If you want the best looking game, buy it on the PC.
If you want a good looking game without having to invest a thousand + dollars, play it on the 360. It' s as simple as that.
Exactly. I used to be a PC game junky, but I' ve just gotten tired of investing the cash in it. I' ve decided I would rather own all the consoles, and plenty of games for each, along with a big HDTV rather than keep up with PC' s over the next 4 years.
The other thing is that when I have people over, they would much prefer to play all sorts of games on a variety of consoles on a large TV rather than watch me play my PC

I still love PC gaming, and will play the cutting edge stuff about a year after it comes out to keep my upgrade costs down, but I definitely don' t see myself investing in it like I used too.
Listen to Eddie guys, he is the mind of reason on these boards.
If you want the best graphics and money spent on PC hardware isn' t an issue, then by all means get games for it.
If you have a more limited budget or like to game with friends, go with the consoles, the games aren' t going to look " bad" and their will be a large variety of great games to play.
If you are a true gamer, you will realize that both PC' s and consoles offer certain things that the other cannot, and will appreciate both for what they do. It never hurts to hold off on a cutting edge PC title for a year when your rig can run it because even by then, it will still look as good or better than anything on the consoles, and will be a title you still haven' t played.