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Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
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RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 14, 2007 23:42
Must be some sort of language barrier here because you' ve totally mis-interperated my statement judging by your response.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
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RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 15, 2007 00:20
F3, too bad Japan is irrelevant. As long as you have North America, Jap devs will make games for your console. And Space Jase, your comment was stupid, and you made yourself look stupid. So you try to hide that by saying " You left out an apostrophe!" ? You, sir, are borderline retarded. " We all know R6 Vegas or Gears only look the same as Wii Sports and Rayman" Sigh, fucking morons these days.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 15, 2007 00:37
F3? what the hell does this mean? it' s been mentioned before And why are people so defensive over people pro- opinions about the Wii? i don' t get it?
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 15, 2007 00:37
Before I fly into a debate with Jase over here, (which, might I add, we are doing in a very gentlemanly fashion, without insulting anybody/anybody' s wives  ) I should point out that this isn' t going to become a free-for-all Wii-bash. It' s not what the threads intention was, there' s about a million other places on the forums for that nonsense. As a bit of an experiment I asked the missus (pretty much non-gamer) whether she prefered the controls of the Wii or the 360 (she likes the 360 because we have our entire music collection on it mainly). She said that she thought the 360 controls where ' old fashioned' compared to the Wii. I suggested that the Wii graphics were nowhere near up to the level of the 360 but she disagreed saying that she hadn' t noticed any difference. It' s not insane at all, I' m drawing the conclusion that your wife just doesn' t really care about the graphics, which is completely fine. Not everybody has to worry about stuff like that to enjoy games. The example you' re giving me totally supports what' s happening in the market right now. Kids & non-gamers are flocking to the Wii in droves due to the amount of simpler more family-oriented games. Now while there' s nothing wrong with titles like that, it doesn' t justify me buying one until I see some real support from developers in the NEAR future, not next Christmas, not whenever prodigal developer X decides to release their masterpiece, now. Mate, my missus thinks that the controls of Zeld:TP aren' t difficult! That' s because they' re not, dude. To take you up on antother point - I don' t see ' crippled' ports of 360/ps3 games being a problem for the Wii.
I do, because they already are. I would hope and expect to see devs creating unique content for the Wii. Slapping motion control onto sub par ports would be the worst thing that could happen. Blazing Angels? Call of Duty 3? FarCry: Vengeance? Godfather? MoH: Vanguard? Splinter Cell: DA? Harry Potter and the Orde... wait... scrap that. Thems be subpar from the get! The developers are lazy, and while it' s not fault of Nintendo' s that the developers are sitting on their hands with their Wii dev-kits, They could have done a lot more to make sure we had some decent games to play over the summer. The lame ports wouldn' t be so much of a problem if it weren' t for the fact that there isn' t much else to play. Ant Bully? Avatar? Barnyard? Balls of Fury????????????????????????????? Bionicles? Crash Dummy vs. The Evil D-Troit? (This game makes me want to hurt something near & dear  ) Earache: Extreme Metal Racing? High School Musical? If the Wii continues selling as it is then I expect to see PS3/360 cross platform games with sepearate Wii games. That' s in essence how they' re being developed now, two developers working on the PS3/360 titles with the Wii version being shipped off to some unknown developer in hopes that it will at least try to emulate the 360/PS3 versions. Like I said before, there' s plenty of decent ideas, and tons of good developers, but the solid cards haven' t hit the table yet. The Wii will have its day, & I' ll be right there to pick one up when the time comes, but until then, I' m content with my 360 & hopefully a PS3.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 15, 2007 01:16
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 F3? what the hell does this mean? it' s been mentioned before And why are people so defensive over people pro- opinions about the Wii? i don' t get it? Just how fucking dumb do you think the posters here are Frankie boy? I' ll tell you what, ...if you' re going to maintain this facade why don' t we just get Adam to check your sign-up information, ...you' re IP address and email/login/password and get him to verify that none of it matches f3' s!?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 15, 2007 01:38
Majik get online,lets play some gears of war.
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RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 15, 2007 02:15
...my last GF preferred tampons over panty-liners.... .....somehow i don' t think i' ll be trying either of them out...
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 15, 2007 02:17
Must be some sort of language barrier here because you' ve totally mis-interperated my statement judging by your response. I get what you saying now, The way you phrased it made me assume the opposite.
