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Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 14, 2006 21:36
Have any of you given thought to which kind of character you will create in Oblivion? Im thinking of a female spellcaster/rogue, or just a plain warrior, but im usually always a plain warrior, might be because the weapons and armors look super cool!
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 15, 2006 01:40
I' ve never played a single elder scrolls game, but I' m getting oblivion launch day, and I' m PUMPED for it. As such I have no idea what kind of characters are even possible. I hope I can make a midget fat man who' s special power is the art of projectile flatulance, but I' ll have to wait till tuesday to find out I guess.
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 15, 2006 01:51
Race:Nord Class:knight Birthsign:The warrior Gender:Male 7 major skills 1.Block (i take less dmg when blocking and using the shield) 2.Heavy armor (i can wear plate with ease) 3.blade (gonna use sword+shield so ofc i need blade that gives extra dmg to swrd) 4.Athletic (regenerate fatigue which i will lose with my armor/shield in battle) 5.Speech craft (to convince npc in getting info,this is probably the best skill...) 6.marksman (Getting strong ranged attack,shot 2-3 arrows,then rush the big ogre) 7.Security (Not fun to meet a locked chest or door in a dungeon so i take this...) I havnt decied if should rechange something above to a Restoration skill that can heal,and cure poision and sickness etc... Min skills will probably be blunt,and armor so i can repair and use Axes...when i need real heavy dmg,or a 2h hammer. Im going for a Knight that also use a bow. Almost a ranger in plate,ofc i dont put my foucs into ranged combat,more to weaken the biggest enemies or lure them to me before i rush them. So what do you think guys? I know blunt instead of blade suits more a Nord and my class in general suits more a imperial,but i saw the stats bonus for each race,and was to minor to even bother if you ask me... ;) anyway here was my Character. Name=" Lodinus"
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 14 Mar 06 17:53:42 >
Mass X
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RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 15, 2006 03:49
Like with morrowind I' ll have multiple saves so I can use each for different purposes. The options are so vast in this one that it' s still up in the air with me. I wanna create a character similar to the guy in the Thief series tho. I definatly know Ima furnace a house with just about every object I can pick up and place somewhere like I did in morrowind. Had Helmets on one shelf swords on another shield potions etc. Thing is the houses had limits and if you hit the limit it spawns a bag and automatically throws yer stuff in it, made me angry. But ya Ima definatly be stealing and collecting things.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 15, 2006 17:17
Never got as much into Morrowind as i did Daggerfall, i had multible saves in that game as well, but my best character was a Spellsword, i loved the way you could make your own spells, i dont know if thats possible in Oblivion!
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RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 15, 2006 20:29
I' ll probably end up with a Dark Elf Battlemage again.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 15, 2006 21:50
I' ll probably end up with a Dark Elf Battlemage again. Many people seem to play that,or a thief...
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 15, 2006 22:13
I just cant wait to play,,,, mmmmmmmm and im still only on the 4th mission in graw!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 15, 2006 22:19
I just cant wait to play,,,, mmmmmmmm and im still only on the 4th mission in graw! Im replaying on hard,soon finished it on hard,this game is fun :) When you done go and play some co-op online with me and the rest.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 16, 2006 07:47
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 16, 2006 07:58
When you done go and play some co-op online with me and the rest. Yeah come play with me & Quez (i have to keep saving his ass!    ) Quez is badass on Ghost Recon, ...definately cool to play with! Ohhh OBLIVION!!! I' ve got it pre-ordered from PLAY.COM and they usually have games in mid week to ship so you have it on the day of release. £39.99 delivered! I can' t wait. I' m not gonna do anything but roam around and find cool weapons for the first weekend. Maybe i' ll steal a horse and climb the mountain... Speaking of buying stuff online, ...i' m now considering importing a DS Lite because i' m not sure i want to wait until May... I got my 4Gb PSP HDD a fortnight ago from LIK-SANG but it' s not actually that great. The data transfer seems really slow and it makes holding it while paying games uncomfortable. I think i' ll just buy 2 2Gb memory sticks and use those instead and just keep the HDD in my bag with additional stuff on it for emergencies!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 16 Mar 06 0:01:05 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 16, 2006 08:04
Hehe :P Good team work on temple,when was 10 people or something ;) I was trying to get you to play ranked games today btw >_< Im ranked 3,weee!!!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 16, 2006 08:19
I know, i had to go out, then when i came back i played Chaos Theory for a while. I' ll be on tomorrow though for hours!
