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cant overlove your underwear
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- Joined: Aug 11, 2006
Dec 07, 2006 04:39
the total #1 thing on my xmas list is gotta be the Friends box set! really..I donno how any1 couldNT have it on the top of there list.... that picture makes me drool. hahaha I probly will pick it up as my gift to myself.. think youll get it for yourself?
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: friends
Dec 07, 2006 04:56
You don' t have many friends do you? joking
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 6 Dec 06 21:04:28 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: friends
Dec 07, 2006 05:02
No, i' ve already spent £2500-ish to spend Christmas and New Year in the worlds most beautiful country. I doubt i' ll be picking up a Friends boxset. That' s so 1990' s...
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: friends
Dec 07, 2006 05:06
Damn Majik, a vacation here shouldn' t be that expensive. You know how many lap dances you could get here with that much?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: friends
Dec 07, 2006 05:11
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Damn Majik, a vacation here shouldn' t be that expensive. You know how many lap dances you could get here with that much? I knew my application for residency wouldn' t be wasted! Meh, i can' t complain, the hotel is in a National Park. I think the price is reasonable for Christmas and New Year (15 days alltogether) though, i' ll spend loads more when i get there anyhow. I' ll be taking thousands of photo' s and even writing some of your names in the snow so i can send the phot' s as digtal Christmas cards! If you don' t get one then you can assume i don' t like you... I bet i break somthing. That' d be just my bloody luck!
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 6 Dec 06 21:25:06 >
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: friends
Dec 07, 2006 05:45
Well have fun man, watch out for the trees. They can be bastards when you' re skiing right into them at 60 kph. I went skiing twice, once at Mont St. Marie and once at Mont Tremblant in Quebec and thats enough in my lifetime. Skiing and snowboarding can be fucking dangerous. Especially when it' s your first time you have zero control and end up on a double diamond track.... I swear it was like a vertical drop, I thought I was going to die right there. I could hear my friend behind me (avid skiier) laughing his ass off. I' ll never forget what he said as I was skiing (which really I was fallling because my skis were not even touching the ground). " Hey dude you' re skiing like a pro now" My thought was yeah but I' m going to die like an amature...at the point I didn' t even have my poles because I was using both my hands to pray. Eventually I landed and survived in one piece. Of course I landed on my ass and recieved a free enema from the ski resort but I managed to not break anything. The only time I was closer to dying than that that ski trip was when I was stabbed...good times.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 6 Dec 06 21:47:21 >
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
RE: friends
Dec 07, 2006 08:21
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: friends
Dec 07, 2006 08:53
I take it you didn' t want to ski on the bunny hill? Actually that' s exactely where I wanted to be, I wanted to be on the bunny hill with all the other kids and noobs, but all the paths are connected. You start off in the " Bunny Hill" and it can branch off into more challenging paths. My problem is that I wasn' t able to turn and I had to turn to stay on the " bunny path" and go straight to enter the suicide double black diamond But because I had no control I ended up on the you' ll neverwalk again hill. It was one of those situaltions where you can see you' re going to be in a lot of pain but there is nothing you can do about it. The entire hill was ice so you can imagine how fast I was going....I' m serious when say I had enough skiing in my lifetime. The thing that scared me half to death wasn' t the fact that it was steap (which it was) but the track was narrow and curved a lot. At both ends of the track was a drop into basically the forest. Hitting one of those trees at that speed would mean one of two things. Teenager dies skiing or my face and body would be reconfigured in skiing accident. I had to learn how to turn on a double black diamond pretty fast. Let me tell you something I was never more motivated to learn anything in my entire life. Frankly I was fucking lucky, I lost the poles which i had to pay for but I had my face and my legs intact.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 7 Dec 06 1:01:52 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: friends
Dec 07, 2006 09:58
I' ll be taking thousands of photo' s and even writing some of your names in the snow so i can send the phot' s as digtal Christmas cards! If you don' t get one then you can assume i don' t like you...
Aw... How sweet. You wanna make a snowman effigy of Kenny K, cover it in jellied alcohol and burn it for us on video... just a thought. I bet i break somthing. That' d be just my bloody luck!
Y' know, there are some things that are totally terrifying to people, (IE, rollercoasters, haunted houses) that have almost no inherent risk at all. ... Then there' s skiing and boarding. There' s a reason you get that visceral rush, y' know, the one that sends the message to your brain saying " Crap Yourself Right Now!!!" . I' m terrible at skiing, I' ve got no control at all on ski' s, that' s just something I could never bring myself to do. Snowboarding however is easier IMO, just so long as you start off really really easy. The only time I was closer to dying than that that ski trip was when I was stabbed...
