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finally buying a microsoft console..
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finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 19, 2007 03:48
Well I' ve been thinkin about buying a 360 just for blue dragon, didn' t really wanna spend all that money for one game tho. Bioshock looks good too tho so i' m thinkin of picking up a 360 tomorrow for myself for my birthday. Any other suggestions on good games i can pick up for 360? I haven' t paid to close attention to the games for 360, for some reason i' ve never been interested in either xbox console. Oh also would i have to buy something extra to play online using my wireless network? Since i won' t be able to hook the connection up directly.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 19, 2007 03:58
They' re going to give you the entire list, but some of the standout titles are Call of Duty 2, Dead Rising, Splinter-Cell:Double Agent, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, and of course Marble Blast Ultra. (Xbox Live Arcade). Yeah, sadly, they rip you off with a wireless adapter that runs about $100 USD. You' re really better off picking up $100 worth of hardline connection stuff in my opinion. Namely a good router & a bunch of ethernet cable. Possibly another 4 port switch if you' ve got a lot of devices in one room. To be honest, I' d wait just a little while on a 360 though. They' re starting to implement new cooling measures in Xbox 360 Premiums very very soon (A spare heatsink to cool down the graphics chip). I can' t tell you when exactly they' re going to hit though, so that decision is going to be up to you.
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- Joined: Feb 25, 2003
RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 19, 2007 04:54
Hmm we' ll i' m going to be moving soon so I probly won' t have to use wireless after I move so i' ll hold off on buying that adaptor. As for the system, if there' s gonna be a revised version out soon i can hold out for that, i still gotta finish twilight princess anyhow >.> i know i' m lazy.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 19, 2007 08:08
Gears of War, and Rainbow Six are great as well.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 19, 2007 10:10
All of these games i' m listing now are great IMO, played them on 360 , beat them, (im judging ONLY the single playergame) * Gears of wars 9.5/10 Graw 2 9.5/10 Vegas 9.5/10 Splinter cell DA 8.5/10 Call of duty 3 8.5/10 The darkness 9/10 Lost Planet 8/10 Kameo 8.5/10
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 19, 2007 10:35
But Edge gaved Rainbowsix 6/10 like Blue dragon,you claim Rainbowsix where better then 6/10 even though the respect Edge trashed it+ Blue dragon? ps! I agree with Abas reviews,allthough I never played The darkness,but some of LP but not finsihed it.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 19 Aug 07 2:35:40 >
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 19, 2007 15:21
The darkness 9/10 I couldn' t agree with that at all. The game was an 8.0 at best, more like a 7.5 or 7. There is no way a game with such clunky controls and long gaps between fights and missions can be a 9. Not to mention the actual " darkness" world parts were tremendously bad in most cases.
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
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RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 19, 2007 15:24
Well if you are judging COD3 by single player I couldn' t agree with the 8.5, I would give it a 7 max for single player. But I guess if you haven' t played COD2 you wouldn' t know any better.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 19, 2007 20:56
Yes i did play Call of duty 2, on pc max settings, i loved the game but i think call of duty 3 was better, specialy technicaly, it' s more immersive because there are many thing going on on the screen, so i don' t see why call of duty 3 should be rated lower , Reviews didn' t give it high scores as call of duty 2 because it was more of the same stuff + some minor new stuff ... 8.5 for me means GREAT, IF you didn' t play call of duty 2 this score holds true, for those who did play call of duty 2, it' ll be less of course... but people should base the game for the value it provides in itself, don' t bash it because it doesn' t innovate more than its prequel. as for The darkness, i agree with what you said, except that WW part isn' t that horrible , i rather say it' s mediocre, but the game has so many good stuff in it that i really dig it... good story, excellent graphics, nice control OVERALL, excellent sound and the idea of the game is original in itself... so even with its choppy framerate (at some few places), the WWI, and some elements of the gameplay that seem gimmicky , the game is still strong.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 19, 2007 21:29
Aba, is it just me or have you become much better in english? I recall noticing some frequent errors in your post long ago but it seems your english is more fluent now. And you seem to use a wider vocabulary. Not saying that my english is any better than your english was back then but... your posts just seem to be better than before.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 19, 2007 22:48
well thanks ginjirou for the remarque but for all this time i' ve been around in this forum, all i cared about is delivering the message. I didn' t care about grammar mistakes or spelling errors, i simply wasn' t editing my posts to correct them because it takes a little time for me to do so and i' m just lazy... i think posting in this forum in itself has improved my english! Ok guys , My bioshock " copy" will arrive in few hours, can' t wait, i think i need to freeze myself until then ;)... nobody here got his copy from Toy R or whatever its name in the US ?
