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Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
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Terry Bogard
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Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 12, 2006 10:50
What is your favorite and which one disappointed you the most????? (Everyone shouts: " Aww come on Terry, that' s a NOOOB question! You should know better!!!) Favorite: 1. Wrestle Kingdom... Which is quite surprising considering my initial reaction to the game! But after playing the later released PS2 version I went back to the 360 version and haven' t been able to put it down since.. Most disappointing: Tie between Rumble Roses XX and Ridge Racer 6.. The spirit of Ridge Racer just isn' t there in Ridge Racer 6. It' s like Namco slapped the Ridge Racer name on a different game. Rumble Roses XX also took a step back as well. No Story mode?? What the hellz Konami????
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RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 12, 2006 10:55
Best: Dead Rising - fun for the whole family! Worst: Perfect Dark Zero - what the hell was Rare (not) thinking?
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 12, 2006 11:23
Best: Geometry Wars (Yeah I know its an great Game) Worst: Nfl Madden ( The Worst in Football History )
< Message edited by mikayd2 -- 12 Sep 06 3:24:05 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 12, 2006 12:25
Best: Dead Rising (great for the kidz) Dissapointed: MotoGP 06 (doesn' t look/move as nice as OG Xbox version)
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RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 12, 2006 13:24
ORIGINAL: mikayd2 Best: Geometry Wars (Yeah I know its an great Game) Worst: Nfl Madden ( The Worst in Football History ) Have u even played the game ...
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- Joined: Jul 15, 2006
RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 12, 2006 13:37
Favorite Game: Oblivion... Worse Game: Don' t have one...I only buy games that have glowing reviews...
Evil Man
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RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 12, 2006 14:40
Favorite: Oblivion, Burnout Revenge, Dead Or Alive 4. Worst: N3, Enchanted Arms, Perfect Dark Zero.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 12, 2006 15:20
Best: Prey Worst: PGR 3 (i dont like driving games)
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RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 12, 2006 18:07
WTF? Evil man can fukk himself. ANyway my fav? Oblivion,Graw and Table Tennis. Well about dissapointing games i cant take the games i hate but which i had hopes for. Ahumm..a Doa4 and PDZ,now dpont get me wrong i really liked PDZ it was a 88/100 for me. It was way too short,but the co-op was extremly fun,i played a lot of that and MP. However PD is my favorite FPS i even hold it higher then Half life2...which i shouldn' t but i do. So ofc anything below then a 94+ would be a dissapointment. However i should have seen it coming,since it was dev for GC then xbox and then rushed for 360 launch-.
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RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 12, 2006 19:45
you can' t even name 360 games you don' t like without giving excuses - how fanboy is that?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 12, 2006 20:02
Games that have really impressed me: * Tom Clancy' s Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter It' s actually probably my " favourite" 360 title and i would have gone as far as to give it GOTY if the decision was down to me. The single player campaign isn' t as long as i would like but the multi-player, online and additional content adds so much depth to what' s already a great game. I' ve actually probably played more GRAW online than anything else. Quez and i are nigh unstoppable! But seriously, i you haven' t played it you need to, and if you' ve played it and weren' t initially drawn in, give it another go, play the different parts (the mission mode, solo campaign, online etc) because they' re all different, and maybe it' ll grow on you. * Hitman: Blood Money I stopped playing the 2nd Hitman game after 3 levels and never touched or considered the series until Silentbomber got me interested in Blood Money. I watched some gameplay videos and read a couple of reviews and still didn' t expect to like it, ...but i bought it anyway and don' t regret the decision. The game is truly great. It has some issues but they are easily overlooked because the gameplay has so much depth. I would definetly encourage people to buy it. Also, if you played the demo and didn' t enjoy it, i didn' t either. In fact, i still don' t like the first level (from the demo). It' s just different from the rest of the game and doesn' t quite fit. As soon as you get past it and onto the 2nd level everything is 500% better! * The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion I' ve lost count of how many hours i' ve played and how many quest i' ve completed. The main quest is far less engaging than the 100' s of side quests. The sheer attention to detail is amazing. I played and didn' t really get into Morrowind but Oblivion has had my gripped for months now and try as i might i can' t get bored of it, there' s just so much to do. * Dead Rising A completely different game to RE4, with the only similarity being the aiming controls. Anything can be used as a weapon, food stuffs can be blended (in erm, blenders...  ) to create varying cocktails that give you special abilities like invisibility, giving you health boosts etc. Mixing pie with orange juice for example creates " zombait" which is to be when you need to keep the zombies away from other survivors. Cold foods that are meant to be eaten hot can be cooked in an oven or microwave which boots their healing properites. You can even turn yourself into a zombie and mingle with the crowds! Cool weapons, tons of gore and severable limbs, a huge amount of easter eggs and references to other games. This game is awesome! Shit, any game where you can perform wrestling moves on zombies will easily get my vote! * Project Gotham Racing 3 Not as large as the 2nd game but much more refined. Perfect handling, perfect cars, perfetct courses, perfect online play. It has to be the best driving game available. It might not be for everybody, but since i hate Ridge Racer because it' s too arcadey, and hate Gran Turismo because it' s too much of a simulation, PGR3 strikes me as the