C' mon man, you can' t feed us a line like that and not expect us to ask about it! Spin your yarn!
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: friends
Dec 07, 2006 10:20
huh? Another girl on the forums?
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: friends
Dec 07, 2006 13:08
C' mon man, you can' t feed us a line like that and not expect us to ask about it! Spin your yarn! Alright, you asked for it, I' ll give the background info, but the ending will be graphic, so if you are squimish I suggest you skip it. It happened about three years ago. During summer vacation I used to go for walks at night (still do) after dark. Often I would go out 10-11pm and come back 2-5 am. I never go anywhere just out for a walk. I live in a town right next to the capital and on a few occasions I' d even walk to the city, and sometimes coming back home only by sun rise. I' m a night person, I really don' t like being awake during the day at all actually. So during the summer vacation I sleep in the day and stay up all night. I went for the walks as I had nothing to do. Plus I love going outside when it' s dark and everyone is sleeping, so quiet and peaceful. The town in which I live in and have been living in for the past 16 years I know like the back of my hand, I simply cannot get lost here. However I don' t know all the streets in the city, I only know the landmarks and how to get to the bridges. The night it happened was one of those rare occassions where I wandered off into the city (Ottawa). The previous time I was in the city actually got lost and had to wait till 6:30ish am so i could take a bus home. So I when I' m walking around in the city, I didn' t usually know where I was going half the time, I just assumed I would find one of the landmarks I recognized. So naturally I was lost again, not hoplessly lost. I wasn' t worried or anything but at about 1:00am I didn' t know if I was walking closer to home or further. In a city like that the night looks very different from the day and I knew once the sun rose I would be able to catch a bus home. Ottawa like many cities I' ve been to is somwhat busy at night, places like bars and certain hang outs with a few normal people outside walking around as I was and Canada is a friendly place with friendly faces. However like other cities there are rough patches where the drug addicts and bums hang out. And as I was walking I noticed that the faces were getting less and less friendly, and before I knew it all I could see were a few hobos a some druggies. I was getting nervous. I wasn' t conserned with the bums but a few guys gave me a look as if I was a peice of meat. Shit, too far... I turned around and tried to back track. I took a wrong turn... I wasn' t being followed but I felt like I needed to leave. I said I took a wrong turn because I didn' t back track the way i came but instead managed to stumble on a main street that was close to the bridge I needed to get to in order to get back to my home town. Just as I think I' m " home free" as they say, I bump into two assholes in an alley. I felt so stupid, I could have went around the buildings but I had to go in between. Well you can almost guess what these two fucktards wanted. Yep they wanted my wallet. The funny thing about that is I don' t bring my wallet on my walks as I was afraid it might get stollen. Clearly I didn' t think that through. To understand what I did next you' d have to know a little more about me. First I like a fight, I almost never get into any of them as I try to avoid human contact but when given the chance, I can be the instigator if the other guy is an asshole. Secondly I' m usually pretty calm and collected but I have this weird impulse that I can' t always control, where I think of the worst possible thing to do or say and I do it just to see the consequences. Usually I end up regretting it. Like in the night in question when one of the two guys demanded for my wallet instead of explaining to them I didn' t have it on me or doing something rational like running away from the two hardened criminals who were twice my size and had their hands in their pockets (i couldn' t see what they had). Instead of doing anything a normal person would do, I did something that surprised them almost as much as it surprised myself. I said something like : " if you faggots want my wallet (remember, i didn' t even have it on me) you will have to beat me for it, come on (more profianities)..." I took a swing at one of them and probably broke his nose. Thats when the other one stabbed me in the rib cage. Fighting alone against two armed men is a bitch! As it entered my abdomen it went between two ribs and I jumped (a little late) and I twisted at the same time. Well the other guy wanted to stab me several times (I' m sure he had the technique) but because of the motion my body and where the blade went made he lost grip of the knife. I immediately grabbed the knife and pulled it out. All of a sudden I had the weapon! Since I grabbed the knife the guy who stabbed me took a few steps back while the other guy hasn' t stopped punching me. At that point I lost all sensibility and went into what can only be described as a rage. I was so pissed that I was stabbed, I went on a rampage. It was fight or flight and I was too injured to run. The rest is a blur but I know I stabbed the guy in the arm as he was punching me. They both ran off, and I chased after them in my rage. One block down I caught the one who stabbed me (I lost the other). At the same time I grabbed him I tossed the knife. I had a grip on his jacket and I swung him on the pavement ground, got on top of him, and punched him repeatedy in the face. At this point I there was so much blood (mostly my own) its hard to say what sort of damage I did to my attacker but I don' t think his jaw was in the right place. When I started to see tunnel vision I stopped punishing the asshole and got up to walk home. It is a 30min jog back home, it took me about 90 minutes to get there. And yes I walked straight home and went to bed after inspecting my wound. I don' t think anyone else saw the ordeal, and I was so paranoid by getting in trouble from the that I didn' t go to a hospital or clinic for my injury. I didn' t even tell my family. It was pretty bad, even a week later I was still coughing out blood, I must of had internal bleeding as my entire stomach was purple. I' m sure I had my right lung punctured...it hurts but the worst is the feeling of losing so much blood, i can' t describe it. I was only 17 at the time, and I don' t do my walks in Ottawa at night anymore. Anyways that' s what happened....
