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RE: Your E3 awards !!
May 22, 2006 01:10
...O_o.. ...don' t all rush to compile your E3 Awards.... ...or try to make them as stylish as mine..
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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RE: Your E3 awards !!
May 23, 2006 11:12
Most interesting new IP: Brooktown High: Senior Year Most innovative rip-off: Sony WiiStation 3 controller Impressive-looking showcases:Warhawk (PS3), Lost Planet (Xbox 360) Most anticipated games after E3: Brooktown High: Senior Year (PSP), Sonic Wild Fire (Wii), Sonic the Hedgehog (Xbox 360/PS3), Lost Planet (Xbox 360), Full Auto 2 (PS3), WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 (Xbox 360), Tekken: Dark Resurrection (PSP) Games that are likely to get old, fast: Sonic Rivals (PSP), Dead Rising (Xbox 360). Surprisingly enjoyable games: Pac-Man World Rally (PS2/GameCube/PSP), Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria (PS2) Best E3 Press conference:I' m going with Nintendo simply because I was there and Nintendo' s press conferences tend to have a certain type of energetic atmosphere. Like him or not, Reggie Fils-Aime does a pretty good job with Nintendo' s conferences. The flow was certaintly better this year than in previous years since they didn' t bore us much with charts & graphs, though Mr. Harrison was the only one who slowed the conference down a bit with his monotone voice spewing PSP vs. DS sales figures..... But in all honestly it' s not totally fair for me to rank them yet since I' ve only seen snippets of the Sony and Microsoft conferences so far. Need to finish downloading them and experience them in full!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 23 May 06 19:33:13 >
Ninja Dog
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RE: Your E3 awards !!
May 23, 2006 16:37
The best of the best, is the best by the best-award: Zelda Wii “Ohhh! So pretty†award: Crysis Best game featuring an old dude wearing way to tight clothes for his age-award: MGS4 Game I look forward to the most while knowing shit about it, just like a stupid fanboy-award: FF13 Owned the show and my now my soul-award: Nintendo Wii Best WTF?!-award: Heavy Rain Best for my box-award: Rainbow 6 Huh?-award: Halo 3 WHYYY?!!-awards: Why no Shenmue 3? Why no Beyond Good & Evil 2? Why no show DMC4? Why no show RE5? Why, why, WHYYY?!!
< Message edited by dionysius -- 23 May 06 8:39:50 >
Ninja Dog
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RE: Your E3 awards !!
May 23, 2006 22:14
just like a stupid fanboy ...the irony...
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RE: Your E3 awards !!
May 23, 2006 22:26
@ Tru_Warrior ...shouldn' t you be invading a planet somewhere?.... ...and stop copying my cool... ...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 23 May 06 14:28:13 >
Ninja Dog
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RE: Your E3 awards !!
May 24, 2006 00:33
just like a stupid fanboy ...the irony... I know...
Ninja Dog
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RE: Your E3 awards !!
May 24, 2006 00:33
gotta say I love playing the Lost Planet demo. Since its the only game I wanted to play that I can play, I have to give it the nod. I loved the Gears demo too.
Mass X
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RE: Your E3 awards !!
May 24, 2006 01:22
My E3 awards based simply on what Ive seen online: Console Awards Best Wii Game: Super Smash Brothers Brawl -Runner-Up: Zelda Twilight Princess Best PS3 Game: Assassin' s Creed -Runner-Up: Best 360 Game: Bio Shock -Runner-Up: Gears of War Handheld Awards Best DS Game: Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Runner-Up: Star Fox DS Best PSP: Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Runner-Up: Killzone I guess... Genre Specific Awards Shooter: Gears of War -Runner-Up: Stranglehold FPS: Crysis -Runner-Up: Rainbow 6: Vegas RPG: Bioshock -Runner-Up: Mass Effect Racing: Moto GP 06 -Runner-Up: Forza 2 Sports: NBA 2k7 -Runner-Up: Virtua Tennis 3 Platformer: Super Mario Galaxy -Runner-Up: ... Open-World: Mercenaries 2 -Runner-Up: Crackdown & Just Cause Other Awards Originality: Spore -Runner-Up: Wii Sports Best Press Conference?: Microsoft -Runner-Up: Nintendo Visual Oragasm: -Runner-Up: Console of Choice as of E3: Xbox 360 -Runner-Up: Wii Cool looking, but not my type: That Eye-Toy card game -Runner-Up: Wii Sports ...more awards later
< Message edited by Mass X -- 23 May 06 19:42:26 >
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RE: Your E3 awards !!
May 24, 2006 22:23
since I' ve only seen snippets of the Sony and Microsoft conferences so far. Need to finish downloading them and experience them in full! ...?... ...???.... ...aren' t you supposed to be a games journalist?..... ....weren' t you there, at E3?.... ......so what were you doing during the biggest two events??...... .....harassing the namco booth bimbetts, i' ll bet....
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Your E3 awards !!
May 25, 2006 01:20
...aren' t you supposed to be a games journalist?..... ....weren' t you there, at E3?.... ......so what were you doing during the biggest two events??...... The rest of the crew went to those events, I on the other hand raced back to my hotel room to download more animal porn.
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Your E3 awards !!
May 25, 2006 01:56
Continuing on with the whole awards thing. Biggest F*** YOU Award goes to: Square Enix for being the most media UNFRIENDLY bunch of ****s at E3 for the 4th year in a row. Despite your ultra lame " no pictures, no filming" policy I made away with close to 10 minutes of gameplay footage. And I look forward to doing it again next year.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 24 May 06 17:58:26 >
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