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freaking out about my 360
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freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 04:14
i' ve heard a lot of things about the 360 problems, the ring of death is my biggest concern.. guys i want your advice to keep my 360 safe, i have no guarantee at all, because nothing here about the 360 is official. i bought a fan which is powerful enough i think and put it behind the 360 blowing the air out from the 360, will that really help??
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 04:18
Don' t play your 360 for like 24-48 hours straight like some people I know do, or they just leave the system on for that period of time because they have so many downloads going at once. Putting a fan in behind will be a good idea, since most of the problems I have heard about the 3 rings of death have come due to the machine overheating. I have had mine since launch, and have had no problems at all. I keep it downstairs where it is naturally cooler in the house, so I think that it makes a bit of a difference.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 04:21
The 360 doesn' t over heat, the problems it has have nothing to do with over heating. Most of the time it' s a bad solder. Since you have no warrenty anyways you don' t have to be afraid to open up your 360 and try one of the fixes available online when your 360 chokes (and it will, they all do).
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 04:28
You need Eddie. Maybe he can put together a guide for you to open and resolder the boards.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 04:37
Nitro, so far my 360 is ok , i' m just taking precautions , didn' t yours die as well? canadagamer thanks for making me feel better ... that' s fucking bullshit, over 50% rate of failure i think, this is a fiasco, the sad funny thing is , i was in the store today, talking about the issue and asking what i can do about it , so they suggested a fan and they say it' ll be really ok by puting the fan right behind... at the same time a person came in , bringing its 360 === same problem like everybody else... what kind of a shitty cmpany would make such amtaeurich mistake , i mean don' t they test their shit ... i want to know " the real" rate of failure , if somebody can come up with the approximate number. the guy bought a fan as well, fortunatly the problem can be repaired cost === 50$. agent ghost, the problem is overheating which causes this soldering issue, something probably expandes by the heat which makes a poor to no contacte with some components (according to the store it' s usualy the cpu) and the motherboard... Bottom line keep your 360 cool. any suggestion would be welcome
Mass X
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RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 04:46
Wait wait wait...isnt hot air being blown out the back of the console? So Why would you put a fan their that could potentially blow the hot air (and possibly dust) back into it. Woulndt it be a smarter move to place the fan on either the top set of holes or right side? Wouldn' t that circulate the cool air much better? Anyhow I normally dotn bother with those fans built for the 360 and other consoles but I saw a nice deal at Gamestop. A gift pack for $9.99 that included the pelican fan, a battery charger, disk cleaner, console skins and controller skins. It was so cheap since the boxes were all mis-labled as Nintendo DS Lite products. The fan works better for standing 360s but can be put on regardless of the setup. It does make the air coming out the back much cooler, tho if it helps is unknown really. But for $9.99 whats too lose?
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 04:54
mass x , i said it' s blowing out the air from the 360, i know there is a fan in the back but it seems they don' t push nough air out, this will helpto extract more air from the inside. by the look of it , it doesn' t seem to do much, but even my PC fan, the on the side doesn' t seem to do much at all, however , it brings my HDD and my moherboard and cpu temp by AT LEAST 6 degrees... and 6 degrees is all i need to be safe.
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- Joined: Jun 11, 2007
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 05:56
I was told by a friend that the intercooler has done bad things to 360' s so I would be wary of any of the third party fans as the problem tends to be that the fan draws to much power. My friend also said that putting in a new heat sync is your best bet and is a cheap fix. But the biggest problem is the x-clamps which MS still hasn' t taken out of production. The x-clamps end up warping the motherboard when the CPU gets too hot, so my friend says the best fix is the replace the x-clamps completely(which is what we' re doing with mine because I got the red rings of death, and its also a cheap fix). The only downside is that you could potentially(if you' re an idiot) ruin your 360 cause you don' t know what you' re doing, that' s why my friend is fixing mine.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 06:37
even you! all right how many people here had or have a ring of death in this forum ??
