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fathoms, Anyone! Point me in the direction of a good Action-RPG!
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RE: fathoms, Anyone! Point me in the direction of a good Action-RPG!
Jun 18, 2004 23:40
i would say to go with kingdom hearts. this is the game that got me into RPG' s. now i' m playing my way through FF7. kh is an easy, cheery, nice little game.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: fathoms, Anyone! Point me in the direction of a good Action-RPG!
Jun 19, 2004 23:34
phatcat: I don' t recall the optional stuff in KH to be all that easy. Beating Sephiroth in the Battle Arena ain' t " easy," if I remember correctly.  The game was deceptively challenging in many areas. I' d say it' s more difficult than either BG: DA. I also just recently started another game of FF VII; this will be my fourth. All that time, but for the greatest RPG ever. Worth every second.
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RE: fathoms, Anyone! Point me in the direction of a good Action-RPG!
Jun 20, 2004 08:01
but sephiroth is optional. to beat the main game, i didnt find it all that hard. there were 1 or 2 hard boss battles, but other than that, it was cake!
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RE: fathoms, Anyone! Point me in the direction of a good Action-RPG!
Jun 21, 2004 15:17
Well, I rarely finish an RPG without completing all the extra/optional stuff, so if you include that, KH isn' t all that easy. I' m sure that it' s simple to beat it; most RPG' s I' ve played are relatively easy to beat. It' s one of the main reasons why I always do the optional stuff, which is generally much more of a challenge.
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RE: fathoms, Anyone! Point me in the direction of a good Action-RPG!
Jun 21, 2004 19:55
I try to do the extras most of the time. That' s why even though I beat Suikoden III I am still playing it to get all 108 stars and try to get the secret/special ending
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: fathoms, Anyone! Point me in the direction of a good Action-RPG!
Jun 21, 2004 20:43
Raven: Yeah, I try to get everything, all the time, in every RPG I play. I got all 108 SoD' s in the original Suikoden, but I didn' t make it in Suikoden II. I' ve always meant to go back and try again. I did get all 108 in Suikoden III, though. What " secret/special" ending are you talking about? The ending may change depending on who you chose for your Flame Champion, but I don' t think it will change based on how many SoD' s you got. When the ending is over, the Stars are ticked off in order, and you get to see a sentence or two about what that character did after the game ended. If you didn' t acquire that character, you don' t get to see what happened to them (you just get a black, blank space). So this is different, but I don' t think the ENDING changes.
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: fathoms, Anyone! Point me in the direction of a good Action-RPG!
Jun 22, 2004 01:28
I got all of them in Suikoden I, never played Suikoden II and have like 12 left in III. I was reading something on gamefaqs that said something about a special ending. Maybe a read it wrong though This is what I found " If you got the 108 Stars of Destiny bonus, hit X after the still picture. The screen will go dark for a little while then you' ll be back at the Trinity Site. The 6th and final flame will be lit. I won' t ruin what this is so you can find out for yourself." There are 6 flames at the trinity site (3 for the main characters and 1 for thomas) then you get one for beating the game with all 108 stars and then 1 other flame is opened when you adopt Koroku
< Message edited by RavenShadow -- 6/22/2004 2:03:50 AM >
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