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 17, 2006 01:34
I' m another one to have never played an Elder Scrolls game but am really looking fowards to Oblivion. I ususally play as a hero warrier in these type of games, relying more on brute strength then magic. This time I may actually try and master magic and not be Mr Nice Guy just for a fun change.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 17, 2006 01:48
Ok, since Paul has spoken up now and revealed that I alone am not the only newb to the series, could someone take the time to fully explain how these games work? I understand that they are very open ended, and that the game will be 16 square miles and all, but I don' t have a clue what to do. It sounds like you don' t have to follow the story at all? Can you just wander and do anything? If you' re a thief can you break into ANY building, do you have to complete missions? Can I have a picnic in the grassy meadows? The more info the better, I don' t care if I have to read 4 pages.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 17, 2006 02:24
(this post is a mess because Im updateing it whenever I remember somthing about morrowind.) If it' s like morrowind, then yes you can go anywhere, into anyplace, and do anything. I spent most of the time collecting things and stealing and selling rare items to merchants. Anyone can be killed and their bodies looted, hell you can pickpocket ppl to if you' re skilled enough. However, you will be punished by city gaurds if caught doing illegal things. Its the most open and free game Ive played. Again tho thats morrowind and by the sounds of it Oblivion sounds like it may even have more depth to certain activities. Hell with the new physics system added it should be insane. Hell taking a nap gives you open possibilites in Oblivion. Long travels will tire out your character so you may need to sleep it out in the woods or rent a room or kill someone and take their bed for the time being or buy your own home and return there when ever or just keep on moving. Its basically a MMORPG for one. You will have a main story to follow but once yer done you can still go mess around in the world doing the massive amount of side quests. Guilds have their own set of tasks you must complete to advance in rank. There was an assassins guild in Morrowind where you were sent out to kill people but had to do it in a certain way (IE: Poison someones food, a public execution, use a bow to nail the target from a secluded area, etc). There' s even books around and at bookstores which you can read. Some may provide info some may be just entertaining like a book of poems. While traveling you can collect certain plants and herbs for potions. You can hunt animals for food or sport I guess. Go for a swim. I looted a docked boat in Morrowind. Buy or set slaves free. One goal I had but never got around to was to kill every civilian and guard in the world. If you have the right skill levels, time, and patience you coudl certainly do so. Left a tavern full of bodies that remained there the entire game, took their clothes and weapons and anything else that had. Clothes by the way come in a large variety and can be mixed anyway you want. Shirts, pants, boots, gloves, head wear, gauntlets, jewelary, chest armour, shoulder armour, shin guards, armour leg wear, robes, um other things I guess all put together how you want making you character as unique and different at you want. If you wanna go otu naked go for it. However, certain materials do serve a purpose and arnt just for looks. Just about everything has a cause and effect. Running alot will increase speed jumping will increase acrobatics (nothing like jumping from the ground up to a roof then running across the rooftops for an amazing escape). (I' ll keep adding things as I remember them)
< Message edited by Mass X -- 16 Mar 06 18:45:44 >
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 17, 2006 12:06
mxpx182, I played Morrowind for over 80 hours before I even started the main quest. I still had much more I could have done before I started the main quest...for instance, I was just learning how to create my own magic potions from raw ingredients found throughout the world, and I was in the beginning stages of being able to make my own spells with unique effects. I had enchanted a necklace to allow me to leap miles at a time (with a slow-fall effect so I wouldn' t crush myself on impact), which allowed me to traverse the island of Morrowind in mere minutes. If I got ambushed, I would just cast a custom spell that would allow me to fly, and then shoot the enemies with a bow while flying. I had dozens of houses strewn throughout the land, but my favorite house was actually grown from a huge-ass mushroom. Other mushrooms popped up near mine and shop-keepers moved into them for a convenient trading center. I got tired of swimming so I just created a spell that allowed me to walk on water. If someone had something I wanted I' d either steal it from them, threaten them for it, or kill them and their 20 friends for it.
< Message edited by skurf -- 17 Mar 06 4:08:30 >
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 17, 2006 23:59
Thanks for the info guys, I can barely concentrate at work each day I' m anticipating this thing so much.
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 18, 2006 13:57
My first character is going to be a dirty little thief with invested interest in powerful spells. I' ll spend all my time trying to steal everything in the game and if I get caught I' ll set the fuckers on fire with one of my spells or sling my arrows right on their nuts! First and foremost however I will need to collect as many pillows as possible so I can build my fort. Damn it feels good to be back in TES, I don' t know why I even stopped playing Morrowind in the first place. Morrowind is so old yet I haven' t played a game since that beats it. Next week the gates of Oblivion open....
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Your Oblivion Characters
Mar 18, 2006 19:46
I too haven' t played a single Elder Scrolls title before, but am anticipating Oblivion like mad! I might end up having to get the PC version, as I have no Xbox 360[:' (].
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