Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday

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Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 22, 2007 21:17
This comes from Infinity Ward.

" Insert boring update about some mundane ' what we' re doing' detail that no one actually cares about (such as new employees or kleenex testing) because they' re just reading these updates for the glimpse hope that we' ll slip and say something we' re not suppose to about our next title, or that we' re going to allude to the fact that maybe, just maybe something that actually is interesting is coming up in the near future (and by near future I mean next Saturday).

Amazing Things To Happen On April 28th:

1758 - James Monroe, 5th President of the United States is born.

1788 - Maryland becomes the seventh state to ratify the Constitution of the United States.

1932 - A vaccine for yellow fever is announced for use on humans.

(Then nothing really happened for a long time.... but now....)

2007 - What goes down this April 28th is equal to, if not surpasses, the magnitude of any of those.

Call of Duty 4 anyone?
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 22 Apr 07 13:26:47 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 23, 2007 00:46
Yay! Infinity Ward kick ass!

Lets hope there was some truth to it not being set during WWII.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 23, 2007 00:52
Really? If they' re doing anything but WWII, then I' d like to see something done in the Korean War. It was a really interesting conflict and it hasn' t been touched on at all in the industry.

Bah, they do kick-ass stuff with World War 2, if they can keep it fresh, then I don' t mind them not changing a good formula.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 23, 2007 00:54
It' s rumoured to be Gulf War-esque but meh, i would kill for them to do a Vietnam game.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 23, 2007 03:29
I don' t think it will be a new Call of Duty title. Which is good, because they completely half assed COD 2 in every way.

I mean, really, I liked Call of Duty because of United Offensive. COD 2 had many interesting innovations in the cinematic regard, but it completely negated the progresss that United Offensive made. Let' s also not forget the awful " select your own way to kill" routine that had no bearing on gameplay quality or added to the depth of the game.

I' m interested, but I' m not going to be excited because this developer hasn' t warranted that emotion.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 23, 2007 04:20
I don' t need to read previews. I' ll be first in line to buy the game.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 23, 2007 05:07

ORIGINAL: DontPeeOnBilly

I don' t think it will be a new Call of Duty title.

Why not?

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 23, 2007 05:11

Why not?

A. Because I hope not.

B. Because Treyarch handled 3.

C. Because I don' t want to play COD 4 ever. That series is done for, with much help from Infinity Ward.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 23, 2007 05:14
It' s already been revealed that Trearch will take the odd numbered COD games while Infinity Ward will handle the even numbered games. They' re sharing the license.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 25 Apr 07 15:42:59 >

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 23, 2007 05:39

I don' t think it will be a new Call of Duty title. Which is good, because they completely half assed COD 2 in every way.

I mean, really, I liked Call of Duty because of United Offensive. COD 2 had many interesting innovations in the cinematic regard, but it completely negated the progresss that United Offensive made.
Do you mind elaborating? Call of Duty 2 is still my favorite Xbox 360 game, and the PC version holds merit with me due to the map editor.

It' s already been revealed that Trearch will take the odd numbered COD games while Infinity Ward will handle the even numbered games. They' re sharing the liscense.

Wasn' t that news in the same category as the " CoD:4" promo art? (read as photoshopped " Enduring Freedom" photos)

The original story that started both of those rumours was incredibly hard to belive. I doubt they' d swich from the formula that' s sold millions.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 23, 2007 05:45
I thought this was confirmed. Maybe I' m wrong. I guess we' ll see next Saturday.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 23, 2007 06:55
CoD4 was announced about 3 months ago wasn' t it, it' s due out Q1 08.

Nothing wrong with another CoD seeing as they are only up to 42/43 still 2 more years worth of battles to go.

Nitro Vietnam was done in BF vietnam and TBH it wasn' t one of the best of the BF series.

Korea would be good, doubt if they would do a Gulf war title as it is still a political minefield.
< Message edited by alijay034 -- 22 Apr 07 22:59:35 >

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 23, 2007 07:05
They should do a game based around the Kosovo conflict. That' d be awesome!

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 23, 2007 07:42
The Falklands would be a good one, trying to dodge all the Exocets.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 23, 2007 09:28

I don' t need to read previews. I' ll be first in line to buy the game.

I' ll fight you for the spot.

The ultimate shocker! They go back in time to WW1! Can' t say it wouldn' t be interesting right?

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 24, 2007 15:09

Do you mind elaborating? Call of Duty 2 is still my favorite Xbox 360 game, and the PC version holds merit with me due to the map editor..

I' ve had a pretty detailed history in the field of WW2 FPS games. When COD came out I bought it largely at the whim of my peers. When I played it I thought it was inferior to other WW2 shooters at the time (Day of Defeat, Battlefield 1942) but it had one thing that those other titles didn' t, iron sights. Iron sights made the game for me. When UO came out I purchased it and I experienced what I thought then, and still think, is the best WW2 concotion ever created. UO successfully blends the cinematic nature of COD while putting in massive elements of BF1942, but stifling them enough to keep the action hot. It was COD meet UO, and I loved every second of it.

