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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 12, 2007 23:50
Instead, let' s talk about if the products are good or bad. Who cares if they' re innovative or not? But then how will nintendo fans brag about the wii' s INNOVATION!!!!!
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 12, 2007 23:53
Just wait till Mario Galaxy comes out and then you will all see what the Wii is capable of.
< Message edited by Duffman -- 12 May 07 15:54:55 >
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 12, 2007 23:54
But then how will nintendo fans brag about the wii' s INNOVATION!!!!! They won' t be able to do that anymore and will finally have to use some decent arguments. Just wait till Mario Galaxy comes out and then you will all see. You should live in the present, not the future. I might as well say, " just wait till Final Fantasy 23 is released on the PS5, you' ll see Sony is the best.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 12 May 07 15:55:56 >
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 12, 2007 23:58
You should live in the present, not the future. I might as well say, " just wait till Final Fantasy 23 is released on the PS5, you' ll see Sony is the best. Yeah the Wii sucks ass at present but all I am saying is that the best is still to come from the Wii. People shouldn' t dismiss it just yet.
< Message edited by Duffman -- 12 May 07 16:00:40 >
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 13, 2007 00:00
What if the same can be said about the 360 and PS3? MGS4, FFXIII, ICO-PS3 etc. Halo 3, Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect etc. This is a competitive industry, will Nintendo be able to keep up the fight?
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 13, 2007 00:09
What if the same can be said about the 360 and PS3? MGS4, FFXIII, ICO-PS3 etc. Halo 3, Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect etc. This is a competitive industry, will Nintendo be able to keep up the fight? Good point Ginjirou. Well Smash Brothers alone will sell consoles. But its not enough. We need more. We are still waiting for 3rd parties to take their finger out of their ass and actually make some good games. Well they are able to keep up the fight as we speak. The Wii is selling like hot cakes at the moment and thats with barely any good games so if it just manages to get a good library of games it should be well able to keep up the fight. But thats only ' if' . Whats your xbox live gamertag Ginjirou? Mines DuffMonkey if ya didn' t get it before
< Message edited by Duffman -- 12 May 07 16:16:38 >
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 13, 2007 00:20
I' ve never told anyone my Xbox Live gamertag. I barely play online. I' m a ninja, no one knows my face, my real name, my profession or my Gamertag. Besides, ginjirou was taken when I was creating my gamertag and it pissed me off
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 12 May 07 16:22:11 >
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 13, 2007 00:34
I' ve never told anyone my Xbox Live gamertag. I barely play online. I' m a ninja, no one knows my face, my real name, my profession or my Gamertag. Besides, ginjirou was taken when I was creating my gamertag and it pissed me off Ha ha thats ok Ginjirou. You should have called yourself ' TheREALGinjirou' .
< Message edited by Duffman -- 12 May 07 16:57:47 >
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 13, 2007 00:51
Just wait till Mario Galaxy comes out and then you will all see what the Wii is capable of. As long as they dont try to make it different from the other mario games i' ll be fine. All i want is a Mario 64 rip off, atleast they should be able to do that right
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 13, 2007 01:57
As long as they dont try to make it different from the other mario games i' ll be fine. All i want is a Mario 64 rip off, atleast they should be able to do that right mastachefbkw, No matter what Nintendo do, your still gonna rip it apart so STFU. Your a Xbox fanboy and always will be
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 13, 2007 11:33
And the plank of the week award goes to...
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RE: Miyamoto, what a fag.
May 13, 2007 14:43
Please kick these rampant fanboys from the forum, sure they post a lot but the majority of the posts are crap like this. I' d rather have less posts and more quality posts then posts like this. I' m sure that would attract more people in itself to have a community that isn' t just a bunch of 12 year olds spouting off nonsense that haven' t played anything but an xbox. Well, thats my opinion at least.
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RE: Miyamoto, what a fag.
May 13, 2007 17:30
Fanboys is a part of the forum experience. Our hate against them is what brings the rest of us together.
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 14, 2007 00:04
@ Miyamoto: is cheap, chump....
