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Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
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Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 10, 2006 17:12
Right here Oops! Wrong one. Hey, it' s a simple mistake! It could' ve happened to anyone! Besides, I find this news quite interesting. Fine, here' s what you all came here for, spoil sports  : Wii might get Rockstar support. Sounds... very... interesting...(I still think the first link was great) Yes, I know it technically says Take-Two, but then it states: Conspicuously absent from Take-Two' s announced Wii support were games from its Rockstar Games branch, which makes the hugely popular Grand Theft Auto series. Rockstar recently released another title that many hoped would eventually come to Wii: Table Tennis. I, personally, think playing Table Tennis using the Wiimote sounds like a fantstic idea. I doubt Nintendo will allow a Grand Theft Auto Wii, but they had Conker' s Bad Fur Day so... you never know. I can actually see potential for a sex minigame, though. We just need some kind of strap-on accessory that we can put around our waist.
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RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 10, 2006 17:19
ORIGINAL: Marink I can actually see potential for a sex minigame, though. We just need some kind of strap-on accessory that we can put around our waist. Yes, the ultimate gamer nerds dream. Compensating non-existing sex life with videogame sex. Does it get anymore tragic than that?
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 10, 2006 17:35
Calm down. That was just a joke. Still, don' t you think it would be pretty funny to watch somebody actually doing that?
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RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 10, 2006 17:51
No. It would feel veeeeeery awkward to use a Wii-mote after such a display.
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RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 10, 2006 18:21
Could happen. It' d give us more of an idea why they named it ' Wii' anyway. All they need to do now is copyright ' Virtual Wii' and they' d be sorted. ... Sorry. I' ll get meh coat.
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 10, 2006 18:37
It' d give us more of an idea why they named it ' Wii' anyway. LOL! " Wii sounds like ' we' , which emphasises this console for everyone... Wii has a distinctive ' ii' spelling that symbolises both the unique controllers and the image of people gathering to play." Suuure. Anywhoooo, any comments about the Take-Two support then(or the type of games they may offer)? GTA' s melee weapons could work rather well also, as the player simply has to swing the controller for character to do the same with the weapons.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 10, 2006 18:48
Mario Table Tennis Grand Theft Mario ;)
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 10, 2006 18:55
Without official confirmation of Rockstar support it' s a bit of a mediocre announcement (IMO). I' ve no doubt Wii will be getting plenty of tennis and baseball games - plus the annual ice hockey and basketball games are a given - so it' s all pretty underwhelming (unless they can come up with something truly innovative). Always preferred the Sega Sports titles myself, anyway.
< Message edited by Kaze -- 10 Jun 06 10:57:04 >
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- Joined: Jun 09, 2006
RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 10, 2006 20:12
Shame if there' s no GTA - I was hoping to batter a virtual granny to death and rob her pension with the Wii remote - doubt Nintendo would ever let that happen though!!
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 10, 2006 23:54
Nintendo would not let a game like GTA on their console. Even if it pushed up sales. They have an image to keep up with the family, they market it as a family console and this means Parents can trust little Timmy playing it without worrying what he is playing. Still bullcrap though, Parents need to blame their lack of parental skills instead of tv and video games. It certainly didnt screw us up! *ahem
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 10 Jun 06 15:55:14 >
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RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 11, 2006 22:52
Who said GTA wasn' t as wholesome as other M-rated GC titles? Because as we all know, blowing up zombies and cultists in RE4 is just like having sex with a hooker (wow, I almost typed " sox wtih a hoker"  ), shooting her point blank in the head, taking all her money, and running over her with your motorcycle... Right??? I mean, yeah, there' s that whole innocent civilian thing, but that' s a little overplayed anyways. I' m personally glad that Nintendo' s stayed away from GTA as long as they have. I' ve never been a fan of GTA, not because of some holy-roller riteousness thing, (I' ve got no problem with gore or language in games, I mean, i could take it or leave it.) but because they' ve taken plenty of meh, qualities from different titles, muddy looking environments, poor character models, lacking storyline, unimpressive FMV' s threw in some rap, and started more scandal' s than the Clinton administration. There' s just so many more games with the same attributes, and the same gameplay, that do it better.
