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anyone use gamefly?
Nov 20, 2005 19:14
after buying my last two games and being seriously disappointed, i' ve decided to sign up with gamefly. i just put in my order for my first games, but was wondering who else subscribes....how it was working out....if you like it, etc....  thanks
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: anyone use gamefly?
Nov 20, 2005 19:37
I been with 3 services and found that Gamefly was good for a few reasons but not my thing for others. +Quick turnaround time. Havign games scanned at the post office means you dont have to wait for your returned games to get to their HQ before the next one ships. +Big selection, good amount of copies per games -Midwest subscribers still have a long wait between games for some reason -A bit higher priced compared to other places Overall its good and gets better the closer you are to their place of operation. Maybe if they expanded locations for quicker distrubution itd be a very nice place. However, the service I use is Gameznflix. Which again has goods and bads. +Fairly quick, however Gamefly' s post office scan thing would double the speed making it far better then Gamefly. For midwest ppl its 8 days for either service bewteen games. +Very good prices. I had Gamefly' s 2 out plan which was 21.99 I think. For Gameznflix I have the 3 games/movies out plan for only 16.99. Dont even need to do the math to see the better deal +Movies as well -Selection is good, but it takes awhile for new games to be added -New/Popular games often leave ppl waiting. Limited supply per game -/+Que limit altho it keeps ppl from having the entire place rented it' s a bit more of an annoyance to have to update often to add those games that didnt fit within the 15 limit list. Still for the money it keeps me satified. Im sure it will improve over time. The only real big problem is the supply This site helped me choose. I suggest going thru the ones with free trials to see which fits you best. VGR Top 10 Review
< Message edited by Mass X -- 21 Nov 05 3:41:12 >
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- Joined: May 07, 2004
RE: anyone use gamefly?
Nov 20, 2005 20:38
Yeah I had heard that some other service providers actually would offer certain games, but wouldn' t have them so they' d basically order it if you wanted it. i wonder if thats whats going on with gamesznflix. i didnt think gamefly' s price was bad at all. plus they have this contest thing now that gives away an xbox every day....with the back up prize being a free subscription i believe. so thats pretty sweet.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: anyone use gamefly?
Nov 20, 2005 20:45
O I know the price is good but in comparison tho. 3games/movie combo:16.99 or 2games:21.95 From then its up to other factors for the game rental service of choice. Overal its really about location.
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- Joined: May 07, 2004
RE: anyone use gamefly?
Nov 20, 2005 21:23
I guess for me it just came down to selection and reliablity. i made my choice by reading reviews. i like the selection and that fast return postal scan thing you were talking about. i' ll pay the extra couple bucks in return for a more thorough supply. what games do u have out now?
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: anyone use gamefly?
Nov 20, 2005 22:55
Here' s my rental history Right now I got Call of Cthulu (the most intense game I' ve ever played) Total Overdose Flatout (the first copy I asked for wasnt working properly) and for the hell of it(and the fact I wanna test out my new screen cap thing) heres my Gamefly list Gamefly was definatly better for newer games. Hmm heres what the queue list looks like on gnf Also one final note Gamefly has better site organization.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 21 Nov 05 6:58:21 >
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- Joined: May 07, 2004
RE: anyone use gamefly?
Nov 20, 2005 23:13
Nice...how was Worms 3D? So do you have both a gnf account and a gamefly acct? im confused. but yes, gamefly def has better site organization. i think they' re just a little more organized all around, ya kno? def seem to have more potential (imo) as they are the only service that seems to have any advertising....ive been seeing more commercials for them. Right now from gamefly i have: Doom3 (whatever, not mind blowing) indigo prophecy (fantastic! def recommend it) Call of Duty 2 (havent started playing yet) (all xbox)
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: anyone use gamefly?
Nov 20, 2005 23:43
I canceled my subscription to Gamefly but they keep it on hold in case you have a mind change later on. I also like that they gave me a free OXM subscription. I' m still getting my OXM for another 9 months. As for Worms 3-D it was fun but may dissoppoint those who were fans of the original with its ' 3-D' format. Controls are a little odd somtimes, but I liked it enough that I went and picked up Worms 4 recently since it was only $20. A fun game to have for casual get togethers with friends and you only need one controller.
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- Joined: May 07, 2004
RE: anyone use gamefly?
Nov 21, 2005 10:27
Ah...a smart move keeping it on hold. I guess it' s hard for me to change your mind, but i just feel like the selection provided by gamefly, combined with their contests, quick return, etc etc....make them the best choice. but thats just me. heh. is half life 2 out for xbox yet?
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: anyone use gamefly?
