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Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
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RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Jan 29, 2008 06:13
I agree with you completely Dagashi. I do see as well that there are a lot more PS3 titles coming out this year than there are 360 titles so far. It' s almost looking like the opposite of last year. So far on the 360 this year I am looking forward to: Alan Wake Lost Oddysey Gears of War 2 (You just know this one is out this year) GTA IV On the PS3: Killzone 2 Little Big Planet (Just a phenomenal new IP) Resistance 2 Final Fantasy (Dev has said that there will be a demo and the game this year) MGS4 HOME (It should finally be ready this year, shouldn' t it) Devil May Cry 4 Heavy Rain (I hope it makes 2008) The Agency What will really be the tell tale sign is to see which console multiplatform games are bought on. Can you really see the 360 losing ground to the PS3 when it comes to this?
Agent Ghost
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RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Jan 29, 2008 13:08
DMC4 and GTA4 are both multiplatform.
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RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Jan 29, 2008 14:47
There were so many great 360 games in 2007 I haven' t played yet I won' t need any in 2008. But really none of the PS3 titles coming out interest me.
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RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Jan 29, 2008 15:30
But really none of the PS3 titles coming out interest me. How so? They cover almost every genre of gaming with what looks to be the best titles in their class for 2008.
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Jan 29, 2008 20:42
Ghost Squad Got this as one of my Presents for my Brithday Today, It' s actually a bloody good game as far as Lightgun games go, Probably the up their with the top 3 ive played. I was talking about Mario and Super Smash titles.Last mario game was released when? on 1996? (dont know about you but i dont count Mario Sunshine as a true sequel to M64) And as far as i know theres only one Super Smash title per console so you wont see the next one after Brawl until the next console. I dont visit other forums lol. Im busy with my studies that i have time to only visit this forum from time to time and post a couple of times every now and then. Well yeah, Nintendo always take their time with their biggest franchises they always have so much to live up to, i wuldnt want Them to release these every other year the quality would be prone to drop.. Good luck with your studies BTW!
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 29 Jan 08 12:44:52 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Jan 29, 2008 21:49
ORIGINAL: Virtua Fighter 5 Got this as one of my Presents for my Brithday Today, It' s actually a bloody good game as far as Lightgun games go, Probably the up their with the top 3 ive played. Huh? I adore lightgun games and as far as i' m concerned (the arcade) Ghost Squad ranks pretty damn low... Time Crisis 4 House of the Dead III House of the Dead 4 Virtua Cop 3 Time Crisis 3 Virtua Cop II House of the Dead 2 Time Crisis II Silent Scope Confidential Mission Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles House of the Dead Virtua Cop Link' s Crossbow Training Time Crisis Ghost Squad Vampire Night Silent Scope 2 Silent Scope 3 ...is the Wii version hugely different? Oh, and Happy Birthday!
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Jan 30, 2008 02:51
Well yeah, Nintendo always take their time with their biggest franchises they always have so much to live up to, i wuldnt want Them to release these every other year the quality would be prone to drop.. Good luck with your studies BTW! Thanks a bunch mate.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Jan 30, 2008 04:09
I adore lightgun games and as far as i' m concerned (the arcade) Ghost Squad ranks pretty damn low... I dunno, maybe i need to replay some of the classics again to compare (that list has brought back some slick combo-based classics back to memory). One thing i know, Wii Ghost Squad is really enjoyable to play, unlike the last few LGs games i owned (umbrella chronicles and Links crossbow). I found UC way to slow and boring IMO, while LCT was good but nothing special or great, also like the setting and the structures of the levels and the music in GS.. Played it for a good few hours in one sitting too and thats unusual for me.. UC made me think that Wii couldn' t possibly recreate the pin-point accuracy of a real light gun but GS has proved me wrong. Can play it in non-courser mode flawlessly, SEGAs did a much better job of translating the light-gun controls over to the Wiimote Much better than Both Capcom and Nintendo. So I expect Wii HOTD pack to be tight !! Oh, and Happy Birthday! Thank you! Im 30 OMFG!!! time flys for sure.. last thing i remeber was constanly playing SEGA master system on a crappy Tube TV... Now 15 years on and im getting excited to play SMS again (on VC).. i will never change..!! Thanks a bunch mate. NP, just make sure you don' t play too many games like i did, get all the education u can! (fuck i' m starting to sound like my Dad now)
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RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Jan 30, 2008 11:20
ORIGINAL: Dagashi But really none of the PS3 titles coming out interest me. How so? They cover almost every genre of gaming with what looks to be the best titles in their class for 2008. Turn based RPGs are very boring. None of the FPS on PS3 interest me in the least. There aren' t any good RTS' s coming out for PS3. All that leaves is third person action games which I don' t care for. Oh, and gran tourismo, but I don' t like customizable car games like that. There are a few multiplatform games that are a little interesting, but they' ll be better on 360 anyways.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Feb 01, 2008 01:40
Loco I find it hard to believe that you' re not interested in Killzone 2.
