..
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RE: Anyone Getting Jumbles Text in these Forums? - Mar 20, 2003 19:57
Everything is clear from what I have seen.
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RE: Anyone Getting Jumbles Text in these Forums? - Mar 23, 2003 14:54
Agreed. Vaios blow.

The main site does a take awhile to load sometimes, as do the forums. It' s a temperamental thing I find. Or your coding' s *whack*. One or the other...

Not that my coding' s that much better mind...

Can we embed flash files in the forum?

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RE: Anyone Getting Jumbles Text in these Forums? - Mar 24, 2003 12:38
LMAO! Cool pic!

Phear My Taste In Music