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Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
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Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 26, 2005 17:32
Hi again, this French site by the looks of things say that Yu suzuki has said there will be an announcement about Shenmue 3 in 2006. Can someone please translate this for us? I would like to know about a few other things Yu Suzuki said about Microsoft in this too. Here' s the link, http://www.xbox-mag.net/shenmue-3-sera-annonce-en-2006_9515.aspx i found this at Shenmue Dojo originally. I think the original poster at the Dojo translated it but i' m not sure and i don' t think he translated all of it. Here' s the link to the original poster, http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~shenmuedojo/forum/viewtopic.php?t=28232 what do you guys think about this?
< Message edited by IwantShenmue3 -- 27 Dec 05 3:26:10 >
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RE: Shenmue 3 to be announced in 2006?
Dec 26, 2005 17:37
Basically some taiwanese site has interviewd Yu Suzuki and he says its coming and ads about it will start somewhere 2006,and that he seems to be pleased with the 360,and so on,basically pointing out that its coming to 360,and then they add that since shenmue2 to xbox was paid by ms,and that peter moore was a ceo for nothren ameria sega,it looks like its coming to 360. Very good news,lets hope its true. And then lets laugh and point at GS who trashtalked kikizo in one of their article.
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RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 26, 2005 17:42
I can' t wait for it.
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RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 26, 2005 17:43
Same here...however i will hold my thumbs...so the official site and magazine hasn' t mixed it up with shenmue online,i mean the french site,who translated the interview...
Joe Redifer
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RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 26, 2005 18:05
I can' t wait for Shenmue 3, but at the same time I can wait for it because I certainly don' t want it to be rushed.
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RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 26, 2005 21:24
Yu Suzuki doesn' t rush things ;) Man, I guess I' m going to have to get a 360 eventually. Still, it seems like a big investment considering how few worthy titles I have for the Xbox. Shenmue would be a deal-clincher though. To me, it should be one of those games that sends consoles flying off retailers' shelves. Still...*glances at Dreamcast*...yeah.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 26, 2005 21:45
basically pointing out that its coming to 360, If that turns out to be true then they obviously missed the part where the Xbox360 only sold around 50,000 units in Japan at launch and sold a measly 8 - 9,000 units the following week.  ... I' m all for catering to your hardcore audience whenever you can but at some point you' ve got to start making some profit-based business decisions!
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RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 26, 2005 22:24
Indeed - the Japanese are practically boycotting the 360. Not that I blame them. I' m not a side-chooser or anything, but it says a lot that the GameCube is shifting more units than the 360 (which is underperforming, even by the original Xbox' s standards). Still, the DS' s continued success - it' s just hit the 5 million mark in Japan - gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. In case anyone' s interested, this is exactly how bad the 360 is doing.
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RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 27, 2005 04:03
what would you do without abasoufiane L’arlésienne Shenmue 3 refait parler d’elle aujourd’hui. En effet lors d’une interview de Yu Suzuki au site taiwanais GNN, le géniteur de la saga Shenmue aurait affirmé qu’une annonce sera faîte en 2006. La Xbox 360 pourraît être la console qui accueillera le troisième opus de la saga mondialement appréciée. En effet Microsoft a été le principal artisan du second volet sur Xbox en le finançant en totalité. De plus Yu Suzuki affirme avoir été séduit par la souplesse de la Xbox 360 et il réaffirme être en excellent termes avec la division jeux de Microsoft. Il faut également noter que Peter Moore, un des grands décideurs de la firme de Redmond, a été le CEO de Sega of America de 1989 à 2001 et que Jay Allard était un des meilleurs fans de Sega avant la fin de la Dreamcast. news about shenmue 3 are showing up again. in fact, during an interview of yu suzuki in a taiwanese site GNN, the creator of the saga shenmue has confirmed that there wil be an annoucement during 2006. the xbox360 might be the console that will receive the third opus in this worldwide appreciated saga. Microsoft was behind the second part in xbox and it financed it totaly. in addition, Yu Suzuki says to be seduced by the flexibility of the 360 and that he' s in good term with microsoft. Note that Peter Moore, one of the biggest guns in Redemond' s firm was the CEO of sega in america from 1989 to 2001 and that Jay Allard was one of the biggest sega fans before the end of the Dreamcast.
