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Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
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Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 01:44
USA Only. -----------------------*XBOX360*---------*PS2*------- 12/2005*-------------607.000-------1.500.000------ 01/2006*-------------249.000---------272.000------ 02/2006*-------------161.000---------299.000------ 03/2006*-------------192.000---------273.000------ 04/2006*-------------295.000---------205.000------ 05/2006*-------------221.000---------232.000------ 06/2006*-------------277.000---------312.000------ 07/2006*-------------206.000---------241.000------ 08/2006*-------------204.000---------262.000------ TOTAL*-------------2.412.000-------3.596.000------ 1. Madden NFL 2007 - PS2 ------------------------------------- 885.000 2. Madden NFL 2007 - Xbox 360 ------------------------------ 477.000 3. Dead Rising - Xbox 360 -------------------------------------- 337.000 4. Madden NFL 2007 - Xbox ------------------------------------ 253.000 5. Final Fantasy VII : Dirge of Cerberus - PS2 -------------- 200.000 6. New Super Mario Bros. - NDS ------------------------------- 179.000 7. NCAA FOOTBALL 07 - PS2 ------------------------------------160.000 8. Madden NFL 2007 : Hall of Fame - PS2 -------------------- 127.000 9. Grand Theft Auto : Liberty City Stories - PS2 ------------ 102.000 10. Madden NFL 2007 : Hall of Fame - Xbox 360 ----------- 092.000 Ginjirou do you see any gamecube game?? Do people also see that XBOX360 has sold around 2 million units in Europe? So can we drop this gangsta propaganda about xbox360 not selling in Europe? Wtf? even an XBOX game is ranked on the fourth place. It' s also importent to know that dead rising sold another 200.000 ex just a week afterwards.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 9 Sep 06 17:45:58 >
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 01:45
Ginjirou do you see any gamecube game?? You hate me don' t you?
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 01:48
Hate is a very strong word," hate" should only be used against people like " Evil man" not even Gangsta is hated by me. But evil man? He is wacko!! And yes i do hate him like any normal person should do. But back to topic...
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 01:50
You didn' t answer my question...
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 01:51
You' re a square-enix without Sakaguchi.
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 02:40
...yeah, i was gonna say in the other thread that PS2 is likely to be the world' s number 1 selling console again... ...especially this Christmas, considering it' s received yet another price cut recently ($70?), those funky new pink paint jobs, and is STILL releasing big-name must have titles... ... ..... ...unlike some other consoles....  ... .... *silence* >_> <_< *tumble weed rolls across street* >_> <_< *cough* ....  ...
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 02:42
...unlike some other consoles.... The Xbox?
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 02:43
Madden NFL 2007 - PS2 ------------------------------------- 885.000 2. Madden NFL 2007 - Xbox 360 ------------------------------ 477.000 I always said Madden Was best on the ps2 even without the fancy grapihcs
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 02:50
The Xbox? ....was it that easy to guess?...  ...
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 03:24
well the cube was a good answer too. Since all it has is Tp. And it dosent even have that fully, Wii has it too.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 04:17
I always said Madden Was best on the ps2 even without the fancy grapihcs Yeah, the version with inferior audio, visuals, and online play, thats the best one!  I love me some MADDEN. The only reason Madden sells so well on PS2 is the majority of PS2 owners are mainstream sellouts who dont know what a good game is. For example, PS2 owners think GTA is the best thing since sliced bread.
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 04:19
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw The only reason Madden sells so well on PS2 is the majority of PS2 owners are mainstream sellouts who dont know what a good game is. For example, PS2 owners think GTA is the best thing since sliced bread. Thats why europe is an important asset to playstation weather that remains so we will see.
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 04:20
I still don' t see how a sports game can rank higher than dead rising. Going out and actually playing football or soccer is easier and cheaper than buying an NFL or a Winning Eleven game. It' d cost billions to go on a zombie rampage in a mall, and the risks are a little high too, and It' s fourth on the roster. I just don' t see how people can play stuff that' s easier, cheaper, and more entertaining in real life.
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 04:24
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated I still don' t see how a sports game can rank higher than dead rising. Going out and actually playing football or soccer is easier and cheaper than buying an NFL or a Winning Eleven game. It' d cost billions to go on a zombie rampage in a mall, and the risks are a little high too, and It' s fourth on the roster. I just don' t see how people can play stuff that' s easier, cheaper, and more entertaining in real life. I dunno either. I mean I played the demo and hated it then again i' m in europe so doesn' t appeal to me. However I do rather go out and play the actual sport than sit and tap buttons to run round a field and what not. That said I actually rather video game driving than real driving.
Evil Man
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 05:19
ORIGINAL: mikayd2 Madden NFL 2007 - PS2 ------------------------------------- 885.000 2. Madden NFL 2007 - Xbox 360 ------------------------------ 477.000 I always said Madden Was best on the ps2 even without the fancy grapihcs You' re retarded. The games are identical except for better graphics on 360.
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 05:47
Xbox360 sold around 3 millions in USA. PS2 has sold around 35-37 million units in USA. You see the diffrence Mikayd? Has nothing about what people think is the better version.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 13:53
I' d be more interested in seeing how the 360 compared with the Xbox and PS2 when they were both launched. Meaning instead of comparing them by sales of last month compare then all with the first six months of each consoles launch.
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 19:44
These figures are only for the US and only for the console' s first 6 months... (in decending order) Gameboy Advance - 3,557,000 Playstation 2 - 2,448,000 Xbox - 2,163,000 Gamecube - 1,763,000 Xbox 360 - 1,730,000 Playstation - 823,500 Saturn - 146,000 (because of it' s high price)
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 10 Sep 06 11:52:59 >
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 20:07
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on These figures are only for the US and only for the console' s first 6 months... (in decending order) Gameboy Advance - 3,557,000 Playstation 2 - 2,448,000 Xbox - 2,163,000 Gamecube - 1,763,000 Xbox 360 - 1,730,000 Playstation - 823,500 Saturn - 146,000 (because of it' s high price) Do you think the ps3 will see similar to saturn sales or have people got more faith (or money) to put into a console priced that way this time round?.
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RE: Xbox360 sales compared to ps2!
Sep 10, 2006 20:29
ORIGINAL: dasher232 ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on These figures are only for the US and only for the console' s first 6 months... (in decending order) Gameboy Advance - 3,557,000 Playstation 2 - 2,448,000 Xbox - 2,163,000 Gamecube - 1,763,000 Xbox 360 - 1,730,000 Playstation - 823,500 Saturn - 146,000 (because of it' s high price) Do you think the ps3 will see similar to saturn sales or have people got more faith (or money) to put into a console priced that way this time round?. PS3 will easily outsell the Saturn in it' s first 6 months. I mean, the inital 400,000 will be pre-sold before they hit stores anyway. BUT, i think that the high price coupled with shortages will keep it from selling like PS2 did. The only month when console sales always surpass 1M is December. Sony NEED to have enough units to ship to retailers otherwise 360 and Wii will clean up. I think these figures are meaningless until mid-May next year. We should alos bear in mind that Japan is only getting 100,000 units and Europe isn' t getting any until March. PS3 will be a slow starter, i just hope it can find it' s feet quickly because i' d rather have a SNES vs Genesis kind of battle than one company taking the lead by a massive margin.
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