COD 2 took many great steps to improve the formula for cinematic gameplay. The dodge for health scheme, the invisible inventory, and the overall feel of the game made it more cinematic. HOWEVER, it FAILED to incorporate the online immersion of UO and I was turned off by the sequel after completing the game and simply touching the online component. The fact that " choose your own route" gameplay was a gimmick only added insult to injury.

Needless to say, despite the innovation within the series, I' ve found it very hard to approve of something that doesn' t move fully forward with its ideas. To add insult to injury, COD 3 was console exclusive and came out quickly afterwards and the former console titles were nothing special at all.

I' m going to level with people here, I' m terrible at videogames. However, I know my WW2 fps, and COD has provided many good memories, but it' s a series that I cannot put weight behind after the failures it made in its execution.

For the record, DOD hasn' t evolved properly either. I never really liked BF1942.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 24, 2007 18:54

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 24, 2007 19:27

preferably be a fan of World War 2 shooters

So unless Treyarch will be handling WWII and Infinity Ward a more modern game it looks like we' re stuck with WWII for a while yet.

At least we know it is definitely a 4th COD game that' s being unveiled in 4 days time. Should be awesome.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 25, 2007 02:00

Imo COD2 is more fun on 360 than on PC.

Don' t know why that would be the case at all.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 25, 2007 05:42

it FAILED to incorporate the online immersion of UO and I was turned off by the sequel after completing the game and simply touching the online component.
Did you play the console version or the PC version? There' s some pretty large differences. The console version is still my favorite 360 game yet, but the PC version blows it away by comparison.

360 Version
8 player multiplayer.
Rough start to multiplayer.
Originally had some bad glitches.

PC Version
64 player multiplayer.
Smoother multiplayer experience.
CoD:2 Radiant (Lets you create your own multiplayer maps and story-mode maps, complete with effects. Very very cool.)
Mouse & Keyboard support.

While the chose your own route thing did turn out to be a gimmick, the game itself hardly felt like it was on rails. Nowhere near as bad as Call of Duty 3.

Call of duty 2 would build a 10 foot barrier of steel & cars where Call of Duty 3 would give you a 2 foot wall & tell you that you can' t clamber over it.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 25, 2007 06:04
Also, near proof that the modern-rumors are swilling around the crap barrel. The original article had some interesting points to make.

According to our source, Call of Duty 4 will be developed by Infinity Ward
The three-way deal established between Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and Activision states that Infinity Ward will develop all even numbered titles while Treyarch develops the odd numbered games, such as Call of Duty 3. Treyarch did develop Call of Duty 2: Big Red One as well, however.

Call of Duty 4 is said to step away from the war torn locales of World War II, instead focusing on the battlefields of present day.

The source compared Call of Duty 4’s technical achievements to other games saying that while most shooters have two or three critical points on the head, Call of Duty 4 has 16, saying that you can shoot the side of an opponent’s helmet to make it spin on their head, or knock the helmet clean off. Supposedly you will even be able to shoot an enemy’s ear off.

Shooting somebody' s ear off? Sounds like a Teen game to me.

the multiplayer is certainly something to write home about. Our source has said that there have been multiplayer bouts with 54 players. Infinity Ward is supposed to be bringing Call of Duty 4 to the PC as well as consoles. Call of Duty 3 is only available on consoles and eventually the PSP.

So past/present tense grammatical errors aside... the PSP? 54 player multiplayer over Xbox live? Smells like rumor mongering to me.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 25, 2007 07:05
Some of that article does sound a bit over-hyping certain aspects like all those head hitting areas.

However what concerns (well potentially annoys) me is the possible move to a modern-day setting - frankly I have no interest in that sort of thing. I much prefer the historical settings, so don' t mind WW2 or Korea, or maybe even a fictional cold war setting.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 25, 2007 22:55
" April 25, 2007 - Just when you were about ready to run up to the window and yell, " I' m mad as hell at World War II shooters, and I' m not gonna take it anymore!" , Activision and developer Infinity Ward are announcing today that the fourth entry in the Call of Duty franchise is moving on from World War II.

The game is not quite ready to be unveiled (the game' s trailer is being debuted on ESPN during the NFL Draft on Saturday), but the subtitle of the game gives away the new direction -- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. The game looks set to transfer combat operations from WWII to the modern battlefields our soldiers face today.

Little is known about Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare at the moment, but we' re hopeful that the move to recent times also ushers in other big changes for the acclaimed franchise. Although some gamers are bound to feel that this sequel is coming uncomfortably quick on the heels of Call of Duty 3, franchise creator Infinity Ward has actually had a good deal of time to work on part 4 -- developer Treyarch handled COD3 while COD4 was deep in development. Activision has not yet announced which platforms the game will be released on, but IGN confirmed in February of 2006 that the development team had been scoping this game out primarily for Xbox 360 and PS3.

