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The what are you thinking about right now thread.
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Joe Redifer
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The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 02, 2007 13:42
I am thinking about making this thread and concentrating on not making any typos as I type this. I am also thinking about what other people could be thinking. What are you thinking about?
Agent Ghost
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 02, 2007 14:11
After reading one of my Western Civilization books, I read a brief paragraph on Albert Einstein along with his theory on Relativity. I' m sure you all know what I' m talking about. he applied it to many things. For example, motion. When we accelerate we experience G forces against the direction we' re travelling. However if we' re travelling at a constant pace regardless of how fast there are no G forces against the direction we' re travelling. That' s an example of relativity of motion. Anyone can understand this and everyone agrees with it. Einstein also talked about relativity of time. This is the part of his theory that tortures my non mathematical brain. It' s basically the idea that if you move fast enough, you can time travel into the future. I dont have capabilities to disprove Einstein' s theory, and maybe someone already did. But I don' t think relativity of time in the way that Einstein meant is possible. I' m thinking he was wrong about this. Like Stephen Hawking, I believe time is a constant as well as being infinit. In other words, there was never a beginning of time nor will there be an end of time. Time has always been and it always will be.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 2 May 07 6:12:07 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 02, 2007 15:15
Sonic the Hedgehog in a speedo
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 02, 2007 16:43
I' m thinking about how awesome the original Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon was and being in constant temptation to buy it by the advertisements all over the front page of this site. I' m aslo thinking about the craziness that is the constant speed of light and the theory of relativity. I' m also thinking about how annoying people that don' t understand it and try to argue it with me are. And now I' m thinking about Slipspace and Shaw Fujikawa drives.
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 02, 2007 18:52
Einstein also talked about relativity of time. This is the part of his theory that tortures my non mathematical brain. It' s basically the idea that if you move fast enough, you can time travel into the future. I' m thinking about what Agent Ghost said about time. I think it could be possible if you think like this: When you travel at such speed the changes in the worldy matters are much slower while the surrounding matter is changing at normal speed. So when you feel a second has gone the time for us might' ve been 10 minutes. It' s like time traveling without being time travel. I think time moves slower in space as well. They send some clocks up in space and when they came back they weren' t showing the right time. You can actually live longer if you travel in space, but since the relative time for your mind will be the same you can not benefit from it. To me time is change. We measure time by changes, like in clocks, and those changes happen because of turns and twists in molekules. Let' s say that everything that' s changing would suddenly stop changing. Particles stop moving, lights stop, everything just stops. Then time can' t be measured and time will have stopped. The more something changes, the faster time goes. That' s why it feels like the time passes really fast if you' re having fun, because lots of things are changing which gives you something to measure. If you' re just sitting at a table staring at the wall then you will have no changes to observe and time passes slow. Time is relative.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 2 May 07 10:54:30 >
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 02, 2007 19:13
At absolute zero molecules cease to move, therefore has time stopped still for those molecules, or is time beyond the single entity and part of the larger universe? Clocks whilst we use to measure time, really they are just showing a humanly identifiable standardised representation of movement as you say. If clocks didn' t exist time would still pass, but would become more of a perception of things changing, which becomes entirely subjective experience. and before I rambled on, I was thinking what a terrible cup of coffee I just drank.
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 02, 2007 19:16
But even without clocks and organisms such as us to notice the changes, time can still be defined by change. Time can be proved by showing change. If there is no change, time cannot be proven to exist. Therefor, if there is no change time does not exist. Only a constant moment of eternity.
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 02, 2007 19:46
so if matter exists then as it is motion then time must exist, but I guess what you are saying is that as there are changes in motion of matter then the passage of time changes locally for that object? Presumably then the only points time can not exist is when matter does not exist, so presumably within say a singularity before a big-bang type event or at the event horizon of a blank hole? Its a long time since I did any sort of physics so my analogies may be off.
Terry Bogard
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 02, 2007 23:07
I woke up fascinated by the invention of the toilet. Who came up with the idea and design? Was it a constant trial and error process? etc. etc.
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 02, 2007 23:43
Well, now that I read this thread I' m thinking about Al' s theory about time. BTW, I think it' s more accurate to say his theory was that if as an object travels faster and faster, time slows for that object. So if that' s true, if you traveled fast enough, time would stop for you. If that' s true, then when you slow down it would feel like you passed through time, because you wouldn' t perceive anything until you slowed down, and time would have moved on without you. And If that' s true, does something moving faster than time actually exist?
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 03, 2007 02:26
Nah, because at certain speeds atoms and such particles start to separate so we can never reach the kind of speeds needed to " time travel" without falling into pieces. But then maybe we' ll invent some kind of technology that can hold us together I dunno. What seems certain though is that we' ll never be able to travel BACK in time.
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 03, 2007 04:55
I' m thinking I want to watch the Back to the Future series, which reminds me that I need to get a decent HDTV which reminds me that I should either deal with the crap & quit my lame job, or stick with it & keep saving, which reminds me of a job offer at a pub & inn my friend offered me, which reminded me of Spiderman 3 which I' m going to see in Imax on Saturday, which reminds me of seeing some friends, which reminds me of some other friends, which reminds me of a really sweet girl I' ve still not asked out yet, but should because I need to take the plunge one of these days before somebody else does. Screw scientific theory, I' ve got more complex issues to deal with.
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 03, 2007 06:09
I like peanuts.
Evil Man
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 03, 2007 07:45
Peanuts suck.
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 03, 2007 08:45
Naked thai women. Peanuts make me think of naked thai women. Long story, can' t tell it here...
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 03, 2007 09:02
now you can' t drop something into the conversation like that and not continue. Choose cashews over peanuts.
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 04, 2007 01:54
I' m just thinking how fucking screwed I am for my summer College exams.... I really should have studied.......
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 04, 2007 07:00
lol, I hear you there dude.
Agent Ghost
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RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 04, 2007 07:45
I' m just thinking how fucking screwed I am for my summer College exams.... I really should have studied....... I never study for the Exams, I can always pull off an 80% or higher, my problem is that I don' t do my assignments. I' m going to fail three classes this sememster, total disaster. The worst part is that I don' t even care. Fuck it, it doesn' t really matter. If I have to add a few more semesters before graduation, all it means is that I' ll have one year where I have to work and take a few classes at the same time. Not a big deal I guess.
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: The what are you thinking about right now thread.
May 04, 2007 08:56
Ghost got me thinking about my dismal mathematics marks, which reminds me of my 5th grade math teacher telling me that I' d need Algebra for my everyday life. Which reminds me that I haven' t used it out of classes yet.  [:' (]
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