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You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
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You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 05, 2007 11:11
From CVG http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=171368 Just when you thought Nintendo couldn' t get any weirder with the Wii they go and trademark some real interesting names - Wii Body controller Nintendo Magic Mii Audition Wii Handle Soma Bringer??? Now i know the usual barrage of ' gimmick' and ' fad' talk will no doubt enter this thread, and to be honest this news does not tickle my fancy (yet), but its great to see Nintendo continuing to expand the Wiis capabilities and product range. Even though its a runaway success they are not resting on their laurels, but instead trying new things with the Wii.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 5 Sep 07 3:12:25 >
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RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 05, 2007 11:20
I thought the Wii-mote would be the all-around wonder controller. But apparently not. Instead of making crap they should focus on actually using their current controller for something useful... Anyway, Wii-fit isn' t weird but it isn' t great either. It' s a cheap way to get money from non-gamers and a lame escuse to their lack of games.
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RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 05, 2007 11:29
No Way is the Wii mote the all around controller. Its just offers new types of control that were not possible on standard controllers, thats all. Its not very good for conventional fighting games, not do racing games benefit from Wiimote controls. But for other genres it works wonders. Can' t argue with the rest of your comment as its mostly true
Agent Ghost
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RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 05, 2007 12:35
This is a terrible strategy. Putting aside that fact that Wii is outdated. No console is worthy enough that would make me want to spend more on the controllers than on the console itself. I don' t even want to buy a racing wheel for real console like PS3 or 360. Paying through the nose for the controllers is retarded, especially for such a cheap console. On PC it would be worth spending the cash. Simply because you know you can get quality and it will last the life of the platform, which never ends. A console is only good for five years, once the next one comes out it' s junk. Except for Wii, which was junk before it was released. I' d much rather buy a 300$ racing wheel for PC than an 80$ wheel for any console. There is simply no sense in buying these things for a dying platform. Incase you' re wondering what a 300$ racing wheel looks like: http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/gaming/pc_gaming/wheels/devices/131&cl=us,en
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RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 05, 2007 13:28
Dying platform?? What have you been smoking? If anything is dying it would be the one with a 3/4 circle of redlights. You are not required to buy all the possible controllers available on the Wii, but its good to have that option. If it improves a persons gaming experience then its worth it. Guitar hero is a good example. You could probably play that (some how) on a regular controller but it plays much better on the Guitar controller. Just like you could play a FPS on a regular controller but its now been proven that FPS play much better on a Wiimote(  ). Its better to have the option then not to. Anyway no one know exactly what these things are gonna be so all this is is wild speculation. it could just be a game, and not hardware, who knows. Don' t jump to conclusions (I kinda of expected this to bring out your regular round of anti Wii sentiments but thats cool  ). As for the racing wheel, um didn' t you say you hated racing games? Now your talking about a US$300 steering wheel? WTF? BTW i' ve spend hundreds on buying specialized controllers for my PC i' ve got Logitech Momo racing wheel (great Wheel) 2 x Thrustmaster FF joysticks (the first ones trigger button stuffed so had to buy new one) with throttle 1 logitech FF joystick (hated the comfort) Sidewinder strategic commander (good for RTS only, ok for FPS) Sidewinder Dual Strike (not that good for FPS) Thrustmaster tactical board (sux and big waste of money) Saitek GM2 Action pad (excellent for FPS) Nostromo N50 (not bad but GM2 is better IMO) I bought them to enhance/improve my gaming experience, and if they did i didn' t care how much i spent on them. Thats all that mattered to me.
Agent Ghost
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RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 05, 2007 13:49
When i said dying platform, I wasn' t specifically talking about Wii. I meant consoles in general. Consoles have a 5-7 year life cycle, after which the hardware is lost, often including the accessories. Where as with PC the accessories will be good until you replace it. PC is the platform that doesn' t die.
