Thought I might take this opportunity to start a new creative thread, as well as
welcome back my regular days of Kikizo (hopefully).
This thread is mainly for videogame fan art, of course, keeping with Kikizo
tradition, it can veer off topic slightly, but the main body is fan art. Or any art
relating to videogames...
Firstly, I' ll get the ball rolling with a character I' m sure most will recognise and all
will love.
Hazuukiiiiiiiii RYO!!!
This was done in Photoshop 7.0 in about 8 hours, reference used the entire time.
I thought that it' d be great to have an immortalized version of one of the best videogame characters in history...
Told you, you' d all like it..
< Message edited by Tiz -- 2 May 07 20:52:15 >