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 06:39
I had one with my first 360. Tho that was my fault...but of course i didnt tell Eb Games that. The second time was a disc read error. Dunno what happened there but it couldnt recognize any DVDs of any kind no matter what i did. Started up normally but thats about it.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 07:51
You need Eddie. Maybe he can put together a guide for you to open and resolder the boards. What would you all do without me? The 360 doesn' t over heat, the problems it has have nothing to do with over heating. Most of the time it' s a bad solder. Actually, it overheats with great regularity, the bad solder is only one part of the puzzle. The Xbox 360' s GPU and CPU have heatsinks, of course. They' re mounted to the motherboard by these bizzare x-shaped metal clamps that sit over the GPU/CPU and hold the heatsinks in place. I don' t know how they' ve managed to ignore it so late in the game, but there' s huuuuge issues in the fundamental design of the clamp itself. So, the 360 gets turned on, and within about 1 minute of booting up, the CPU heatsink is moderately uncomfortable to the touch, and by 3 minutes it' s white hot. After playing my 360 I can feel the heat OUTSIDE of the plexiglass window.(and I' ve mounted a spare heatsing on the thing) Needless to say, this is bad, and while there' s a little vent that leads from the processor to the fan, a lot of the heat is still retained by the chips and the board proper (I' ve seen the RAM chips hit 116*f before  ). Back to the X-clamps, they usually don' t have enough pressure on the four points to have any adverse effects on the machine, however when heated the clamps pull on the motherboard warping it, and partially disconnecting the GPU and CPU. The 360 gets the " OMG, CAN' T FIND MAH BRAINZ!!!" error, and congratulations. One Red Ring of Death. What can you do to fix it? Resoldering the boards the conventional way is incredibly difficult, and requires some seriously job-specific equipment, stuff even I dont have. However, you do have some alternatives. The first is fairly straightforward, although I can almost assure that it' s temporary, ranging from a couple hours to a couple weeks. THE WHITE-TRASH HILLBILLY TOWEL METHOD Move your 360 near a power outlet, preferably somewhere without any heat-sensitive stuff nearby. Plug in your video-cable and power-brick, wrap multiple towels around the 360, making sure there' s no part for heat to escape. Power that puppy up and go have a pint. No seriously, you may as well just go do something interesting for 3 or 4 hours, as it' s a bit of an interesting game. You can' t leave it on for less than 2 hours, or the thing will die within minutes, but you certainly don' t want it on for 6 to 8, as you' ll fry all the working components with the heat. It' s kind of like using a seedy walk-in-clinic defibrilator. You want to kick start stuff without frying everything else, and there' s no medically accurate way of telling how far to go. Just use your judgement & you should be fine. After you' ve let it roast, turn off the 360 carefully and don' t touch it for about 20 minutes. There' s no evidence to prove that stuff will shift if you mess with a half-melted 360, but why chance it right? After 20 minutes take off the towels and let it sit overnight, or at least until every part on the box is room temperature, check especially near the center of the case on the left side, as that' s where the CPU & GPU' s heat comes through hottest. (As a small side, don' t get anxious and pop it in the fridge. Bad bad idea.) So let it cool, reconnect everything, and power it up. I' ll be incredibly suprised if you don' t boot to dashboard, if only for a small amount of time. THE X-CLAMP MOD Unless somebody posts after me saying they' d like me to post a tutorial for it, I won' t bother, as this one requires a trip to Home-Depot, and a little bit more technical finesse. But for all intents and purposes, all you' re doing is replacing the X-Clamps with more conventional PC components. At first, the process looks terrifying, as you' re drilling 8 holes in your motherboard, although you' re only widening prior holes that are completely grounded, with no components for a half an inch on each side. But it' s really not that bad if you can follow directions well. My 360 has recieved this treatment, with fairly good results. (AKA, it works now!!!) KEEPING YOUR 360 UNBRICKED Buy an aftermarket fan that isn' t Nyko brand. The Nyko' s kill stuff. Keep it ventilated One of the simplest (although warranty-voiding) mods is to buy a Talismoon replacement fan for the inside of your 360. If you can unplug 1 power plug (looks just like a PC plug) you can install one, and they flow much better and quieter. Oh, and did I mention, they shine pretty colors out the back of your 360' s grille! So, out of curiosity, who has more than one 360 just sitting around because of the RROD? Edit: I was told by a friend that the intercooler has done bad things to 360' s so I would be wary of any of the third party fans as the problem tends to be that the fan draws to much power. My friend also said that putting in a new heat sync is your best bet and is a cheap fix. But the biggest problem is the x-clamps which MS still hasn' t taken out of production. The x-clamps end up warping the motherboard when the CPU gets too hot, so my friend says the best fix is the replace the x-clamps completely(which is what we' re doing with mine because I got the red rings of death, and its also a cheap fix). The only downside is that you could potentially(if you' re an idiot) ruin your 360 cause you don' t know what you' re doing, that' s why my friend is fixing mine.