perfect balance. The photo mode is superb too. Other great game include; Rockstar Presents Table Tennis, Top Spin 2, Call of Duty 2, Condemned, Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, Dead or Alive 4, Kameo, Fight Night Round 3, Moto GP 06 and Burnout Revenge. I didn' t include these above because they' re not my current " favourites" . Games i' ve been really disappointed by: * Quake 4 It' s a sub-par port of an already sub-par game. I though the online might be enjoyable and i was wrong. I don' t care what anybody says, ...Quake 4 was completely outdone by Doom 3 and is just another example of how bad Raven Software are at making games. id Should have hendled it themselves! The 360 port has a dodgy framerate, some minor graphical issues and no additional content, yet it still retails for £20 more than the PC version. Ports like this should either be released at a cut price or not released at all. I hate it and i didn' t even play through the easy campaign to get the achievement points. * Perfect Dark Zero No excuse can be made for such a bad game. The story, animation, voice acting, cutscenes, textures, weapon modelling, character modelling, online component etc are all RUBBISH!!! I bought it at launch, completed the main game hoping right untiol the very last level that it would get better, then playing the online multiplayer hoping that would be good and gave it away within days. It' s goddmn awful! * Peter Jacksons King Kong Ok, so i really shouldn' t have bought it, but i never thought it would be so bad. It' s worse than PD0. Just steer clear, even if you see it really cheap. * Far Cry Instincts Predator Could have been good but ultimately marred by dodgy modelling, low-res textures and rubbish handling (now fixed). The online is " supposed" to be good but it' s not. The game might have an impressive draw distance and awesome looking water and it may have an impressive amount of content but that still doesn' t make up for it' s annoying problems. * Ridge Racer 6 Type 4 remains king of the series. The PSP version was great but still didn' t do anything for me. RR6 is just boring. Namco need to make some serious changes for the western releases of their Ridge Racer games because what works in Japan doesn' t always work abroad. How i can go into a drift facing the wrong direction and then still come out without a scratch or slowing down/stopping is testiment to the rubbish decade old gameplay mechanics. * Tomb Raider: Legend Ok, so it' s not a bad game, but it did disappoint me. It looks gorgeous in parts but it' s pretty boring and the boss fights are laughable. The bike sequences are simply retarded. I still have it but probably won' t play it again for a long time. Other games that don' t quite make the grade are; Amped 3, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Prey and Ninety Nine Nights. These aren' t bad games, they' re just not as good as they should have been.   I own/have owned (i no longer own; Quake 4, Perfect Dark Zero, Ridge Racer 6, Peter Jacksons King Kong or Far Cry Instincts Predator) all of the above listed games and the opionion stated it my own.
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RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 12, 2006 20:31
all of the above listed games and the opionion stated it my own. Are you saying that what you wrote was your opinion and no one elses?
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RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 12, 2006 20:40
Maybe other people share that opinion.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 12, 2006 21:06
You can' t half write an essay ... For me I dunno th most disappointing for me is n3 mostly cos I couldn' t get to play the whole thing. Moto gp played the demo and hated it. Need for speed mw was crap after you played it you can' t be bothered to go back (mind you it' s like that with most nfs games). Most liked doa4, saint' s row (which by the way for anyone thats finished it can you please tell me what happened cos I was a little confused by the ending). And so far enchanted arms is going ok it' s not and aa title or anything but it' s fun I guess.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 13, 2006 02:21
best: tie between Geometry wars and COD2 (I was addicted to the online play) worst: Dynasty Warriors 5: its actually worse then the ps2 versions because at least the ps2 version has the actual game, what you get on the 360 is just the Epires expansion, pure crap.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 13, 2006 04:05
Best : Oblivion, and Amped 3 (the latter more because I just got into it so much and was competing hard with guys online to be tops) Worst: BFME 2. It' s not bad. It' s just that my favorite part of RTS' s is the micromanagement and you can' t do that effectively on the 360. I held out hoping it would be good,and while it is all the time I' m playing it I' m frustrated because I know how much easier it would be for me to do the things I want to do with a mouse. Oh, and PGR3. I just didn' t like that game.
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 12 Sep 06 20:06:11 >
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 13, 2006 05:23
quote: ORIGINAL: mikayd2 Best: Geometry Wars (Yeah I know its an great Game) Worst: Nfl Madden ( The Worst in Football History ) Have u even played the game ... yeah i have
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RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 13, 2006 06:22
Best Geomatry wars??? wtf...
Chee Saw
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RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 13, 2006 09:29
My favorites: Prey (great ending) Tomb Raider Honorable mention: Oblivion DOA 4 Dead Rising Disappointments: PDZ Rumble Roses XX (Too hard to advance. One loss is equal to about 10 wins!)
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- Joined: Jun 02, 2006
RE: Your best and most disappointing Xbox 360 games!
Sep 13, 2006 10:43
Best DOA4-great visual, neat fighting machanic. PGR3- stunning visual and audio. Dead Rising- story and plot is impressive, and a graphic to die for. Saint Row- nice visual and charactor design, including the rag-doll physic. These games has what a next-gen can offer. Worst Guns THAW(Tony Hawk:American Wasteland) Any games that is a mutiplatform and has no next-gen visual, is not a game for me. Now I had been trying out lots of great xbox360 games, and I can' t wait to try out future titles, but then again I' ll encounter lots more good and bad games.
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