Nov 21, 2005 11:49
Ya, I think it came out sometime last week. I think gamefly is a good service, it just isnt ready for where I live yet. I hope they do somthing like gamesnflix where they have multiple locations to ship from. So if gamefly had GnF' s location setup I' d definatly go back or if GnF had Gamefly' s supply and scan deal itd be a very impressive service. Minnesota just doesnt have a good setup yet, I think it just recently got that scan thing. It took no less then 8 days and up to 10 for the games to get here, plus one never arrived at all. With GnF so far its never been more then 8. I still need to try out the other places as well. I think at some point I' ll sign up for all the ones with a free trials and rent one popular game and one random game to see how things are handled. Then depending on my money situation I' ll do the same for the higher rated ones w/o a free trial. And since I spend far to much on movies I also like that you can rent those as well on GnF. One service offered only movies for a low price and if you wanted games you had to pay more. So GnF was pretty cool in that you can get both games and movies at the same time for one low price. 2 games and a movie, 2 movies and a game, 3 movies, 3 games yer choice really. Im not trying to convince you GnF is a better service for you, but for what I' m looking for it does well. I was surprised tho that GnF actually got in the 360 games so fast. I was planning on clearing my list and getting games returned prior to their releases in hopes of gettng them first, but I didnt thave time, sneaky bastards. Are you getting a 360? If so I was wondering how Gamefly is handling the 360 rentals.
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- Joined: Jun 23, 2004
- Location: NS, Canada (living in Rhode Island)
RE: anyone use gamefly?
Nov 21, 2005 17:58
I use GameFly. Very quick turnaround time and the service is reliable. I' ve also purchased a few games from them and have never been disappointed. I' ve tried RedOctane for a while, but turnaround was too long for my liking (up to a week at some points). Gameznflix sucks IMO. Slow and unreliable. The price might be cheap, but so is the service. At one point, I waited 2 weeks to receive a game (finally cancelled when I didn' t receive it). One month later, I received the game.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: anyone use gamefly?
Nov 21, 2005 19:17
Aww ruined my whooooole argument for GnF! Curseds. Anyway it hasnt screwed me over just yet. But I only needed a cheap alternate to just buying stuff while I feel in time for the Xbox360 games I plan on buying. I still may jump back to Gamefly after seeing how the 360 games workout. If there will be long waits or not. Like I said oddly enough for me the wait has never been more then 8 days (4 days for return then 4 days for next one shipped). Guess its all based on personal experience. Gamefly was just long wait after long wait even with the scan system. 8-10 days minimum, one game never made it and still has gone forever missing. I think it' s located on the west coast so that may have been the biggest factor.
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- Joined: Jun 23, 2004
- Location: NS, Canada (living in Rhode Island)
RE: anyone use gamefly?
Nov 22, 2005 15:53
Sorry Mass X! You actually wait 8 - 10 days turnaround for a game? WOW! Here in Las Vegas the turnaround is 2 days there, 2 days back (same as it was in California).
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: anyone use gamefly?
Nov 22, 2005 16:42
If it worked that way for me then I' d definatly stick with Gamefly. But overtime im sure they will expand the places of operation. Which will allow much much quicker turnaround nationwide.
Chee Saw
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- Location: SoCal USA
RE: anyone use gamefly?
Nov 22, 2005 18:52
I use Gamelender and I' ve been pretty happy with them. I use the $35 option with 5 games out at a time. I' d say turnaround is about 7 to 10 days (I' m in San Diego), which isn' t bad if you stagger sending the games back. Also, on that one website it says that they don' t carry 360 games, which in fact they do. I haven' t put any in my queue yet, though.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: anyone use gamefly?
Nov 25, 2005 09:10
I' ll DEFINITELY have to look into all of the services mentioned in this thread as the current-gen and next-gen are becoming crazily expensive. This generation we' ve had 5 friggin platforms (viable platforms) to support. GameCube, Xbox, PS2, PSP, and DS.
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- Joined: May 07, 2004
RE: anyone use gamefly?
Nov 28, 2005 13:46
AHA!!! So a little update...a buddy of mine who stood outside for 9 hours to get his 360 ordered his 360 games to buy, but used gamefly for 2 that he wanted to try before buying. He said the games got to him in no time at all and he was able to use his thanksgiving vacay to play the games he got from them. so its nice to see that they' re even quick with the 360 games....food for thought, Mass X...
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- Joined: May 07, 2004
RE: anyone use gamefly?
May 21, 2006 22:38
I know that this is a super old thread, but I thought I' d bump it to let y' all know that Gamefly' s running a 10 day free trail. And they also have a $10 one-at-a-time option too.
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