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 7 Dec 06 17:56:34 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: friends
Dec 08, 2006 00:11
You should have cut his throat.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: friends
Dec 08, 2006 03:19
that I didn' t go to a hospital or clinic for my injury. I didn' t even tell my family. It was pretty bad, even a week later I was still coughing out blood, I must of had internal bleeding as my entire stomach was purple. I' m sure I had my right lung punctured...it hurts but the worst is the feeling of losing so much blood, i can' t describe it. I was only 17 at the time, and I don' t do my walks in Ottawa at night anymore.
You ever get it checked out? That could get ugly.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: friends
Dec 08, 2006 07:09
Friends makes me vomit now.. Their humour is so dire.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: friends
Dec 08, 2006 07:18
ORIGINAL: Tiz Friends makes me vomit now.. Their humour is so dire. Jews!
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: friends
Dec 08, 2006 08:09
Wow, Agent Ghost, that was brave. But you should really go into a hospital, you may feel fine now, but in later years it might come back to haunt you.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: friends
Dec 08, 2006 14:33
Wow, Agent Ghost, that was brave. But you should really go into a hospital, you may feel fine now, but in later years it might come back to haunt you. You ever get it checked out? That could get ugly. I' m not sure how brave it was, I acted almost purely on instinct and fustration, everything happened so fast in about 30 seconds it was over. I didn' t really make the choice to fight, that' s just how I reacted. As for getting it checked out, I' m Canadian and I don' t know what you guys do but healthcare is free here and I usually go to a clinic once or twice a year for a simple checkup. I saw my doctor about four months after by which time it was healed. He asked me what happened (after looking at the scar) and I told him it was a bike accident. It wasn' t a Rambo knife and i wasn' t stabbed in the heart, it was just a three inch knife approx. and he got me on the side. It was my right lung and it was too low to hit my liver so I figured I' d wait and see. I was 17, so it healed perfectely, probably the best age to be stabbed.  Old enough to fight back and young enough to heal well. I did some reading and as long as I didn' t bleed to death and avoided infection, I knew I' d fine. I dressed my injury with disinfectant and wore a bandage for the first month, after which it improved a lot, I know my dad would tell me to walk it off so that' s what I did. It was over three years ago, it healed completely in almost the same time. Teenagers are resiliant. I just hope I don' t bump into these fucks again, they probably have guns now...
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: friends
Dec 08, 2006 22:09
It was over three years ago, it healed completely in almost the same time. Teenagers are resiliant. I just hope I don' t bump into these fucks again, they probably have guns now... After hearing what you done to them, I bet they hope they dont bump into you again.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: friends
Dec 09, 2006 05:19
It was over three years ago, it healed completely in almost the same time. Teenagers are resiliant. I just hope I don' t bump into these fucks again, they probably have guns now...
You' re 20 now, you can too if I' m not mistaken. Ofc, it' s 18 for rifles, 21 for handguns, but carrying a belt-fed machine gun in your pocket is always a viable option.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: friends
Dec 09, 2006 05:36
You' re 20 now, you can too if I' m not mistaken. Ofc, it' s 18 for rifles, 21 for handguns, but carrying a belt-fed machine gun in your pocket is always a viable option. I don' t need a gun, the only time I' ll ever buy a gun is if I decide to blow my brains out. Besides handguns are hard to get in Canada legally, you need a special license. I could get a hunting rifle or a shotgun (has to be a minimum length). I know in some places in the States its legal to walk around with a fucking uzi but the laws here are a bit more strict to say the least.
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