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RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Feb 01, 2008 02:12
Killzone 2. " Killzone 1 sucked before, what makes you think we wanted more"
Vx Chemical
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RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Feb 01, 2008 02:39
that leaves is third person action games which I don' t care for How cant you like those? The only games people are allowed to dislike are (some are genres some are specifics): The Sims Sports Games Racing games (unless they are futuristic) Party Games Movie based games
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RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Feb 01, 2008 03:40
The Sims Sports Games Racing games (unless they are futuristic) Party Games Movie based games You forgot turnbased RPG' s
Vx Chemical
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RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Feb 01, 2008 04:00
You forgot turnbased RPG' s Correct!
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Feb 01, 2008 04:22
" Killzone 1 sucked before, what makes you think we wanted more" Topic reply of the Year!! So true there.
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RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Feb 01, 2008 12:09
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical that leaves is third person action games which I don' t care for How cant you like those? There are way too many of them and they' re almost all ho-hum average or crap. Assassin' s creed was pretty good if you want to bundle it into that category, but I' m not excitedly looking forward to the sequal. I actually haven' t even played it that much, probably only 5 hours. I liked the first Splinter Cell and kind of liked the sequals, but didn' t play them much. Third person action games are almost always repetative. They bore me.
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Feb 02, 2008 21:15
NP, just make sure you don' t play too many games like i did, get all the education u can! (*** i' m starting to sound like my Dad now)
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Feb 02, 2008 21:30
Assassin' s creed was pretty good First of, thats probably one of the worst 3rd person action games right there. Repetetive!? Its the most varied genre of all. There is a mile of difference between Prince of Persia and Gears of War, both really great games.
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RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Feb 03, 2008 00:20
The only PS3 games I want right now are MGS4 and LittleBigPlanet. And its shocking that only one is a new concept, albeit a very cool one. Rag Doll Kung Fu was awesome. Im not sure about FFXIII - although I bought IX, X and X-2  , I haven' t really enjoyed a FF since VII. Not that bothered about Killzone 2 or Resistance 2, and Gran Turismo needs something new apart from online - cos PD are far too late to the online racing scene imo. Heavy Rain is the other one, but all I have to go on is an E3 trailer and Quantic' s track record with Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy. (Its the same with Alan Wake I suppose.) I have to buy a PS3 first though!
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RE: Wii Tie Ratio at 8:1 in December
Feb 03, 2008 00:52
Killzone 2. " Killzone 1 sucked before, what makes you think we wanted more" Ahem... The game' s look was the most stunning thing about it. Much like Resistance Fall of Man, it wasn' t anyone thing that really stood out (though the lighting effects were just plain stunning) but rather the combination of everything you were seeing. There was so much detail, so much activity that it was hard for you to take it all in as it happened. I think Killzone 2 is probably the most impressive game I' ve seen so far at E3. -Brian Crecente - Kotaku.com the stellar lighting, which was shown off in a variety of ways. We saw subtle touches, ranging from the heat glow given off of metal when it' s shot at, to the way muzzle flashes from you and your enemies light up the areas around you. The lightning arcs that lit up the sky in the game managed to be both dramatic and subtle with light and shadow dancing around in dramatic fashion. The gameplay looks solid and immersive, with some very cool bits of polish in the form of animation, physics, and interactivity that enhanced the familiar first-person action in some interesting ways. The visuals are extremely impressive and rank among the best we' ve seen on the hardware to date. -Torrez/Gerstmann - Gamespot.com The opening was once again fantastic, but we couldn' t help but sit there and think, " When are we finally going to see some in-game footage?" The only thing was that we had been looking at in-game footage. As soon as our soldier hits the ground and his gun comes into view, very much like what we saw with the opening to Resistance, we couldn' t help but think, " Holy hell, all of that was in-game?" Indeed, it' s quickly apparent that Guerilla has come much closer to the original trailer than most anyone thought possible. It' s not 100% identical to be sure, but there are times (quite often) when it' s really, really damn close. The lighting is also smoother (Than Gears of War). While UE3 games like Gears boast realtime lighting for everything, Killzone 2' s lighting scheme mixes realtime and pre-canned lighting for an extremely smooth and, frankly, extremely impressive lighting model. The art direction, what with its dark colors and overly-gritty feel, keep the game from looking " real" , but that doesn' t mean it isn' t absolutely immersive. I will personally say that I can' t remember seeing a more impressive lighting model than this. More realistic? Maybe. But more impressive? No. -Chris Roper - PS3 IGN
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