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Your favourite game characters
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Your favourite game characters
Jan 22, 2006 04:17
The amount of creative freedom that videogames allow has led to some really interesting characters. Post your favourites... Resident Evil was an overnight success on the Playstation, and Albert Wesker the captain of the S.T.A.R.S. unit and field leader of it' s Alpha Team has been there from the very beginning. Weskers backstory is a work of genius! Kazuya Mishima, thrown off a cliff by his father who claimed his son was weak, made a pact with the Devil ensuring he survived the fall and allowing him the opportunity to exact his revenge. I was unbelieveably impressed with both Abes Oddysee and Exoddus. Some of the quirkiest characters in gaming history live in Oddworld and you can bet you' re bottom dollar we' ll be going there again soon enough! Abe is so uncool he' s cool!
Vx Chemical
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 22, 2006 04:24
Duke Nukem is very cool, i really hope to see something of the forever game, that started its life on the Quake 2 engine. Master Chief has nice comments in the games, his own confidence and the confidence of others in him is really cool as well [image]http://img.engadget.com/common/images/6684703157179904.JPG?0.5872584624859513[/image] Marcus from fallout, coolest mutant out there, carrying a big heavy machinegun to mow down bramin and scorpids
< Message edited by vx chemical -- 22 Jan 06 12:34:11 >
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 22, 2006 04:32
Never would have picked you for a Master Chief fan... Ha, y' know i don' t think we' ll ever see Duke Nukem Forever. I admire what the guys at 3d Realms have done, ...developed the game with their own money, ...but even if they did release it i' m not sure how well it would do now. They' ve just done with Prey which should be out soon, and the Max Payne games were great, but they' d have to update the gameplay since times have moved on. Still, " when it' s done.." eh?! I want them to remake Shaddow Warrior!
Vx Chemical
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 22, 2006 04:35
Actually Prey has been in the works from before they started on Duke Nukem forever, i have no doubt we will see Duke Nukem forever, i predict we will see stuff from it this years E3. Dont know why but its just a feeling i have!
Terry Bogard
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 22, 2006 04:47
Before Sonic was born, Sega' s pseudo mascot was a big eared little munchkin named Alex Kidd. The protagonist star fighter from various Konami shooters including the Gradius and Salamander series. So many weapon options, this ship is locked and loaded for action. Elta, the young magician from the Neo-Geo game, Magician Lord. I' ve always dug his all-blue get up, hat included, and his ability to change into a number of other powerful forms. A launch title for the Neo-Geo arcade and home units, in my eyes, Magician Lord still remains the greatest Neo-Geo game ever made. Sega' s Space Harrier is soo kool on soo many levels. One of my top 5 favorite games of all time.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 22 Jan 06 12:49:01 >
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 22, 2006 04:50
Bloody good effort Terry! Now that takes me back. I' m only 23 but i remember playing Alex Kidd to death (well not to death...)!!!
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 23, 2006 01:10
Gears of War, a contender for action ' game of the year' (well, it will be), and you play as Marcus Fenix, a former prisoner forced to fight. The games story is fairly interesting, but pretty much just an excuse to kill lots of beasties and blow stuff up. Cough, ...erm...Ulala of Space Channel 5 infamy...what? ...what?
Adam Doree
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 23, 2006 01:51
Just so cute! Cream the rabbit: So sweet and innocent and just wants to br friendly. King of fighters... Akira Yuki Simply the greatest fighting character everyone, and ahem, for want of a better phrase, I like playing with him more than anyone else. Sonic the Hedgehog Well... duh. And for that matter, any other chatacter by Sega as well. The girls from OutRun. Aiai and friends. Candy. Sarah. Vanessa. NiGHTS. Claris and Eliot. Reala. Oh and the DOA girls too. (Even if one of them is " 14" or whatever. Which is lies. Besides if she was 14 in DOA1 then that means she is about 24 now, which is fine. And if she is 14 in Ninja Gaiden that would mean she had to be 4 in DOA1 which is obviously just ridiculous. So I say " DOAGIRL" -loving FTW).
Boss Hogg
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 23, 2006 05:41
Ryu Hayabusa. bad-ass ninja who will fight everting and anything to get the job done Master Cheif. soft spoken hard ass who wont take crap from covenents Sam Fisher. the man' s a shadow. Never gets spotted by guards. and even when things get blown to hell he still keeps his cool.
