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Xbox Portable... What if...?
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- Joined: Jun 29, 2005
Xbox Portable... What if...?
Jul 03, 2005 08:27
What if Microsoft came out with like an xbox portable to compete with the PSP and Nintendo DS although it probly wont happen I think that would be pretty cool.
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 7 Jul 05 19:16:29 >
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2004
RE: What if ..........
Jul 03, 2005 09:00
yer that would be cool
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RE: What if ..........
Jul 03, 2005 10:26
It would be yet another handheld I wouldn' t buy.
Mass X
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RE: What if ..........
Jul 03, 2005 16:26
they got palm pilot experience dont they?
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What if ..........
Jul 03, 2005 22:52
What if Microsoft came out with like an xbox portable to compete with the PSP and Nintendo DS although it probly wont happen I think that would be pretty cool. They' d probably get buried... The PSP was off to a great start, it was outselling the DS in Japan on a weekly basis earlier in the year, but ever since the DS rallied back after the release of multicolored units and Nintendogs, it' s just been unstoppable as of late. It quickly closed in on and surpassed the Year 2005 sales lead the PSP had and now the PSP is relegated to 20k a week in Japan which is still good but the DS is selling at double the rate. I don' t know if the traditional " PSP shortages" excuse can still be attributed to the lower than usual PSP sales in Japan or whether the shelves are well stocked and they' re just not selling. Anyways Microsoft' s handheld would have to settle for third place and who knows how well it would sell with stiff competition surrounding it,,, or whether the DS would simply just stab it with its stylus and call it a day.
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- Joined: May 31, 2005
RE: What if ..........
Jul 04, 2005 19:07
The DS is unstoppable! It got shooken by th PSP but its gona prevail even if microsoft comes with a new portable. Note: That was the first paragraph ive done in this forum with capitals at the start of each sentence my first post
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RE: Xbox Portable... What if...?
Jul 19, 2005 05:28
Many insiders predict that an Xbox portable will launch sometime mid/late in the lifetime of 360. Well, that' s good to know... Adam, please keep us up on this subject.
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: Xbox Portable... What if...?
Jul 19, 2005 09:18
Microsoft execs clearly stated that they have absolutely no plans of releasing an Xbox portable anytime soon. They said they are fond of the fact that Sony has made a portable, because they believe Sony' s attention might be split to two segments, giving M$ the benefit of putting it' s full effort on 360. In other words, Microsoft thinks the PSP will get Sony distracted, giving 360 a marketing advantage over PS3.
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