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Damn Sony
May 05, 2007 04:35
So in anticipation to see spidey 3 today i thought I' d quickly go and pick up the game for my ps3. I went to the ps3 section and lo and behold, it wasn' t there. I checked another shop to no avail and asked the store clerk, He said it got delayed likely to the end of the month because of some bugs probably. Now i thought that don' t sound right, so i had a friend check and it seems spidey 3 is available on ps3 stateside... No surprise. It seems to me that the bastards at sony europe decided they didn' t have enough releases and likely delayed the game in order to have more titles more often. well fuck them if that is the case.. Euro ps store is lame, and now they can' t even give me a game based on a sony pictures film, with the same font from spidey/ps3 but i can go and get it on the wii and 360... I was looking forward to my first purchase since launch..
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RE: Damn Sony
May 05, 2007 05:30
Played the 360 version and fucking hated it. It' s easily less than average. I will NOT be buying any version of the game, ...ever. Crackdown > Spider Man 3
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RE: Damn Sony
May 05, 2007 05:32
Seen it played today, that camera certainly isnt doing it any favors, but I will judge when I play. and oh yeah, pseuro store sucks, it still hasnt the ninja gaiden demo up yet!
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 4 May 07 23:51:15 >
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RE: Damn Sony
May 05, 2007 11:57
I talked to Tiz today... well... yesterday for him now, & he said he rather liked it, although he is the resident Spidey freak, so I dunno, I' ll probably rent it sometime this week.
Iad umboros
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RE: Damn Sony
May 05, 2007 20:39
I' ve heard mixed reports, some folk I know really like it too (we' re all Spidey freaks). The weird thing is the onnly review I could find yesterday was one in the Metro??? It was like a paragraph, gave it 3 stars (out of 5) and saaid add another if you' re a fan. Crackdown > most 360 games  So if spidey comes close I' ll be happy. Have Activision told various websites to shut the hell up about this one for a week or two before it gets panned?
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RE: Damn Sony
May 05, 2007 20:53
Well, I for one have to disagree with SpiderMan 3 being a crap game. If you' ve only played it for 30 mins, you' re missing out on a helluvalot.. The Black-suit makes everything faster put it that way. Much faster. I' d say it' s pretty much a worthy purchase. CrackDown beats it cos of co-op. Haven' t seen the fil myet though, but I do like the fight with the Goblin in the game as Peter Parker. ¬¬ Did I say too much?
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RE: Damn Sony
May 05, 2007 21:45
Well after reading IGN' s review I' m far less interested in this game... the review made it sound awfull. But i just find it terrible how the game failed to get release in uk and presumably europe. not to mention if this game isn' t good enough to buy, when am i finally gonna have a new good game to play, sony have been really disappointing...
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RE: Damn Sony
May 05, 2007 22:51
It' s a game of a film of a comic. Why did anyone expect it to be good??
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RE: Damn Sony
May 05, 2007 23:02
It' s a game of a film of a comic. Why did anyone expect it to be good?? The second one was good.
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RE: Damn Sony
May 05, 2007 23:36
The second one was good. I liked the Spidey game on the megadrive...
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RE: Damn Sony
May 06, 2007 00:38
ORIGINAL: choupolo The second one was good. I liked the Spidey game on the megadrive... I loooooved " Spider-Man VS The Kingpin" on the Mega Drive. It was so cool that you could take photos and earn more money for your web. I always died at the electro-boss though Maximum Carnage was cool too.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 5 May 07 16:40:01 >
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Damn Sony
May 06, 2007 00:46
I loved Megadrive Spiderman too. Wicked little game. Also Sega' s System 24, Spiderman: the arcade game was just too funky. 
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 5 May 07 16:55:12 >
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RE: Damn Sony
May 06, 2007 01:18
Reminds me of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II The Arcade Game for the NES, which was awesome. Playing it with a friend beat everything else.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 5 May 07 17:19:06 >
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RE: Damn Sony
May 06, 2007 06:39
Reminds me of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II The Arcade Game for the NES, which was awesome. Playing it with a friend beat everything else. Is that one the " Turtles in Time" game?
< Message edited by immortaldanmx -- 5 May 07 22:40:11 >
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RE: Damn Sony
May 06, 2007 07:48
Been playing the game with HDMI on my PC at 720p and max quality. The game runs smooth at that,but not above,and it looks good,the control? Well I use my 360 wired controller and it works good,but the missions are boring,and the thrill of using the net and swinging goes away after 2 hours. 7/10 for me,as an game based on the movie it delivers for the die hard spiderman fans,but for anyone else this is a 6.5/10 perhaps...
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RE: Damn Sony
May 06, 2007 15:24
Is that one the " Turtles in Time" game? No, that was an SNES game