Geometry, lighting, animations, sound, colour depth, texture quality, particle effects, shadowing etc, etc, etc...
More avaiable horsepower equates to better tools for game artists, level designers, sound engineers, 3D modelers etc... better graphics, sound and animations allow for better immersion. Working on Wii means sacrifices have to be made when it comes to the visual elements of a game. A game like Twilight Princess might have amazing art direction, but if you take that game and it' s art direction and give it better textures, sound effect, animations, lighting, particle effects etc... wouldn' t it be a better game?
I had thought everybody pretty much humoured VF5 these days. Especially when it comes to things like this. He' s like a schizophrenic. This is a guy who only a few weeks ago was saying how much better games like Super Mario Galaxy would be if they utilized the power of next-gen machines. That' s not taking something away from Galaxy in it' s current form - it looks fantastic - but it' s also not untrue.
If Wii was the most powerful machine thin gen then it wouldn' t be limiting. Developers would be making the most out of the best hardware then have access to. But it isn' t and they do have other options, that' s why they' re always complaining about how much RAM or CPU power they have and how they could do with more. I' m not saying that i can' t appreciate games like No More Heroes for what they are, but that doesn' t mean that when i say that if the game had been created for PS3, Xbox 360 or PC it would have been better.
< Message edited by NITRO -- 21 Oct 07 16:56:12 >