I am pretty confident that 360 is going to outsell ps3 by a large margin here in the us and canada
I severely doubt that. While sony may have made a number of mistakes this time around, and Microsoft will be well on their way to selling 10 million by the time PS3 launches, ...Sony still have the advantage of mindshare.
Put simply, because of the mass success achieved with Playstation and Playstation 2, Sony is seen worldwide as being the superior brand.
If the speculation is true, then Sony will launch in the US before Japan to take advantage of the bigger market and because they know that' s where Microsoft is strongest.
Nintendo Rev will dominate japan
This i almost agree with. I think that Japan will be split between PS3 and Revolution, in that since Revolution will be " affordable" , most Japanese gamers will buy both machines. Revolution will almost certainly fair better than Gamecube with and i think it will buy up a genuine fight in all territories.
KK does not care about gamers
C' mon, don' t take what i' ve been saying and turn it into something else. Ken DOESN' T give a shit about gamers, but like i said, he' s a business man and his business is selling Playstation and it' s something he does VERY well!
Am I the only one who gets the feeling that he is using ps3 as a pimp for blue-ray??
I' ve been saying this all along, so no, you' re not the only one. PS3 is essentially a Trojan Horse and a vehicle to get Blu-Ray into as many homes as possible. It' s good business but shit for the consumer because they are forced to pay higher prices for the hardware (and software).
Now where does that leave sony?? Does anyone actually care where sony ends up??
Yeah, about 90 million PS2 owners.
I suggest changing the name of the thread to something like Next-gen console marketshare...