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RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 05, 2007 14:06
Ohh, well in that case i totally agree with you. Most of the PC peripherals i have are very old but still work perfectly well for even the most recent games. However should i upgrade to Vista it may get problematic  . I just applaud Nintendo to continuing to try new things. Hey they might be crap for all i know but at least new things are put on the table. If they are good so much the better, if there bad we can move on. Its a shame when someone tries new things and don' t do well. The Sidewinder controllers i got are excellent examples, they were unique & new, and do there roles very well, but consumers didn' t like them so they dissappeared, which is a shame, because if they did do well i' m sure Microsoft would have made better versions of those devices (which could be the reason are sticking to tried and true standard controllers instead of creating a unique one). On the other hand things like the Tactical board was a disaster and deserved to fail (50+ buttons to memorise? no thankyou). But we' ll never know till we try so putting more things out there is the best bet.
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RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 05, 2007 18:29
Not buying peripherals for a console with a 5 year cycle would be like avoid buying extra controllers for the same reason. But we do buy extra controllers even though they' ll have a relatively short life span, because the fun we have with them the first years will be worth it. But anyway, I still play the NES, the Saturn, the Dreamcast and other old consoles. So to me a console never dies, which means that peripherals don' t die either. As long as a peripheral is good, I' ll buy it. Sadly, Nintendo seems to focus on peripherals that has nothing to do with videogames...
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 05, 2007 23:26
Why are we discussing games that are not aimed for us? Don' t we like options? or possible evolvement? Two gaming plattforms are already covering the need for the core gamers, isnt this enough? (even though some would call a console with, OOT, SPaper, W.Strikers, Mp3, Res4, MGalaxy, NMH, Z&W, SSB, and the very best retro games ECT, in the space of 1 year, better on paper) Also hearing more people on this forum talking about wanting to see great use of the Wiimote, yet not one person has ever mentioned coming wii games like Zak & Wikki which totally breaks the barriers
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 5 Sep 07 15:40:16 >
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RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 05, 2007 23:43
Why are we discussing games that are not aimed for us? Don' t we like options? or possible evolvement? Two gaming plattforms are already covering the needs for the core gamers, isnt this enough? If Nintendo right now had tons of hardcore games I like for the Wii, like Metroid, Mario, F-Zero, ToS2, etc then I wouldn' t care what they add to their console. But when I see tons of stuff aimed at non-gamers, stuff that you don' t really have any use for anyway, then I' m starting to question why the hell I should buy Nintendo products anymore. If they want to make non-gamers stuff then fine by me. But as long as they completely ignore my needs in favor of them, I will complain. I liked Nintendo' s hardcore games. If they won' t stick by me now as I' ve stuck by them in the past then I don' t want their stuff anymore. Sure, I can appreciate stuff like Wii-fit too. But it' s not things like that that makes me buy consoles. Also hearing more people on this forum talking about wanting to see great use of the Wiimote, yet not one person has ever mentioned coming wii games like Zak & Wikki which totally breaks the barriers Metroid Prime 3 and RE4 seems to use the Wii-mote in the way I hoped. Zack and Wiki, I don' t know. I' ve seen videos and the usage seems far to limited and obvious. But hey, maybe they' ll surprise me. Three games so far is less than I' d hoped for. I' ll buy the Wii for MP3. But do you expect other gamers to buy a Wii for three games, where one is a GCN port and one might turn out to be bad? That' s a lot to ask for. The Wii, the Wii-mote and peripherals aren' t bad things but Nintendo is just making some bad decisions and have some really bad timing right now. They need to prove they still care about my needs before I start praising them again.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 05, 2007 23:59
They need to prove they still care about my needs before I start praising them again. This is it, they don' t need your praise.. And they' ll always be pushing for new ideas whether the hardcore like it or not.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 06, 2007 00:07
This is it, they don' t need your praise.. And they' ll always be pushing for new ideas whether the hardcore like it or not. It still remains to be seen wether all the casual Wii buyers will actually buy any games. Nintendo aint loosing on the consoles, but they are probably not getting rich either. They need core gamers to get the attach rate up to make the big money, so Ninty better care what they produce for us. I expect WiiFit to fail majorly outside Japan!
