A short review
After more than 30 hours of playing this game now,I' m in chapter 11...(Almost All moves mastered, All levels MAX also many things such as secrets, side missions & ...has been done & just there is one chapter to finish Ryu ga Gotoku for the first time.
This game is a real masterpiece based on a strong story & I like it
& Again I still believe that Shenmue fans must play and finish it.
Main Advantages of Upcoming Yakuza or Japanese Ryu ga Gotoku as a Shenmue like from SEGA: 1-Strong Story with a lot of strange and lovely characters
(A complete cinematic story line)
2-New Battle & Level-up system plus Learning technics System based on real RPGs with using of weapons and many other objects,
A semi-QTE sys in fights more similar to God Of Wars QTEs if we can call the QTEs too!
3-Level of freedom & one of the most big realistic Japan experience to date after Shenmue.
4-Deep gameplay that there are too many things like mini games for fun, gambling and Fighting for money to discover and do just like Shenmue (But a little of them is very diffrent from Shenmue that if you don' t like you' re completely free to ignore them to do.)
5-Interesting System Menu & option setting including arranging your items, moving in th map + ...
I' m also very happy that Shenmue is still the one and the king of
Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment Style
" I mean some of the main feautures in gameplay of Shenmue doesn' t exists in Ryu ga Gotoku(Yakuza) and this game have still somethings to show us from itself not like Shenmue and Nagoshi didn' t make a real copy of Shenmue"
Ryu ga Gotoku doesn' t have these features in gameplay like Shenmue: 1-Camera System (Not free and reactive like Shenmue-It' s automatic with a limited ability to turn and zoom camera in special locations)
2, 3 & 4-Character' s face details and voices(Normal people-characters in the streets,shops and other locations not main characters)
They' re not similar to each other at all (and this is one the good features that GTA,True Crime and don' t have)
I mean there are a huge amount of people and you can' t find two similar person to each other.
The city is very very crowd and you will see more people than Shenmue II but like I mentioned before their face detail is not as high as Shenmue and also your conversation is limited to TEXTS not Voice and Text.
It' s still good that you can see people is doing diffrent works and you can follow them like Shenmue to see where they' re going but when location changes you will miss them ....
and this is where that you will find again that there is no game completely like Shenmue in gameplay.
I almost couldn' t find a a game like Shenmue with this level of freedom in acting with peoples in a game.
Also Kazuma can' t read the name of locations like Ryo.
5-Magic Weather and Time(Stroy Progress define the Weather and time not gamers)
6-& Some other things that makes me to don' t make a real comparing with Shenmue again-
Don' t forget that
it' s just a Shenmue-Like with some new features in it' s gameplay form.
And for those guys who says this is more similar to GTA I have these to say ...It' s not GTA...It' s not even GTA like...
GTA doesn' t have a strong story-line and almost nothing in the feild of scenario.
GTA is just for fun.
About Graphic and Sound GTA is a real crap-All characters are similar to each other and sound tracks aren' t original.
Also you can' t steal or ride cars in this game like GTA...But you can get a TAXI to save the time and just at the one of the chapters you will play when you' re in the car(After 15 hours I saw this)
GTA is all about stealing cars and driving with a huge amount of funny and easy side missions.
& one more main diffrence with GTA...Kazuma Kiryuu isn' t like GTA characters and don' t do their works.
With going further in story line you will believe that he is a very good man.
and your answer yes much better than GTA.
SEGA spent more than 20million dollars to make Ryu ga Gotoku" Yakuza" to make a high quality not a funny M rated game like GTA
At the end remeber again that Untill 2-3 hours the game is very close because it is telling the story and you will not have too much excitement in gameplay" But After that you will say OMG...This game is awesome really awesome & you will like it when go further and play more
< Message edited by alimn -- 27 Feb 06 21:45:55 >