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 20, 2007 00:58
Just a blurb, but I heard on rumors that MS is considering creating another ' Ultimate' 360 pack with the HDD internal  ? Prolly just a rumor, but since they' ve given the okay for companies to start making HDD-Required games, I wouldn' t be surprised if they started making them by next year. Of course, that' s looking pretty forward.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 20, 2007 01:17
They won' t. Not a bright idea for those who want to update. It' d kill their standalone 120gb HDD sales. Yes i did play Call of duty 2, on pc max settings, i loved the game but i think call of duty 3 was better, specialy technicaly, it' s more immersive because there are many thing going on on the screen, so i don' t see why call of duty 3 should be rated lower , Reviews didn' t give it high scores as call of duty 2 because it was more of the same stuff + some minor new stuff ... 8.5 for me means GREAT, IF you didn' t play call of duty 2 this score holds true, for those who did play call of duty 2, it' ll be less of course... but people should base the game for the value it provides in itself, don' t bash it because it doesn' t innovate more than its prequel. What did Call of Duty: 3 innovate? " Battle-Actions" ? Setting charges & having the same hand-to-hand fight with 6 different Nazis isn' t really my idea of innovation. The only gameplay improvement Call of Duty 3 made was grenade cooking. The weapons were modeled incorrectly. The levels were incredibly linear and cordoned off, especially when you can see a better route to your goal. The artificial intelligence is terrible. The enemy AI doesn' t get harder when you change difficulty, they just cheat a bit more. The unskippable cutscenes are of horrible quality (especially considering the fact that most of the ones they force you to watch have nothing to do with the mission you' re in) The accents are terrible on all fronts except American, and no matter how you play it, you always wind up having to ditch your primary & grab an MP40. Not like I' m sour or anything though.[:' (]
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 20, 2007 01:36
i don' t understand you Eddie , did i say Call of duty 3 innovates ? NO i didn' t , what it did is add some minor stuff and i would never qualify that as " innovations" . However, you' re talking about bad Ai, linearity , i' m sorry but wasn' t that in Call of duty 2 as well? yes some missions in COD2 gave you the option to choose mission B then go to C and A, but all those missions are in the same zone, not like it makes a great difference, it' s still linear most of time excatly like COD3, as for the intelligence, didn' t notice any difference between 2 and 3 !! Weapons!! man I don' t know about that , modeled incorrectly you said? so? i stilll think they are very close to the reality and it does' t affect the immersion anyway, what' s more important is how call of duty 3 feels more like you are in a war zone, stuff blowing up everywhere, massive army, and many things are happening on the screen, ALL THAT WAS pRESENT in call of duty 2 but not to the same extent... Anyway, whatever you grade Call of duty 2, call of duty 3 should be in a very close range +-. Cod2 has skippable cutscenes and greater voice acting but CO3 has better graphics and i think the latter is much more important, as for linearity and gameplay, they are almost the same.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 20, 2007 02:20
So sorry dude. My bad, I totally misread your post. I think my eyes totally floated over the " doesn' t" in your sentence. I should probably start quoting stuff like that when I respond shouldn' t I? I still stand by the innacurate weapon modelling though. I' m a gun nut, & I' ve experienced firsthand most of the weapons found in " realistic" combat games like Call of Duty and Rainbow Six. It just really bugs me when they screw them up. Call it a pet peeve.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 19 Aug 07 18:20:56 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 20, 2007 02:34
You' ve been making lots of mistakes lately Eddie. Better not be so hasty. The next mistake might cost you your life... this I have predicted.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 20, 2007 04:00
Yeah... I know. I' ve been really stressed, mind' s been all over the place lately.  I' ll try to focus a little more actively on what I' m doing from here on out.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 19 Aug 07 20:01:32 >
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- Joined: Mar 28, 2007
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RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 20, 2007 17:22
come on Eddie, sit down, relax, and have a nice cup of herbal. You' re my go-to for info/opinion on shooters and I need you on the ball for the next few months with all the new games out.
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 21, 2007 00:06
I' m still stuck between getting a regular Xbox 360 (which would sit rather nicely next to the Wii) , or just waiting for the 120GB Xbox 360 Elite (which seemed pretty ugly to me at first glance) and paying more. You guys are smart. Could you help me out?
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: finally buying a microsoft console..
Aug 21, 2007 00:56
come on Eddie, sit down, relax, and have a nice cup of herbal. You' re my go-to for info/opinion on shooters and I need you on the ball for the next few months with all the new games out. Yeah, I know.  See my Everything Else thread in about half an hour.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 20 Aug 07 16:56:46 >
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