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Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
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Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 15, 2007 22:03
...probably. According to Rein: We’ll compress some things. But you know, we may have fewer maps on the 360 version...Blu-Ray has definitely given us a lot of legroom. And what' s really cool is if you think forward and think about what we' ve done in the past with UT. We had UT 2003 and then we had UT 2004, which was everything in UT 2003 plus a whole bunch of great mod stuff that we went out and purchased from mod makers... ...If you think down the road, well maybe the next UT beyond this one, on Blu-Ray disc, we might fill the whole damn disc with all the cool stuff the mod makers make... LINK Since the PS3 version will support mods that' s probably the version i' m getting for consoles anyway, but this will obviously suck for people buying the 360 version because it' s more than likely that additional maps will cost as DLC (given MS' s policy of not allowing free content)
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RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 15, 2007 22:04
Nobody should get the ps3/360 version.
Mass X
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RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 15, 2007 22:07
Those FEAR maps released recently were free along with the new DLC for Double Agent. Maybe MS won' t screw us over too badly? I sure as fuck dont have a PC that can handle the game. And with all the money going down to games this Fall as it is the PS3 is still on hold til further notice. So hopefully the screwjob won' t be too bad.
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RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 15, 2007 22:14
Getting UT3 on anything but a PC is stupid.
Mass X
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RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 15, 2007 22:20
Well if I can' t afford a PS3 I sure as fuck cant upgrade my computer again... I think it comes down to lack of choice at this point you know...am I not allowed to play UT3 then? Well then fuck...fuck the rich...fuck them all. Fuck being bought up in gangland California for the start of my life... Anyhow, so yeah I reallyt don' t have a choice at this point in time. Maybe when I find another job.
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RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 15, 2007 22:33
Sux for people who don' t have a Ps3 or badass computer. I care not, for I have both!  And a Wii and a 360... And actually even a mac.  It' s good being me. Also, I' ll prob be getting UT3 for the comp.
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RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 15, 2007 22:35
I probably wont get the game,cause I never liked UT serie but if I do I get it on the PC. People must remember that it were only supposed to come for the pc/ps3 but for some reason it also got a 360 date later. So its no suprise if the 360 release get a hit.
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RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 16, 2007 01:22
They really oughta get some kind of system hooked up where people can use XNA to make homebrew maps for UTIII on the 360. It sounds great if they' re doing something like that for the PS3.
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RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 16, 2007 01:24
well ps3 supports mouse/keyboard. so it basicly matchs the pc.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 16, 2007 01:45
Getting UT3 on anything but a PC is stupid. I agree 100% The PC version just has so much more value, even if you can' t run the game with max settings today. You' d be pleased once ou upgrade your PC that you didn' t pick such a game on any lame console. well ps3 supports mouse/keyboard. so it basicly matchs the pc. Try it, the inputs are limited to the movements of a controller. So you can only move as fast as you could using a controller, it' s far slower than it would be on the PC version. It would be irritating actually. Most console players prefer a controller, so using a K+M with the same limits as the controller is dumb. Infact I like using a controller so much I' ll try it with the PC version.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 15 Aug 07 17:49:05 >
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RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 16, 2007 05:57
I love how as soon as a good FPS comes out that isn' t available on the 360 or is a worse version, people start saying " buying this on any console would be dumb" or " anything but the PC version would be dumb" . First off. Not all of us have the cash, or desire to invest in gaming rigs. I could easily buy one, but I personally don' t feel that I get my moneys worth investing in a 2,000 dollar plus gaming rig when PC' s only get about 5 great games a year(at least for my tastes, I' m not a big RTS guy, and UT is the only deathmatch game I love). So for me, the console version is just fine. I will get to play it on a big high def screen, it will cost me $60, and it will play on a console that I already bought to play tons of other games. Also, I will definitely be buying a splitfish Frag FX before this comes out. This has gotten great reviews and works just as fast as a mouse. So, I will get what I love about PC FPS, the controls, and what I love about consoles, the great value and ease of use. The only thing I miss out on is modding, and to some extent the ps3 version will have that. If money was no object, I would surely just make an insane gaming rig and buy games like this and Crysis for it. However, I would rather buy the 10+ games I want for this fall season, and have money left for snowboard trips, Christmas getaways and save some cash for the spring. It is sad when people can agree that a game kicks ass, but still feel the need to argue about it so they start bashing what console/pc you use to play it on.
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RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 16, 2007 06:34
PCs rule the gaming world. It' s as simple as that. Have you seen all the awesome Flash games there are for PCs?!?!
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RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 16, 2007 07:00
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 16, 2007 07:01
Try it, the inputs are limited to the movements of a controller. So you can only move as fast as you could using a controller, it' s far slower than it would be on the PC version. Really? then what is the point, the whole idea of k/m is too get better shots, faster and easier. I hope this isnt true, I already have a wireless keyboard and get a mouse easily. I' ll try it out anyhow.
