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last gen sales Vs current gen sales
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last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 07:42
http://www.gamepro.com/gamepro/domestic/games/features/111248.shtml i think their analysis has nothing surprising whatsoever, we all know that the wii is booming same as what ps2 did years ago, and now the ps2 is the winner , but can we really conclude the same result for this gen? i believe it is not fare to compare ps3 and xbox360 in a way to show which one is the best console, for me winning the console war does not simply translate to how many X console had been sold, but also to the quality of games it offers. Usually, consoles that offer enough high quality games and many AA titles are the consoles that sell more... this time around, wii is selling although it doesn' t offer anything that is really attractive (except for the all mighty zelda). is the wii really a fade? does it sell so well because of the low price and the other alternatives are expensive?? i don' t want the wii to win this war, for me it' ll be a disaster, developers will shift to this console and thus bringing the quality of games that will remind me last gen. sure the remote is good and innovative , but even high power can help to deliver a very good gameplay, that' s the way it was all these years and nobody complained, sure there was a ot of shit but there were also some gems, look at the wii now , crap after crap, and releasing party games that will only be enjoyable when with your friends. i DON' T WANT THE TECHNOLOGY TO STEP BACKWARD, and if the wii succeed and crush the competition, god help us gamers...
Evil Man
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 10:04
I' m starting to think Wii will win this war too.
Agent Ghost
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 10:29
It depends on how you define winning. A lot of people only look at the total amount of consoles sold. However it' s more accurate to look at the games sold, that is the bottom line. Many people with Wiis have at least a 360 or PS3 as well or will at least buy one of them in the future. Most games will be multiplatform and no one wants the Wii version of any game. The games people want on Wii are mostly Nintendo games and a handful of exclusive third party games. With Wii' s early success, you can argue that more exclusive third party games are in the works, which is true. But by the time they' re released the 360 and possible the PS3 as well will have seen a price drop and a lot more games. Personally unless Wii keeps a healthy price advantage over 360 and PS3. I can see people sharply lose intrest in Wii next year. With Halo 3 and a possible price drop, I can see the 360 pulling further ahead later this year. The PS3 looks like it might be a late bloomer. They need a price drop and desperately need more exclusives released.
Evil Man
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 11:14
Exactly how much powerfull is wii supposed to be over gamecube? From everything I' ve seen, it basically IS a gamecube.
< Message edited by Evil man -- 4 May 07 3:14:59 >
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 11:43
Yer, Wii is just a slightly beefed-up cube.. As we know, Nintendo did not want to fight this ' power' game. I don' t blame them for wanting to do there own thing, DS is hugely successful, Wii will follow using the same model (business model). i don' t want the wii to win this war, for me it' ll be a disaster, developers will shift to this console and thus bringing the quality of games that will remind me last gen. Your talking about graphics then? Cos Nothing Last gen plays anything like the few decent wii titles out there IE warioware, wii sports or Excite truck and certainly coming games like Mario Galaxy, Wii Music ETC. I think it would be great if more developers develop Wii titles and try new ideas to push it' s controller A refined Wiimote controller with cutting edge visuals and visual art will OWN... Nintendo' s next console
Agent Ghost
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 11:48
It' s basically an overclocked Gamecube. The CPU and GPU architecture are practically the same except for minor alterations. GameCube Vs. Wii Cpu: GC:485MHz, Wii:729Mhz GPU: GC:162 MHz, Wii:243Mhz Total Ram: GC:43mb, Wii:88mb Disc capacity:GC:1.8Gb, Wii:8.5GB Also the Gamcube had a DSP sound proccessor built into the Gamcube, it has been removed in the Wii design and sound is now done on the CPU. I' d say Wii is roughly 50%-90% more capable than the GC. We just haven' t seen any games that show it yet. Keep in mind that the 360/PS3 are about 5 to 15 times more capable than Wii, that' s not exaggerating either.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 4 May 07 6:11:38 >
Evil Man
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 11:56
I don' t know about the 15x more powerful stuff... I' ve never played a X360 or PS3 game that make me think " WOW THAT LOOKS 15 TIMES BETTER THAN XB1/PS2" , if anything I rarely think it' s even twice as better.
< Message edited by Evil man -- 4 May 07 3:57:03 >
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 12:25
I dont know what to think about their guesses. I mean, when the ps2 first released, what did it have to compete with? I mean they had already sucked in the mainstream sellouts with madden and other EA garbage before the GC and xbox came along.
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 12:55
There would be no point to releasing a console after the Wii. The point of the Wii is not graphics. They could easily just make a new controller that works with the Wii.