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- Joined: Jun 09, 2006
RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 12, 2006 04:14
" There' s just so many more games with the same attributes, and the same gameplay, that do it better. " Eddie, please, please tell me you' re kidding? There' s many an imitator, but the GTA series can be completely flattered because I haven' t seen one which even comes close to having the depth, a good 1 player story - esp. vice city, and well, mindless violence of GTA 3 onwards. I know they rippe doff Scarface, but then what better movie is there to rip off? There' s also plenty of tributes to the other movies which " inspired" the games. And those radio stations were something else.
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RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 12, 2006 08:05
while there are better examples of racing games [burnout] shooting games [Halo] fighting games [Super punch out] its the way that GTA combines all of these withgout being really cheap and ultimately crap is what makes it so good, sure, the racing isnt GT, but it ant half bad either.
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RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 12, 2006 13:45
I' ve heard a lot of people say that True Crime was everything GTA was, and better. I don' t know whether it is or not as I haven' t played GTA very much, but True Crime is on Gamecube.
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RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 13, 2006 02:10
well they allowed GTA on the gameboy... their most ' kiddy' console...
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RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 13, 2006 02:21
Maybe Nintendo wanted GTA on the Gamecube but then Sony paid more? Microsoft payed a lot to get the GTA games slightly after Sony but they' ve got more money than Nintendo does.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 13, 2006 07:36
It' d have never been worth it for Nintendo to bid stupid amounts for GTA, and even if they had have done, I doubt Rockstar would have been very happy that they were developing a game that would have only reached a small percentage of the gamers they usually expected to grab. GameCube was never going to pull in the 30-something boozer who likes to get pissed at a bar, go home, beat his wife around a bit then run over police on a video game - For one thing it' s purple. However the PS2 does reach this demographic. It' s cool (blergh) and now considered in modern society to be an essential part of living. Nintendo - as they fully well know - are not an essential part of living in the west. They struggle to get crappy 3rd party games ported that spring up all the time on PS2 and XBox. Even if GTA were to appear, no one would really care as they' d already been assigned the ' other, other choice' image. What Microsoft are doing now, however, is to try and steal that 30-something audience away from Sony, and their best way to do it is to get ahold of their prized asset - the GTA games. As Microsoft haven' t coloured their console purple and made it look like a pencil holder, but instead given it a mainstream - if unoriginal - name and designed it to look like it could invade Tibet, it has people widening their eyes and saying, " Hey, that' s pretty neat. I' ve been hearing a lot about Halo (I get to kill things) and it has GTA... Count me in." They still have their PlayStation, but who' s to say by the next generation that they won' t loose all interest in it and become hardened Microsoft fans. Anyway, to sum it up in a cliched phrase; Nintendo are too kiddy for GTA.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 13, 2006 16:54
Anyway, to sum it up in a cliched phrase; Nintendo are too kiddy for GTA. Mmmm have you played Resident Evil 4? It makes GTA look like Pacman. GTA isnt an adult game, its actually more suited for the Nintendo demographic, if you choose to describe them as childish, because they are really not Childish. GTA is a crappy series, id play Mario sunshine anyday over that!
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 13, 2006 19:26
It was a joke. Nintendo are only ' kiddy' because people brand them that way. I was using an overused, cliched phrase to end a complicated subject in a typically two dimensional, predictable way. Nintendo are as adult as they want to be. However, buying the exclusive rights to Resi Evil (for a while anyway) was a business move that (unlike GTA) made financial sense to them. Their main audience is Japan. Japan like Resi Evil. Japan aren' t as fussed about GTA. They still have a slight foothold in the Japanese market. It' s a good risk to take.
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RE: Wii be gettin' Rockstar support yo!
Jun 13, 2006 20:39
Mmmm have you played Resident Evil 4? It makes GTA look like Pacman. GTA isnt an adult game, its actually more suited for the Nintendo demographic, if you choose to describe them as childish, because they are really not Childish. GTA is a crappy series, id play Mario sunshine anyday over that! Amen... Japan aren' t as fussed about GTA Can' t blame them for that ... GTA, it' s that one thing you point out when you talk about " mainstream" being something wrong,stupid and pointless.
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