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RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 16, 2007 10:15
ORIGINAL: Dagashi I love how as soon as a good FPS comes out that isn' t available on the 360 or is a worse version, people start saying " buying this on any console would be dumb" or " anything but the PC version would be dumb" . It' s not that. Even if the 360/PS3 versions were better than the PC, I' d still get the PC version. The game mechanics of UT3 (or any Unreal Tournament game) do not translate well to a console controller. UT is too reliant on twitch based gameplay. To really be successful in it you have to be able to change sudden aiming directions and rely on quick reflexes - something that a gamepad does not allow you to do easily. I' ve played Unreal Tournament games on consoles and they all sucked ass - especially that atrocity Unreal Championship 2 for Xbox. They are but a shadow of the original concept. Just like playing RTS' s on consoles is inferior, no matter how innovative the control scheme is, so is playing a game like UT on console. It' s not a matter of opinion, it' s just fact. I (and others like Agent) have always advocated this.
< Message edited by unluckyone -- 16 Aug 07 2:17:44 >
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 16, 2007 10:30
ORIGINAL: UnluckyOne ORIGINAL: Dagashi I love how as soon as a good FPS comes out that isn' t available on the 360 or is a worse version, people start saying " buying this on any console would be dumb" or " anything but the PC version would be dumb" . It' s not that. Even if the 360/PS3 versions were better than the PC, I' d still get the PC version. The game mechanics of UT3 (or any Unreal Tournament game) do not translate well to a console controller. UT is too reliant on twitch based gameplay. To really be successful in it you have to be able to change sudden aiming directions and rely on quick reflexes - something that a gamepad does not allow you to do easily. I' ve played Unreal Tournament games on consoles and they all sucked ass - especially that atrocity Unreal Championship 2 for Xbox. They are but a shadow of the original concept. Just like playing RTS' s on consoles is inferior, no matter how innovative the control scheme is, so is playing a game like UT on console. It' s not a matter of opinion, it' s just fact. I (and others like Agent) have always advocated this. So very true. Anyway i' ve never liked UT so i won' t be getting it for any platform
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RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 16, 2007 13:59
You obviously haven' t been paying attention to the development of the 360 version. Half of Epic prefers playing it on 360 with a controller they say it controls so well. ORIGINAL: Terrak ORIGINAL: UnluckyOne ORIGINAL: Dagashi I love how as soon as a good FPS comes out that isn' t available on the 360 or is a worse version, people start saying " buying this on any console would be dumb" or " anything but the PC version would be dumb" . It' s not that. Even if the 360/PS3 versions were better than the PC, I' d still get the PC version. The game mechanics of UT3 (or any Unreal Tournament game) do not translate well to a console controller. UT is too reliant on twitch based gameplay. To really be successful in it you have to be able to change sudden aiming directions and rely on quick reflexes - something that a gamepad does not allow you to do easily. I' ve played Unreal Tournament games on consoles and they all sucked ass - especially that atrocity Unreal Championship 2 for Xbox. They are but a shadow of the original concept. Just like playing RTS' s on consoles is inferior, no matter how innovative the control scheme is, so is playing a game like UT on console. It' s not a matter of opinion, it' s just fact. I (and others like Agent) have always advocated this. So very true. Anyway i' ve never liked UT so i won' t be getting it for any platform
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 16, 2007 14:52
Do you really think that the mechanics of UT3 allow for a gamepad to be superior to a KB+M? I' m not trying to start a flame war but please realistically think about it. Heck even lead producer for UT3 Jeff Morris said: We’re a fast-paced action game. With the mouse, you’re looking here, and then you swing over here, and you stop and you swing up there and you stop. You’ve got all these quick movements, and I don’t know that a 360 controller is ever going to have an analogy to that. Source It probably does play well enough as far as console FPS' s go, but if you set a good KB+M player against a good gamepad player, you could probably safely bet on the former. I' m not saying FPS' s are crappy on consoles - they' re mostly quite excellent. But a game like UT3 has to be gimped in certain ways for it to be gamepad friendly.
< Message edited by unluckyone -- 16 Aug 07 6:54:11 >
Mass X
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RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 16, 2007 15:03
But we arnt sitting them with eachother. Consoles are player other console players. Keyboards are at it with keyboards. So claim for superiority on the game is mostly moot and simply a matter of control preference. I personally find the K+M combo a pain in the ass. My hands just cant handle it. Hell I even use my 360 pad for my PC games as is.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Xbox 360 gets cut down version of UTIII...
Aug 16, 2007 15:44
I dont know, having been a avid Q3 player, i cant see it possible to do rocket jumps at a blink of a second to reach higher ground, the same goes for UT3, where jumping and getting around fast is important. I prefer FPS multiplayer on PC' s
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