It' s basically the parts shown in the first proper gameplay footage we saw. The Ninja Temple that serves as the games opening level, and a mission from the Mission mode where you play as Rachel in the Monastery.
Playing as Ryu owns, playing as Rachel blows, ...big time.
As Ryu you start with the Dragon Sword, Nunckaku, Dabilahro, Lunar and the dual katanas - Dragon' s Claw & Tiger Fang. You can only initially play on easy, then once you' ve played the level through you unlock the mission mode and hard mode.
Item placement differs in the different difficulty settings and you face different enemies. For example, one of the coolest thing i noticed was where you would normally get the Fangs of the Samurai, on hard when you opened the chest a shitload of bats flew out and attacked me and the Fangs were in a different chest further on. Then, in the room with the trap door were there would normlly be brown and white Ninjas, on hard there are white and armoured black ninjas.
The dual katanas are overpowered for this level, but i' m guessing that you won' t get them until later in the game anyway so i' m sure everything will balance out.
It' s slightly faster and it controls superbly. Constant 60fps, great graphics (especially the lighting, blood and fire effects), some minor aliasing (because PS3 can' t do FSAA + HDR and the game uses HDR), great textures etc etc etc...
Demo is in English, although Japanese voice and text is selectable. I' m guessing it switched automatically after checking my language settings.
Playing as Rachel however fucking sucks ass. Her character model looks lame, especially with her dumb S&M bondage gear. Her run cycle looks really awkward and she' s super slow. You only get the War Hammer and that' s always sucked ass. I got bored after like 2 minutes and went back to play the Temple again.
I can' t see myself playing the Rachel parts of Sigma more than once, and i' ll only play it then because it' ll unlock shit. They' d have been MUCH better off letting us play as Ayane instead ahead of Code Cronus because Rachel is just retarded.
But meh, i' m loving the main game and Ryu' s missions mode will be badass.
Anyhoo, BlimBlim has been testing is new capture hardware out and has upped a ' First 10 Minutes..' that you guys should watch. It' s nothing you haven' t seen before in gameplay clips already released but it covers the demo and it' s really good quality. You can check it out
Oh, and Blims video shows the level played through on easy, not hard.
< Message edited by NITRO -- 27 Apr 07 0:12:45 >