Look for the worldwide debut of the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare trailer Saturday, April 28 on ESPN around 10 am Pacific Time / 1 pm Eastern Time during the NFL Draft. If you miss it, check IGN to ogle the new footage."

< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 25 Apr 07 14:56:43 >

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 25, 2007 23:03
Fuckin' A!!!

I wonder whether it will cover a real life conflict with a story mode or whether it' ll be primarily multi-player focused like the Battlefield games.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 25, 2007 23:58
" Don' t know why that would be the case at all."

I owned the game on PC and 360, I haven' t played it much on PC. Speaking only for online play, I didn' t like it. I sold it after a week. The advantage of more then 8 people per map is useless when the maps work best with 8 people or less. I was on a map with 40 people, it was stupid. You couldn' t even zoom through your scope without being killed 5 times over. I think my average life span online the first time I played on PC was 20 seconds, not even. There was just too many people, I respawned right next to enemies almost every time.

Then you have the whole friends list thing with the 360. Which some of you guys might not care about, but so far it' s made every FPS a lot more fun playing with regular people who all have headsets. Doing the same thing with any PC game is difficult, at least until Live on PC is released.

COD 2 is clearly geared more towards a console, the same way that Battlefield is geared towards PC. Has anyone played the Battlefield on 360? It' s horrible.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 26, 2007 00:06

ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost

Has anyone played the Battlefield on 360? It' s horrible.

The single player is horrible, ...disgusting even, ...but the multi-player is cool. It was a launch title too so while CoD2 was having problems i spent most of my time playing Battlefield, and that lasted until GRAW games out and for a couple of months after.

The vehicles control like shit and the game is a snipers paradise but once you get into it it' s pretty damn good.

I haven' t played it in months though and i do prefer the PC version.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 26, 2007 02:59

" Don' t know why that would be the case at all."

I owned the game on PC and 360, I haven' t played it much on PC. Speaking only for online play, I didn' t like it. I sold it after a week. The advantage of more then 8 people per map is useless when the maps work best with 8 people or less. I was on a map with 40 people, it was stupid. You couldn' t even zoom through your scope without being killed 5 times over. I think my average life span online the first time I played on PC was 20 seconds, not even. There was just too many people, I respawned right next to enemies almost every time.

Then you have the whole friends list thing with the 360. Which some of you guys might not care about, but so far it' s made every FPS a lot more fun playing with regular people who all have headsets. Doing the same thing with any PC game is difficult, at least until Live on PC is released.

COD 2 is clearly geared more towards a console, the same way that Battlefield is geared towards PC. Has anyone played the Battlefield on 360? It' s horrible.

No, I completely disagree with this. Besides the fact that COD 2 is best played with 16 people, you can play with 8 people on the PC if you want to just as easily. Simply filter. There is zero advantage to the X360 version. Zero.

As far as this announcement is concerned: Disappointing. I' m not interested in whored out franchises and COD is now putting on the red lipstick. Nobody will take away Iron Sights, UO' s 1942 meet COD awesomeness, or COD 2' s interface. But, it will go down in history as a cash cow for a greedy company, and that' s sad.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 26, 2007 05:31

I feel abandoned. If I want " Modern Warfare" then I' ll play " Modern Combat" .

I really hated to think the rumors were true, and there was enough information to assume they weren' t, but... dang man. Arent Battlefield, GRAW, Gears, Crysis, the Darkness, MGS4 enough modern combat for the market? I played Call of Duty because I liked the setting.

No matter how old the genre, Infinity Ward still managed to make it fresh.

There was something epic about seeing a hundred men armed to the teeth scaling a rock face and advancing on an MG nest. There' s nothing epic about what we' re doing now. You wait around a civilian-crowded street for somebody to walk towards you and hit the detonator, or have someone shoot you from a block away inside an apartment. Then you fire in whatever direction you heard gunfire from and hope you didn' t just pop a civilian.

Bad move Infinity Ward. I' ll be scouring the previews before I buy this.

No, I completely disagree with this. Besides the fact that COD 2 is best played with 16 people, you can play with 8 people on the PC if you want to just as easily. Simply filter. There is zero advantage to the X360 version. Zero.

The map-editor and story-mode creator isn' t an advantage?

The question is now, where does this put Treyarch' s Call of Duty 5? Y' think they' re gonna have to follow suit. I' m personally hoping not.


Oh, and did I mention? F***!!!![:' (]


I gagged a little uploading this.[:' (]

< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 25 Apr 07 21:42:22 >

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 26, 2007 08:20
I couldn' t agree with you more Eddie. I know everyone complains about yet another WW2 shooter but they do seem far less prevalent than present-day or near-future ones. I like the low-tech rifle in hand approach, it seems much more visceral sort of game rather than sniping someone from a far.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 26, 2007 09:06
How come I haven' t gamed with you yet?

This we will have to rectify.

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RE: Infinity Ward announcement Next Saturday - Apr 26, 2007 09:20
Operation Flashpoint 2...

...and CoD4 will destroy it.

I wouldn' t worry.