Agent Ghost
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 13:05
I don' t know about the 15x more powerful stuff... I' ve never played a X360 or PS3 game that make me think " WOW THAT LOOKS 15 TIMES BETTER THAN XB1/PS2" , if anything I rarely think it' s even twice as better. I said 5-15 " more capable" , " better" can mean anything. I won' t even try to argue which is more fun. I' m only talking about proccessing power. It depends on what you measure. One of my favorite comparisons between this gen and last gen is the EA video comparing basketball players from the PS2 and PS3. Wii isn' t as gimped as a PS2 but it' s closer to it than a PS3. http://aidreams.co.uk/forum/index.php?page=41 " There would be no point to releasing a console after the Wii. The point of the Wii is not graphics. They could easily just make a new controller that works with the Wii." If Nintendo released a console 5 years from now that perfoms halfway between this gen and the next, and priced it accordingly. With or without the wiimote, I would buy it. I like Nintendo and Wii is a nice toy as VX says, but it' s not a serious console. The truth is Nintendo has been pretty cheap the hardware for Wii. Considering how much they make with the games. A console manufacturer should never start making a profit on the hardware on day one.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 4 May 07 5:17:42 >
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 13:11
I don' t know about the 15x more powerful stuff... I' ve never played a X360 or PS3 game that make me think " WOW THAT LOOKS 15 TIMES BETTER THAN XB1/PS2" , if anything I rarely think it' s even twice as better. The thing is, it never looks 15x better because its not like old graphics were complete shit. What you have to look at is stuff like Lair for the ps3. If you watch the video' s where the game is showing both ground, and air fighting about 2km' s away in game, while rendering mountains, water, smoke, and plenty of building, as well as running AI for all those units, along with physics, and 1080p, it is quite impressive technically speaking. It really does blow the ps2 out of the water in that sense. The 360 has many titles as well that show how far ahead it is of the xbox. Physics takes a lot to do well, and the ps2 and xbox had barely any in their games, meanwhile, it has become manditory in next gen titles, and is being fine tuned and focused on by a lot of developers. Also, we have to remember most of the ps3' s games were developed without the most recent dev tools, and even the 360 only has one game that really pushes the hardware(need I mention the game?). So, even though they are far more powerful, they really haven' t shown off what they can do yet, whereas we have seen the best the ps2 can do, not so much with the xbox, but since it was basically a PC, you can get an idea of what it was capable of.
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 13:23
Been wondering about this. What about Wii vs. Xbox purely in terms of specs? Ghost, could you give your statistical analysis?
Agent Ghost
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 13:55
Been wondering about this. What about Wii vs. Xbox purely in terms of specs? Ghost, could you give your statistical analysis? That' s hard to say because Nintendo hasn' t released performance figures for Wii. Infact they tried to hide the specs. If I had to guess, I would put Wii ahead of Xbox in terms of raw performance. However Xbox has a few effects that the GPU can perform that the GPU in GC/Wii simply can' t do, the opposite is also true. In some areas Xbox beats Wii and in some ways Wii beats Xbox. Overall I' d say Wii>Xbox. You' d be splitting hairs though. The difference isn' t as great as Xbox>PS2, and we all know that PS2 was able to support games that overshadowed many Xbox games. It' s much easier to compare Wii to GameCube though.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 4 May 07 6:56:56 >
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 14:56
Games on Wii right now are comparable to a 350 MHz PC with a Voodoo 3. Most Dreamcast games look better.
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 21:38
you should also keep in mind guys that some processing power go into that controller itself, the cpu probably does some calculation to receive data from the wiimote. also more power does not only mean better graphics, it also means better A.I and better physics, thus more immersion into the game, those two play a major role in the quality of the game and i can' t see the WII delivering anything impressive in that matter. the ability to display many things happening on the screen at once + better physics + better A.I DO enhance the gameplay a lot, what would half life 2 be without its physics and what would FEAR be without its AI and what would oblivion be without its massive environment ??
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 4 May 07 14:40:23 >
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 22:32
What I find interesting about the similarities in the Wii sales now and the PS2 sales then is that the PS2' s sales where largely do to the popularity of the PS1. On the other hand, the Wii is the successor to last gen' s loser. That' s an impressive turn-around any way you look at it. Of course a lot of that has to do with the PS3' s price tag. Still, nice going for the big N.
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 22:35
Without that the best games you have to look forward to are ones like Warior Ware. Games that any programmer could make by himself in a month. I guess it is sort of fun.... There are a lot of games like this such as guitar hero, it doesn' t have to necessarily use a special controller, like boom boom rocket. Wii has so many limitations. Think how much more engaging Zelda would have been with graphics like Oblivion, if the NPC' s had more engaging AI instead of just sitting there waiting for you to talk to them, how much better the puzzles could have been with more advanced physics. Instead you got to aim at the screen to shoot your bow and swing your arm around pretending you' re using a sword. My point is regular games basically suck on Wii compared to other systems. The only games that are really fun are party games and other obscure genres. Wii has an advantage with these because of the controller.
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 04, 2007 23:42
Without that the best games you have to look forward to are ones like Warior Ware. Games that any programmer could make by himself in a month. lol, The Wario Ware team are more than one person  , infact about 26 people worked on Wario Ware Wii over 2 years. Not so easy coming up with a game which has to use totally original ideas on each release. Instead you got to aim at the screen to shoot your bow
If you ever played Wii TP, this is what you can do swing your arm around pretending you' re using a sword. Wario ware had a Mini Game just like this and actually was a great little gameplay test, Nintendo have been working on a ' Proper' Wii Zelda for about a year now I' m sure it' s going to feature alot of these ideas, plus more we have not thought off. My point is regular games basically suck on Wii compared to other systems. The only games that are really fun are party games and other obscure genres. Wii has an advantage with these because of the controller. Not really, because we' ve seen lack of traditional-type games to have used the wiimote properly.. Excite truck is one of them though and that’s the best racer I’ve played in a long time. I' m sure Mario Galaxy' s Platforming experience will be the shit and potentially Metroid could offer one of the best FPS experience on console, something that Retro Studios is working hard on. I wouldn’t write off traditional game’s on Wii just yet.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 4 May 07 15:44:59 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 05, 2007 00:06
Isn' t the Wii supposed to be just a pinch more powerful than the original Xbox?
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RE: last gen sales Vs current gen sales
May 05, 2007 00:53
ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard Isn' t the Wii supposed to be just a pinch more powerful than the original Xbox? Yes
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