NJ... is that you buddy? Edit 2: Dude, Waaaazaaaaap!!!!  You have no excuse not to have a net presence now that you' ve got a line in the new place. (I would be the " friend" he' s talking about)
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 11 Jun 07 23:56:06 >
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 08:31
No Xbox 360 has ever died purely of over heating when used correctly. That was my point, obviously heat is related to the problems but people talk as if the chips are being turned to charcoal then the 360 dies. There' s never anything wrong with the chips themselves. The 360 operates within intended temperatures. If the chips were being fried we wouldn' t be able to fix dead 360' s at all. -PS, I' m on my 2nd 360 and this one will be replace next year. It has annoying problems and I know it' s going to die eventually. I want one of the newer 360' s on the 65nm fab with the newest DVD drives. I' ll try some of the fixes on my current model only after I buy my third 360 just to be on the safe side. My current 360 still plays games fine and with the fall line up I don' t want to destroy my white box before the revised 360' s become available.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 12 Jun 07 0:37:23 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 09:31
you want your 360 to die, it will never happen agent, it will just get worse but still work. Good news I guess!
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 12:51
The intercooler fan thingy people put on the back is a joke, it doesn' t do anything good. I' ve never had any problems with my 360, perhaps I' m lucky, perhaps I' m just that 1337. I always have my 360 standing vertical, with some space around it, this enables the air to circulate so it doesn' t overheat. I also make sure it is in a spot where it won' t get knocked over. When I let my brother use it I lay it down horizontally on a little plastic box, so it isn' t directly on the carpet and has room for airflow. And as has been said, your xbox 360 will not break from overheating, pretty much all computers and such are built so that if they begin to reach a dangerous temperature they will shut down to prevent damage.
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
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RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 13:10
Mine' s been fine since launch. I' m of the opinion that if it hasn' t died within the first few months, then it' ll be ok...
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 13:48
guys i want your advice to keep my 360 safe, i have no guarantee at all, because nothing here about the 360 is official. You' re fucked all right how many people here had or have a ring of death in this forum ?? 1st time it just stopped. No red rings, but it had the same symptoms 2nd time I did get the red rings( And i took care of my 2nd one like it was my child) And now my 360 isnt reading Oblivion, so im sending it in, just in case it decides to not read any other games, so maybe 3rd times the charm!
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- Joined: Mar 28, 2007
- Location: Deal, England
RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 12, 2007 18:14
Still on my first with no overheating related red light problems. The 360 is upright on the top of a unit next to the TV so has plenty of space to breathe. Considering the extra heat chucked out by LCDs over CRTs into the area where a 360 is likely to be placed, would that make much difference to the environment the console is sitting in?
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 13, 2007 00:52
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
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RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 13, 2007 01:02
Is it better to have your 360 vertical or horizontal? Or does it make a difference?
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: freaking out about my 360
Jun 13, 2007 01:19
I' ve found that an Xbox 360 is more likely to read a damaged disk when it' s upright (I' ve got a secondhand copy of Halo 2 that only registers when in the upright position), and it keeps it slightly cooler as there' s not that pocket of heat developing under the 360 with nowhere do disappate but back into the case. There' s never anything wrong with the chips themselves. The 360 operates within intended temperatures. I' ve never heard of a massive CPU or GPU failure, but I' ve seen both RAM chips brick themselves with a lengthy game session.
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