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Why are we in this forums??????????
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Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 02, 2004 18:19
I' m here cause i can' t be anywhere else talking about videogames. But from 4PM and on, i' ll go to gamespot. There' s this fact, gamespot forums>>>kikizo forums (way more people), so why are you regulars here? get to the good one, gamespot Kikizo is the best site out of all of those with not a lot of budget
< Message edited by LEBATOTE -- 6/4/2004 6:20:33 PM >
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 02, 2004 18:28
I have almost 10,000 posts at GS, but I check both forums regularly. I just post if it' s something I want to reply to. Simple.
Mass X
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RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 02, 2004 18:47
This is the first forum I' ve regularly posted in, actully this is the first and only one...I' ve been to others, but for some reason I stuck around here. I already won the free game for April, but Ima still stick around. Hell I didnt even come here origionally for the game, I found out about this site while veiwing some trailers at gametrailers.com But, I think most ppl here are regulars for the monthly chance of winning a game.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 02, 2004 18:54
I' m here cause i can' t be anywhere else talking about videogames. But from 4PM and on, i' ll go to gamespot. I' m confused about something.. Why can' t you be anywhere else talking about video games? You said you post at GameSpot as well.
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- Location: Where ever you need me.
RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 02, 2004 18:54
I was invited here by the site owner and have been posting why before any contest or other members were responding to my threads.
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- Location: PA
RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 02, 2004 20:36
I saw an ad or something at gametrailers.com an dcame here. I just wanted to start in a new forum, because i stopped posting at all other forums.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 03, 2004 01:05
I am being paid to post here because I am cool.
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- Joined: Feb 09, 2004
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RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 03, 2004 01:13
I found the site over a year ago while looking for game trailers. I come here mainly for the SEGA news.
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- Joined: Feb 07, 2004
- Location: Canada
RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 03, 2004 02:56
becasue, for the most part, the people here are civil and it is a more inviting forum. I have been to others and find my self not actively participating because of the " regulars" at these boards. I found my way here and I liked it enough to stay. Thanks Adam and the rest of you here.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 03, 2004 03:31
I found my way here and I liked it enough to stay. I guess you missed out on our hazing ritual for " newbies" ;)
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 03, 2004 03:34
Terry: Didn' t that include some form of barbecue sauce and an ice pick...? I forget, but I remember it being a complicated ritual.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 03, 2004 03:42
That was part 1 of the ritual... I believe it was a 4 part ritual.. Part 2 of the ritual tested one' s pain threshold by locking them in a room for 3 hours and subjecting them to non-stop gaming sessions with Time Killers, Shaq Fu & Eternal Champions on the Genesis. For the entire 3 hours, no break!! That part almost broke me! I don' t remember offhand the 3rd and 4th parts. Maybe it' ll come to me later.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 03, 2004 03:45
Terry: I say upping the ante. We add Big Rigs, Gods and Generals, Top Angler, and Paris-Dakar Rally to that test of tolerance. Whoever makes it through THAT...is truly worthy.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 03, 2004 04:04
You forgot to mention ALL of the Army Men games.. Oh wait, don' t wanna actually kill the new recruits, just scare the living bejezuz out of them.
Mass X
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- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 03, 2004 04:31
I call super member immunity over this hazing  but if that doesnt work..plz ooo plz dont make me play those intestine spewing games. Jab me in my precious regions with a cattle prod laced with salt but not those games!   At least you didnt add in Barbies Horse Adventure or the MIB 2 game [:' (]
< Message edited by Mass X -- 6/3/2004 4:34:21 AM >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 04, 2004 05:43
Jab me in my precious regions with a cattle prod laced with salt but not those games! How about we jab you in your precious regions with a cattle prod laced with salt WHILE you play those games???
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- Joined: May 28, 2004
RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 04, 2004 15:12
Terry Bogard>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What i mean is, at this time, i' m at school, and there' s a program that doesn' t let you go to some sites, like XXX sites, or gamespot, why gamespot? who knows. So this is the only gaming site that is good and the program can' t block it so i come here. That' s what i mean, so from 3-4 PM and on, i' m on gamespot. BTW: where' s the quote feature here?
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- Joined: May 28, 2004
RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 04, 2004 15:13
ORIGINAL: Mass X This is the first forum I' ve regularly posted in, actully this is the first and only one...I' ve been to others, but for some reason I stuck around here. I already won the free game for April, but Ima still stick around. Hell I didnt even come here origionally for the game, I found out about this site while veiwing some trailers at gametrailers.com But, I think most ppl here are regulars for the monthly chance of winning a game. What? how do you get a free game monthly??? that sounds very good, need a big number of posts???
Adam Doree
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RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 04, 2004 15:47
ORIGINAL: LEBATOTE What? how do you get a free game monthly??? that sounds very good, need a big number of posts??? It is almost impossible to not know about this if thu' re here  ... just take a look at the forum front page!
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- Joined: May 28, 2004
RE: Why are we in this forums??????????
Jun 04, 2004 15:52
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