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RE: Your Art
Jul 02, 2008 23:33
Lol, wow, those polys are out of control!  What shape are you primarily using to start with? Also what tools are you using to manipulate the polys? After I get done with work today I' m going to try and recreate your scene using more ' in game' friendly poly counts. Might help both of us bouncing back and forth modeling stuff.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Your Art
Jul 03, 2008 06:52
Mmm i start alot of things from boxes. I just model stuff and through on some mesh smooth to make it look smooth :P
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Your Art
Jul 03, 2008 07:00
Ah, mesh smooth. you can actually apply smoothing groups on the polygons to get the same effect while keeping the polys low.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Your Art
Jul 03, 2008 14:45
Ah, mesh smooth. you can actually apply smoothing groups on the polygons to get the same effect while keeping the polys low. Iv never figured that out probably.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Your Art
Jul 07, 2008 23:58
Here' s a link to a tutorial on smoothing groups. It' s really really really simple. I think they go way too in depth with that tutorial but everything you need to know is there. It will drastically save you on your poly count and should greatly reduce your render times (depending on the type of rendering you are doing). Concept2 rowing machine as of Saturday. Concept2 rowing machine as of last night.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Your Art
Jul 08, 2008 00:42
So, shadowwolf... what the f*ck is a stereogram, and why do they all look similar? Edit: This is joes, but I just had to post it, as the odds are most of you haven' t seen it.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 7 Jul 08 17:01:30 >
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: Your Art
Jul 08, 2008 07:55
a stereogram is one of those " magic eyes" images. You stare at it in the center for a while and eventually a 3D image will appear.
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- Joined: Jan 04, 2007
- Location: The Caribbean
RE: Your Art
Jul 08, 2008 10:16
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated So, shadowwolf... what the f*ck is a stereogram, and why do they all look similar? What is a stereogram? According to Wikipedia: An optical illusion of depth created from flat, two-dimensional image or images. In my terms its a 3D object (dept mask) hidden in a 2D image (e.g. wallpaper/ textured images, etc.) Most of the stereograms i create are random dot stereograms and autostereograms. locopuyo " Magic Eyes" is an optical illusion book that contains stereograms. Why do they all look similar? You are referring to the pattern repeating, right? Once again according to Wikipedia " If, over some area of the picture, the pattern is repeated at smaller distances, that area will appear closer than the background plane. If the distance of repeats is longer over some area, then that area will appear more distant (like a hole in the plane)." This explains that the more repeating image/texture gives more dept to the 3d image and how one' s eyes can visualise the 3d object hidden. But this depends on the type of stereogram one is creating.
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- Joined: Jan 04, 2007
- Location: The Caribbean
Re: RE: Your Art
Oct 11, 2008 17:26
Here is a magic eyes that i created just a few days ago. Trick or Treat? ...the creature could make a fine installment to the Silent Hill monsters.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
Re: RE: Your Art
Oct 11, 2008 19:23
So, I don't get it. How am I supposed to focus to see it? I can see the zoom effect just fine.
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- Location: Minneapolis
Re: RE: Your Art
Oct 11, 2008 22:20
That's frickn' badass, show me how to make those damnit.
Joe Redifer
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Re: RE: Your Art
Oct 12, 2008 01:36
I usually cross my eyes to see 'em, but the 3D is always "backwards". Maybe I will invert it in Photoshop so I can cross my eyes instead of moving my head to ad fro thing that you're supposed to do. EDIT: OK I did what I just mentioned above and I can see a cut-out image, but I can't ascertain what it is.
<message edited by Joe Redifer on Oct 12, 2008 01:38>
Agent Ghost
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Re:Your Art
Oct 12, 2008 02:10
I can see these things quite easily. Just stare at the center up close as if you're trying to focus on something really small in the center. Then slowly move back without stopping to focus on the center (don't move your eyes). The closer an object is to your eyes the more they cross, eyes never point in parallel. Basically you have look at it from a distance with your eyes crossed to the extent as if you're seeing things up close. Eventually this comes naturally. Spoiler: The last one is a Bat.
<message edited by Agent Ghost on Oct 12, 2008 02:14>
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- Location: Minneapolis
Re:Your Art
Oct 12, 2008 02:50
it's a gargoyle nub
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
Re:Your Art
Oct 12, 2008 03:05
Whatever looks like a cartoonish bat.
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- Joined: Jan 04, 2007
- Location: The Caribbean
Re:Your Art
Oct 12, 2008 03:24
Yup locopuyo is correct it is a gargoyle. I've been making these SIRDS for years, while i use 3D Studio models and create some of my textures i use little Photoshop for creation. However, a "friend" of mine at deviantart.com has distributed a program to create stereograms using Photoshop. I have never got his method to work. But here is the link: http://3dimka.deviantart.com/art/Stereogram-Lab-MTS-Software-46161050 Anyone who has time and plays with it, gets it to work...let me know what i am doing wrong. Edit: Ghost at least you can see it..
<message edited by the_shadowwolf on Oct 12, 2008 03:28>
Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
Re:Your Art
Oct 12, 2008 05:15
Purposely crossing my eyes is much easier than trying to move back and forth. That's the way these should be made instead. Anyway I like taking and making REAL 3D photographs. None of this crosseye crap. Unfortunately red and blue glasses are required.
Chee Saw
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Re:Your Art
Oct 12, 2008 09:16
It looks like a cross between a griffin and an old hag.
Johnny Jiron
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Re:Your Art
Oct 13, 2008 01:18
Does being colorblind hurt the process on seeing the image in those things?
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
Re:Your Art
Oct 13, 2008 01:39
I don't think so
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