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 14 Apr 07 18:18:12 >
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- Joined: Jul 03, 2003
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 15, 2007 02:24
And Space Jase, your comment was stupid, and you made yourself look stupid. So you try to hide that by saying " You left out an apostrophe!" ? You, sir, are borderline retarded. meh... it was a bit petty I' ll admit but then you did call my missus ' dumb' - no need to stoop to that in a discussion about Video Games. You' re a great one for throwing around the ' retard' accusations. Top debating style you' ve got there. To Eddie the Hated. Thanks for taking the time to make a reasoned and well thought out response. There' s not much I' d argue with in your post - but I still maintain that the Zelda controls are pretty complex
< Message edited by spacejase -- 14 Apr 07 18:28:06 >
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 15, 2007 05:54
Just how fucking dumb do you think the posters here are Frankie boy? I' ll tell you what, ...if you' re going to maintain this facade why don' t we just get Adam to check your sign-up information, ...you' re IP address and email/login/password and get him to verify that none of it matches f3' s!? Frankie boy
Who the hell' s this now? Jesus' get a life, and stay on topic. Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 14 Apr 07 21:56:30 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 15, 2007 06:09
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 F3? what the hell does this mean? it' s been mentioned before Just in case you really aren' t familiar with F3 I' ll explain (it does make me feel stupid). F3hunter is a member here who' s opinions and everything are the same as yours. He hasn' t been around for a while and he argued alot with some members. So Majik (Nitro) suspects that you' re him. If you are F3, Adam will bust you! If not, my apologies.
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- Joined: Jul 03, 2003
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 15, 2007 06:15
I get what you saying now, The way you phrased it made me assume the opposite. Yeah, I thought maybe you got the wrong end of the stick. No worries.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 15, 2007 06:24
Y' know what, this place is a fucking joke. I have zero interest in discussing a subject i' m passionate about with doppelgängers.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 15, 2007 07:56
with doppelgängers. Who?
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 15, 2007 07:59
Who? Nitro and his imagination.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 15, 2007 08:07
...my last GF preferred tampons over panty-liners.... .....somehow i don' t think i' ll be trying either of them out... You' re missing out. To Eddie the Hated. Thanks for taking the time to make a reasoned and well thought out response. There' s not much I' d argue with in your post - but I still maintain that the Zelda controls are pretty complex
Likewise, I can definately see your point of vew. It' s nice to have somebody with opposite views that doesn' t spam. Kinda refreshing actually.
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- Joined: Jan 30, 2006
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 16, 2007 04:52
Dear God, is this actually an entire page of well thought out, non-fanboyish discussions? I' ve got to do something! *ahem* ZOMGWTROTFLOLBBQBEEFBACON! T3H Wii IZ 4 TEH W1NZORS FTW! T3H PS-TRIPLE WILL BE T3H GR347Z0R!!!!!111!!11110100110100 (On a more serious note, I agree that the lack of 3rd party support could potentially cripple the Wii for months.)
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 17, 2007 07:40
Not quite, there' s a bit of unresolved rumblings threaded inbetween the intelligent discussion. Nice try though.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 17, 2007 08:59
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Not quite, there' s a bit of unresolved rumblings threaded inbetween the intelligent discussion. Nice try though. Consider it resolved.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Wii Gets a Bleeding-Edge Killer-App THIS YEAR!
Apr 18, 2007 03:33
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated The developers are lazy, and while it' s not fault of Nintendo' s that the developers are sitting on their hands with their Wii dev-kits, They could have done a lot more to make sure we had some decent games to play over the summer. The lame ports wouldn' t be so much of a problem if it weren' t for the fact that there isn' t much else to play. Ant Bully? Avatar? Barnyard? Balls of Fury????????????????????????????? Bionicles? Crash Dummy vs. The Evil D-Troit? (This game makes me want to hurt something near & dear ) Earache: Extreme Metal Racing? High School Musical? If the Wii continues selling as it is then I expect to see PS3/360 cross platform games with sepearate Wii games. That' s in essence how they' re being developed now, two developers working on the PS3/360 titles with the Wii version being shipped off to some unknown developer in hopes that it will at least try to emulate the 360/PS3 versions. Like I said before, there' s plenty of decent ideas, and tons of good developers, but the solid cards haven' t hit the table yet. The Wii will have its day, & I' ll be right there to pick one up when the time comes, but until then, I' m content with my 360 & hopefully a PS3. Are they really going to do a game based on that sound of strangled cats film " High School " Musical" " . God I would rather play Eragon or Root beer tapper. If it is a case of PS3 or 360 ports then the Wii will suffer because people will go for the pretty pretty graphics over the quirky controls, no matter how intuitive the controls are, pretty pretty graphics will win hands down, if it is on all 3 systems. No matter what the gameplay.
< Message edited by alijay034 -- 17 Apr 07 19:35:57 >
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