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Whoo Hoo! E3 is just TWO months away! Anyone attending?
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Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
Whoo Hoo! E3 is just TWO months away! Anyone attending?
Mar 17, 2004 02:08
I can' t friggin wait! Who here is planning to attend and what are you anxious/hoping to see?? If not attending, what are you hoping appears at the show? Me, first and foremost I' m hoping that Konami has a playable Gradius V again, this time with more levels as last year' s E3 build only had two levels. BUT that' s only if the import version is delayed past E3. I' m also looking towards the PSP.. Even though I love Nintendo and not too fond of Sony I' m looking forward to their portable more so than the DS for now. The PSP seems to be a portable dream. I' m hoping Sega has Altered Beast in playable form even though I' m not looking forward to it because of the different perspective it uses. I would have much preferred Side scrolling gameplay with 3D graphics. I would love for either a rolling video of the Xbox OUTRUN 2 or hell, maybe even a playable level or two. I want a few 2D shooters on display for every platform. I' d love for there to be either a rolling video of EVERY Sega Ages game announced or have most of the announced titles in playable form. I' m hoping for Atari bottled water to make a comeback! :D I' m looking forward to the Kikizo coverage this year. And as sick as this may sound, I' m kinda hoping to read in the E3 daily that Bernie Stolar got fired yet AGAIN from another game company ;) -He has an AMAZING track record with pink slips! I DO NOT want another THQ wrestling offering. LOL. I know I know, I don' t have to play it!
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Whoo Hoo! E3 is just TWO months away! Anyone attending?
Mar 17, 2004 02:52
I wanna go! Only problem is I think I' m graduating that week
Russian Mobster
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RE: Whoo Hoo! E3 is just TWO months away! Anyone attending?
Mar 17, 2004 18:33
Is E3 open to the Public????
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: Whoo Hoo! E3 is just TWO months away! Anyone attending?
Mar 17, 2004 19:13
Yeah, its open to the public, if you have the money. Check the E3 site, it seems that tickets are about $500 depending on the package.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Whoo Hoo! E3 is just TWO months away! Anyone attending?
Mar 17, 2004 21:27
Technically it' s not open to the public and you are supposed to be at least 18. Other people always seem to get in though... including kids.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: Whoo Hoo! E3 is just TWO months away! Anyone attending?
Mar 19, 2004 19:16
You can get in anywhere, for the right price. LOL.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Whoo Hoo! E3 is just TWO months away! Anyone attending?
Mar 20, 2004 14:32
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Dartmouth, NS (Canada)
RE: Whoo Hoo! E3 is just TWO months away! Anyone attending?
Mar 22, 2004 17:36
I would love to go but there' s almost no chance of it actually happening though. Hopefully I' ll get a chance to go someday. This year I' m really looking forward to the PSP, hopefully the first games will be revealed (I' m hoping for the rumored SSX game) and maybe we' ll see the PSP' s final design and feature list. There' s always some big suprises too, maybe the next generation of consoles this year? I' m also hoping to see a new Devil May Cry game... and it better not be like the second one. 
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