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RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 27, 2005 10:45
If Microsoft financed Shenmue so much, doesn' t that mean that they practically own the Shenmue franchise now? Shenmue is one of the most expensive games ever done so an exclusive release for the 360 would seem like a waste of money since the 360 is doing so bad i Japan. But then, maybe MS is hoping that the game will attract more japanese gamers... I' d like to see a PSP remake of Shenmue 1 and 2.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 27, 2005 10:50
Peter Moore ... was the CEO of sega in america from 1989 to 2001 Ummm... no. You see, this is why the entire world hates all of France. That, and they smell due to the fact that every man, woman and child there smokes.
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RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 27, 2005 11:08
i don' t hate france and i like this country :)
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RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 27, 2005 11:39
They fianced the shenmue 2 port to the xbox,not the making the game itself that was btw made for dreamcast and off sega..
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 27, 2005 11:41
Thanks for the translation, this looks pretty cool.
< Message edited by IwantShenmue3 -- 27 Dec 05 19:42:17 >
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- Joined: Apr 25, 2005
RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 27, 2005 14:50
L’arlésienne Shenmue 3 refait parler d’elle aujourd’hui. En effet lors d’une interview de Yu Suzuki au site taiwanais GNN, le géniteur de la saga Shenmue aurait affirmé qu’une annonce sera faîte en 2006. La Xbox 360 pourraît être la console qui accueillera le troisième opus de la saga mondialement appréciée. En effet Microsoft a été le principal artisan du second volet sur Xbox en le finançant en totalité. De plus Yu Suzuki affirme avoir été séduit par la souplesse de la Xbox 360 et il réaffirme être en excellent termes avec la division jeux de Microsoft. Il faut également noter que Peter Moore, un des grands décideurs de la firme de Redmond, a été le CEO de Sega of America de 1989 à 2001 et que Jay Allard était un des meilleurs fans de Sega avant la fin de la Dreamcast. www.freetranslation.com The of arles Shenmue 3 remade one to talk about her today. In fact at the time of an interview of Yu Suzuki to the site taiwanais GNN, the parent of the saga Shenmue would have asserted that an announcement will be faîte in 2006. The Xbox 360 pourraît to be the console that will welcome the third opus of the universally appreciated saga. In fact Microsoft was the principal craftsman of the second shutter on Xbox while the finance in entirety. Of more Yu Suzuki asserts having been seduced by the flexibility of the Xbox 360 and it reaffirms to be in excellent terms with the division games of Microsoft. It is necessary equally to note that Peter Moore, one of the big decision-makers of the firm of Redmond, was the CEO of Sega of America of 1989 to 2001 and that Jay Allard was one of the better fans of Sega before the end of the Dreamcast.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 27, 2005 14:52
kombatfighter i think i' ve done the job much better than a free software translator....
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 27 Dec 05 23:09:07 >
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- Joined: Apr 25, 2005
RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 27, 2005 14:56
kombatfighter i think i' ve done the job much better than a free software translation.... LOL, I was showing people that site in case we don' t have a fine translator like you.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 27, 2005 15:07
keep up the good job kombatfighter
Joe Redifer
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RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 27, 2005 15:22
I was kidding, absoluteflame. The auto-translaters are always hilarious. They just literally translate each word in order and do not reconstruct the sentence for proper grammar or even structure. For example some languages have their adjectives after the noun, and when literally translated to English it makes sense little (or " sense of small" ). :) I wrote a short sentence in English and translated it to Chinese for an individual I used to know who was fluent. She was barely able to make it out at all. So don' t go translating your English to Japanese using those things and e-mailing your favorite game developers. They will hate you and ruin your favorite game just to get back at you.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 27 Dec 05 23:24:57 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Yu Suzuki says an announcement about Shenmue 3 will be made in 2006.
Dec 27, 2005 15:35
I wrote a short sentence in English and translated it to Chinese for an individual I used to know who was fluent. She was barely able to make it out at all. So don' t go translating your English to Japanese using those things and e-mailing your favorite game developers. They will hate you and ruin your favorite game just to get back at you. Aha!! So YOU' RE the reason Sega ruined Altered Beast!!! The plot thickens!
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