< Message edited by boss hogg -- 23 Jan 06 5:16:30 >
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 23, 2006 09:46
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 23 Jan 06 19:00:16 >
Adam Doree
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 23, 2006 11:56
Can I recommend HTTP://WWW.TINYPIC.COM as the optimum image hosting on Kikizo Forums from now on? They offer a simple .jpg URL for your hosted image that will avoid this kind of problem, and they' re free and very wasy to use.
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 23 Jan 06 3:56:54 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 23, 2006 12:09
Good idea! Of course if people would LOOK at the text they are copy/pasting and just omit the [url=][/url] tags things would be fine. Asking too much? Perhaps.
Boss Hogg
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 23, 2006 13:18
Thanks for the link Adam.
Chee Saw
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 23, 2006 22:30
ORIGINAL: Adam Doree (Even if one of them is " 14" or whatever. Which is lies. Besides if she was 14 in DOA1 then that means she is about 24 now, which is fine. And if she is 14 in Ninja Gaiden that would mean she had to be 4 in DOA1 which is obviously just ridiculous. So I say " DOAGIRL" -loving FTW). Word! And for the record, the coolest character in any video game is: Kung Lao! When he appeared in MKII he stole the show. That was his best incarnation, but I also like using him in MK: Shaolin Monks.
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 25, 2006 07:50
...in my opinion none of your choices matches an Elite Warrior... ...Brutal... ...Technologically-advanced.... ...Fearless.... ...Cunning... Disciplined ...Noble and Righteous... ...these bastards would smear your pansy human ' warriors' around a room with out even blinking.....
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 25, 2006 14:00
Except for Master Chief. But I agree with you, out of the Covenant, I like the Elite better than any other alien. And I love their scream/groan when they die And yes, Master Chief (or John, spartan 117 for those who dn' t know) is the man and he will kick a shitload of covenant and flood ASS in Halo 3. And I' ll be happy to be his master and move the strings... and how about this guy? don' t leave him out. and him? last but not least for today, how could you not have mentioned him by now? shame on you! now this guy is the man for all the geeks out there  seriously though, even though he can' t speak  he' s one of my favourite game characters. **Oh, did u guys know that 3d realms still don' t have the 360 in their studio, they' re still waiting on MS to ship it to them. read this I' ve yet to touch the controller of any of them. I can' t find an X360 to buy in stores, and we have yet to get a development machine sent from Microsoft even though Prey is being developed for their system.
by Scott Miller, CEO at 3d Realms
< Message edited by KiLLer -- 25 Jan 06 6:11:57 >
Chee Saw
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 25, 2006 19:12
ORIGINAL: KiLLeR last but not least for today, how could you not have mentioned him by now? shame on you! now this guy is the man for all the geeks out there seriously though, even though he can' t speak he' s one of my favourite game characters. True. I like Gordon too. **Oh, did u guys know that 3d realms still don' t have the 360 in their studio, they' re still waiting on MS to ship it to them. read this I' ve yet to touch the controller of any of them. I can' t find an X360 to buy in stores, and we have yet to get a development machine sent from Microsoft even though Prey is being developed for their system. by Scott Miller, CEO at 3d Realms That' s f*cked up! LOL Now I don' t feel so bad that I had to wait two weeks to play mine.
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- Location: Mississauga, ON, Canada
RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 26, 2006 03:32
ye, someone else that likes gordon too. there is something about him, there' s this melancholic feeling surrounding him, or so it looks to me. ye man, that is fucked up. I dunno what the hell MS is waiting for. Poor guys, they are the ones that make games and can' t even get their hands on a 360, and you' d think they might have connections to say...MS!!!!!!
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 26, 2006 06:36
Not that it would make that much difference really. I mean, by now you would hope that Forever is finished and just ready to be optimized for whatever console/platform it' s going to be released for. I heard it might not even make the PC and that Microsoft were looking for an exclusive. Personally i hope it makes both PC and 360, and i doubt it' ll make PS3. Anyhoo...Englands finest son...
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RE: Your favourite game characters
Jan 28, 2006 06:52
i like rather dashing from the peasants quest game (who' s picture i cannot post because there' s an access error from every site i try) I love luigi, just because he' s such an underdog I also can really connect with Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell, my dad has a best friend who is in spec-ops, darn near exactly like him. (as in i almost went into shock the first time i played the original SC)
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