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 14, 2007 00:32
Please kick these rampant fanboys from the forum, sure they post a lot but the majority of the posts are crap like this. I' d rather have less posts and more quality posts then posts like this. I' m sure that would attract more people in itself to have a community that isn' t just a bunch of 12 year olds spouting off nonsense that haven' t played anything but an xbox. Well, thats my opinion at least. Agreed. Fanboys is a part of the forum experience. Our hate against them is what brings the rest of us together. Also Agreed
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RE: Miyamoto, what a fag.
May 14, 2007 01:45
Thats true, but we should at least filter out the blatant fanboys that just post stupid crap.. you know who i' m talkin about.
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 14, 2007 02:14
mastachefbkw, No matter what Nintendo do, your still gonna rip it apart so STFU. Your a Xbox fanboy and always will be Actually i like nintendo. I might be pro xbox, but thats just because Nintendo hasnt done shit since the 64 correctly and i dont like anything but GoW on Sony consoles. I' ll will stop " ripping" on nintendo when they do something correctly with the wii. And dont say shit about TP because its a fucking GC game. Dumbass, you need to get your facts straight
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 14, 2007 05:33
you guys are making such a huge deal out of this.
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 14, 2007 07:16
you guys are making such a huge deal out of this. I know. Its pretty much VF trying to start **** with me in every thread. Seriously, every thread if i say something negative about nintendo... or anything not xbox he has to throw his 2 cents into it. I might piss people off here and there in one thread, but to me, what happens in a thread stays in a thread.
< Message edited by mastachefbkw -- 13 May 07 23:17:14 >
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 14, 2007 08:24
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw I know. Its pretty much VF trying to start **** with me in every thread. Seriously, every thread if i say something negative about nintendo... or anything not xbox he has to throw his 2 cents into it. Please, if it wasn' t for the fact that you and Dan are related and the fact that i have a shitload of respect for him then i' d be far more critical of your dumb posts. In fact, i' d probably recommend people go back and read though the original post and then decide whether this is something that actually is worth being discussed....
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 14, 2007 10:27
Thats true, but we should at least filter out the blatant fanboys that just post stupid crap.. you know who i' m talkin about. See that button in the top right? If you don' t like somebody, appeal to the powers that be and wait for Quez to not get kicked off of the forums. He' s made too many decent contributions to the forum to be kicked off for having extreme views. People miss the majority of his posts points because English isn' t his first language. This discussion bores me mightly.  Miyamoto, f@g or not has made some amazing contributions to the industry & shouldn' t be discredited for one poorly-thought-out remark. Anybody disagree? If not I don' t see any point continuing to discuss Miyamoto' s sexual orientation.
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 14, 2007 11:01
Please, if it wasn' t for the fact that you and Dan are related and the fact that i have a shitload of respect for him then i' d be far more critical of your dumb posts. Wtf? Its not like im his kid or something. Feel free to criticize, i dont see where that should bother him any
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 14, 2007 11:20
spot on Eddie, spot on! I' ll admit his didn' t choose his words carefully though. But i' m pretty sure he meant no disrespect.
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 14, 2007 14:02
See that button in the top right? If you don' t like somebody, appeal to the powers that be and wait for Quez to not get kicked off of the forums. He' s made too many decent contributions to the forum to be kicked off for having extreme views. People miss the majority of his posts points because English isn' t his first language. This discussion bores me mightly. Miyamoto, f@g or not has made some amazing contributions to the industry & shouldn' t be discredited for one poorly-thought-out remark. Anybody disagree? If not I don' t see any point continuing to discuss Miyamoto' s sexual orientation. then let' s discuss how cigarette-ish he is, seeing as fag has more than one meaning.
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 15, 2007 00:29
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 15, 2007 07:12
[image][/image] wii makes me feel so manly....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 14 May 07 23:15:00 >
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 17, 2007 07:57
Both of your posts, lol-friggin-riffic!
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 17, 2007 08:21
PMSL, I knew bungie would see the funny side of things.
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 17, 2007 09:27
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
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RE: Miyamoto can *** himself,what a ***ing fag.
May 17, 2007 16:38
Wow the slow frame rate, the really bad music, just makes me want to plead and ask Miyamoto to make this version.....Please someone put the guy out of his misery.