" width as in the number of pixels across the monitor
hah you assumed I am the stupid one when it is you who can' t understand simple logic
now stfu before I cut you"

You thought I meant 5120x2880 when I said 4 times the resolution of 720p? That' s idiotic, and you say I don' t undertand simple logic. lmao!
I was talking about GPUs, obviously I meant the total pixel output for a screen.
Is this how you always multiply for area? If something is four times larger, you just multiply every dimesion by four?
I' m sorry, I' m not trying to be a dick. It just comes naturally for me. I guess it would be too much trouble for you to " cut" me, given our locations. If you want I can stab myself instead.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 4 May 07 1:10:46 >