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a serious assault on xbox360
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a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 09, 2006 03:06
a group of hackers from netherland have succeeded to play a cracked demo on the 360, the Team Pi Coder has made an ISO to be read by the 360 without even modify it !!! however they say hat apparently microsoft rushed this demo wihtout making some kind of protection that' s why it was relatively easy... reminder this team already managed to get through the game information but it still can' t find a way to make it readable by the 360. other hackers promised that a chip will be available in the next couple of months.
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RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 09, 2006 03:30
And team executor gave MS kudos for protection - they said it' s impossible to make 360 as hacked as X (homebrew software - HDD GAMES - MEDIA CENTER etc.) but backups will be possible for sure.
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RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 09, 2006 10:58
When I posted something about downloading games for the PSP the thread got locked. But here you get to discuss cracking Xbox360s, just like that? What' s the difference? Is Kikizo owned by Sony or something?
Vx Chemical
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RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 09, 2006 11:09
maybe mods havent seen the thread yet! So it will most likely be locked, and if it isnt, its because its just a discussion about it, not tips and tricks!
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RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 09, 2006 11:17
I guess you' re right. Back then I guess I shouldn' t have mentioned a site which is associated with piracy. But it was even more stupid by the staff to lock the thread because that made it impossible for me to remove the link. A warning would have been more appropriate. If they would have done that I could' ve gotten the point, the link would' ve been removed and I could have continued the discussion in a harmless direction. What they did just felt like police-state manners. It' s funny Adam mentioned that Sony hates Kikizo, that isn' t exactly helping out a lot now is it?
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RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 09, 2006 11:22
why does sony hates kikizo ?? oh and what do you think of all this ??
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RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 09, 2006 11:29
Ask Adam about Kikizos relations with Sony. Here' s the original posts and all: https://forum.kikizo.com/tm.asp?m=35829&p=4&tmode=1&smode=1 Note that I use the word " illegal" meaning that it' s not recommended. It' s also clear that i do not support piracy since I say that it' s " tempting to keep downloaded games" where the word tempting is showing that I think piracy is a " sin" . Might be a good idea to repeat the rules: " Discussions about pirating games are strictly not allowed on here, please let this be a last and only warning to all." What do I think about all what?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 9 Jan 06 19:33:38 >
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 09, 2006 11:39
adam was against that thread because you posted a link to download stuff!!! you should not show tricks or tips or links unless well is is very vague and won' t lead to anything .. what do you think of the 360 being modified , woudl we see some firware like what' s hapening with a psp, i hope not ... you guys should think that it' s great in a certain way, you can play any game from any region and even any movie from any region , isn' t that awesom ? this is extremly good specialy for europeans who always lack of RPG' s , those that show up only on japan and the US and there are so many exemple + you don' t have to wait months and months to play a certain game because it' s already out in japan or in the us ... i f*****k hate that zoning stuff or whatever , when we' re gonna have zoneless console ... dream on
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RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 09, 2006 11:47
But that will cause everyone to import games. It would be devastating for stores in some countries, especially in Europe where the games always turn out last. And since every country has its own average price on different media, the prices will make people buy games and movies in other countries as well. The region coding might appear unnecessary but I think they have a good reason for it. It will also disrupt different marketing campaigns in different regions. My link was kind of vague. I didn' t know if it actually had any downloadable games. It wasn' t directly linked to PSP-related materials. I didn' t tell how to download them or what to do before/after downloading. I also wanted to remove the link but since the thread was locked, I couldn' t do so. The site also has other interesting files other than games and movies. Also, you said " however i don' t know from where exactly they download the games..." so I thought I might as well enlighten you.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 9 Jan 06 19:55:02 >
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RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 09, 2006 12:03
those guys don' t use interent or P2P softwares, those are professionals and they have their private sources that' s for sure, well i have my reasons to say so but let' s keep it here. you' re right about import stuff , but still i want to be able import games and it' s squareenix fault that releases a game 12 months after the jp release i mean geeeeez , they say that european don' t love RPG' s, they made their decision and i made mine .
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RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 09, 2006 12:30
Europeans doesnt love rpg' s? They said FF7 is a proof that they do that in square-enix... why do you think FF8-FF10 was in Eng,spanish,german,italian,french?
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RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 09, 2006 12:38
quzcatol please it' s not me who said that , it' s japanese developers, and one of those is squarenix don' t take final fantasy or some some major titles as an exemple , those will sell even if according to them , they won' t sell as in japan or in the US there is still no european release date for :: dragonquest 8!!!! no release date can you imagine the game is a year old starting from japan release forget dragonquest , how about grandia 3 or radia story even if they bring rpg' s to europe they usualy don' t translate them to french , spanish etc but leave them in english see?? sad but true
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RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 09, 2006 12:39
congratulation quez for your promotion haha a senior memeber lol ok i' m not taking that seriously but dude i' m still stuck in this junior member tag hate it  lol
Adam Doree
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RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 09, 2006 15:33
The difference between this thread and the last one is that in the last one, someone was directly asking about it, thereby inciting others to post links to places we do not want to support, whether intentionally or not. It is nothing to do with which company or system in question. Discussions about the technicalities of emulation and so forth are allowed, as are discussions about who may have hacked what recently, eg. PSP firmware, and what the implications are for gamers or the industry. What is not allowed is any information about where to find Roms, Illegal Hacks or Cracks, or guides on how to do stuff which is not legal. The end.
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RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 09, 2006 15:57
fair adam doree
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 09, 2006 16:11
Yeah,im a senior member i guess :P However im gonna do army service 2006 16 january,so will be back and foruth mayby one week a month. But i will visit the site as often as i can.
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RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 10, 2006 02:33
i wish there could be region-free games. man i' d import sooo many games from japan that are not even here in north america...the other thing u could do abasoufiane is to buy a japanese console on e-bay and learn how to speak japanese, LOL  , oh and don' t forget to buy the japanese region discs. the 360 will be hacked, like the ps3 and the rev. But this time around, I don' t think they can actually make it so customisable as the xbox. I read somehwere about a feature the 360 has. if they can find a way around that, then the 360 will be FULLY customisable, as in run two dashboards etc etc, but that will take years, or maybe will never happen. I' ll try and find the link that talks about this, forgot where i read it, but I kno it was one of those tech websites, like gizmondo type.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 10, 2006 04:01
I think that if you really like import games, you should by a Japanese console instead of chipping your own regions console.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 10, 2006 07:44
ORIGINAL: ginjirou I think that if you really like import games, you should by a Japanese console instead of chipping your own regions console. 360 is region free for games, or at least the UK (European) model is. I got DoA4 and RR6 imported from North America and they work properly. I know a guy that imported a 360 (they' ve completely sold out in the UK) from Japan, where they' re going really cheap. He got a power converter and his Japanese games work on my 360 too. It' s region coded for films and Japan is region 2 like Europe.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: a serious assault on xbox360
Jan 10, 2006 08:30
What? European xbox360 work with american/japanese games?
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