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RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 06, 2007 00:11
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 06, 2007 00:31
Innovation and " new ideas" didn' t stop SEGA from continually supporting the " hardcore" ... Very True, but it was over-supporting the hardcore, (with bad management) that ultimatley killed them. Nintendo could of ended up like SEGA if they went the same way and never made hard decisions to turn their back on their hardcore fans. IF they made fans happy and created a GBA2 with comparable power and features of PSP and if a GC2 with power and features like a 360 / ps3.. im pretty much sure they couldve ended up like SEGA right now. PS. Only now Nintendo fans are loving their DS as they know it rocks and no high-powered GBA cold ever match it for Gameplay.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 5 Sep 07 16:43:20 >
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RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 06, 2007 00:34
This is it, they don' t need your praise.. And they' ll always be pushing for new ideas whether the hardcore like it or not. Well, if they don' t want praise from people who play videogames then they make shitty videogames. It' s as simple as that. They are good at marketing and selling interactive hardware and software. But a good games company they are not and games are what I' m here for. They might as well have started making ice cream or cars or PC' s or whatever to profit from non-gamers, because that would' ve been as interesting to past followers of Nintendo as what they are making now. So excuse me if I don' t like your idea of how Nintendo should run their business. Sega>All
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 06, 2007 00:42
Well, if they don' t want praise from people who play videogames then they make shitty videogames. It' s as simple as that. They are good at marketing and selling interactive hardware and software. But a good games company they are not and games are what I' m here for. They might as well have started making ice cream or cars or PC' s or whatever to profit from non-gamers, because that would' ve been as interesting to past followers of Nintendo as what they are making now. So excuse me if I don' t like your idea of how Nintendo should run their business. Lol you talking as if Nintendo are never gonna make a hardcore game again.. they are expanding the market and their dev tools, quit simple really, Next time nintendo uncover a new hardcore franchise, it' s gonna blow alot of people away!! This is Nintendo FFS.. you think their quiet on this area because they have given up on it?? lol Far from it..
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 06, 2007 00:51
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 Innovation and " new ideas" didn' t stop SEGA from continually supporting the " hardcore" ... Very True, but it was over-supporting the hardcore, (with bad management) that ultimatley killed them. To an extent. SEGA was finished in the hardware market before Dreamcast ever launched. Like PS3 the Saturn had been priced too high and didn' t deliver on it' s promises. Publishers (not developers) lost faith and saw Sony as being more marketable. But the causal gamers that made Sony popular aren' t the same audience Nintendo is courting right now.
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RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 06, 2007 00:53
Lol you talking as if Nintendo are never gonna make a hardcore game again.. they are expanding the market and their dev tools, quit simple really, Next time nintendo uncover a new hardcore franchise, it' s gonna blow alot of people away!! This is Nintendo FFS.. you think their quiet on this area because they have given up on it?? lol Far from it.. Sure eventually they will. But you have to think that they are facing competition on the hardcore market. Hardcore players aren' t going to sit by and idly wait for Nintendo' s move when they can turn to MS or Sony to play the things they crave RIGHT NOW. Do you think I would' ve bought a 360 if I could' ve bought a Wii with ten awesome games really using the Wii-mote functionality and offering hardcore gaming experiences??? Do you think I would be looking at the PS3 with interest for games like LittleBigPlanet if Nintendo had been offering the same kind of innovative and charming games like that??? Nintendo is losing the hardcore crowd and that will show in their software sales. Do you think 3rd party developers are going to develop hardcore games if they think that every Wii-owner is a non-gamer who wants Nintendogs or Wii-fit? No, they won' t. They' ll develop the same kind of cheap non-gamer crap that Nintendo is doing now. Nintendo has to take back the focus on hardcore gamers unless they want to lose that segment of the market.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 5 Sep 07 16:55:44 >
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RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 06, 2007 02:12
Lol you talking as if Nintendo are never gonna make a hardcore game again Yes, because after SSBB and SMG there is a huge list of games the hardcore love coming to the Wii Next time nintendo uncover a new hardcore franchise, it' s gonna blow alot of people away! Blow them away? You mean it may look as good as an Xbox 1 game and feature a new control gimmick?
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: You though Wiifit was weird? Nintendo have more weird stuff to come!!
Sep 06, 2007 04:17
immortaldanmx shh, that was the most contradictory post ever! Anyone happy with their other consoles shouldnt be moaning anyway.. Wii' s offerring what you expect from Nintendo, 6 major big franchises will be on Wii by the end of the year. I really don' t know what else you expected from Nintendo in a year? All i know and its starting to become evident ' yet again' .. People love to hate the market leader, no matter what it offers..
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