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Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
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Ginger Atrocity
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Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
May 30, 2007 04:47
I just heard that he' s going to be the new Prime Minister in the UK. I figured I could Wiki him but that' d give me the politically correct version. What' s he like? What' s he stand for?
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
May 30, 2007 05:50
He is a northern idiot who basically kissed Blair the Poodle' s arse, and now he has been given the role, England will become a third world country and White British nationals will become the minority...Oh what I would give to have Margeret Thatcher back in power. There should have been a general election called but there is some piece of legislation that allows the party in power to change their leader and thus change the prime minister, but when you change a leader it invariably means a change of policies.
< Message edited by alijay034 -- 29 May 07 21:52:59 >
Trivia King
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RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
May 30, 2007 08:45
Not wishing to racially stereotype, he is a dour Scot with all the charisma of a potato. He comes with the reputation of being a good Chancellor of the Exchequer (the UK government finance head), but he inherited a strong econonmy, and he squandered it all on get-rich-quick schemes for scroungers. The quicker we get an election the better.
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RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
May 30, 2007 16:56
Northen Scottish it' s all the same, mind you it could have been worse, he could have been welsh....But yes an election is needed
Trivia King
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- Location: Deal, England
RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
May 30, 2007 17:27
I guess some beer swilling Geordies or whippet baiting Yorkshiremen would take offence but they all live north of Watford Gap, so yes, they are all the same.
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RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
May 30, 2007 17:45
He' s a fuckin' muppet, just like Blair.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
May 30, 2007 18:08
Well when you put it that way, I can do nothing but agree with you .
Trivia King
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- Location: Deal, England
RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
May 30, 2007 18:10
nor I.
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RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
May 30, 2007 18:12
Have you guys seen how Blair is doing a worldwide farewell tour? What' s all that about?
Trivia King
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- Location: Deal, England
RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
May 30, 2007 18:16
He thinks he' s some sort of celebrity. Probably trying to wangle some cushy book/speech deals or setting up himself as an ambassador/crusader for something. Anything to get his face in the news and some money in the bank - and don' t get me started on the evil thing that is his wife.
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RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
May 30, 2007 19:35
Nothing Evil about Cherie that a good dose of Botox and a liberal smothering of plastic surgery and a personality transplant..... No your right she is evil.
Ginger Atrocity
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RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
May 31, 2007 09:09
it could have been worse, he could have been welsh.... I' m boarding a flight as we speak, prepare to be shanked in T-minus 4 hours. Well, that' s fairly suprising. I figured he' d be the polar opposite of Blair. That whole " appointing new govt." thing doesn' t sound so hot either, I' ll be honest. That' s how you get lame suck-dynasties such as thissun.
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RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
Jun 01, 2007 07:44
He' s not exactly an inspiring leader type. We need to start voting for actors. Alan Rickman for PM!
Ginger Atrocity
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
Jun 01, 2007 08:49
Amen! Well, either that or Stephen Fry.
Trivia King
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- Location: Deal, England
RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
Jun 01, 2007 17:08
that would be a bit highbrow. Julian Clary for PM, then primeminister' s questions can be turned into a whole series of anal sex gags.
Iad umboros
Dark Ninja
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RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
Jun 09, 2007 04:53
ORIGINAL: alijay034 He is a northern idiot who basically kissed Blair the Poodle' s arse, and now he has been given the role, England will become a third world country and White British nationals will become the minority...Oh what I would give to have Margeret Thatcher back in power. I' ve been offended by Evil Man but that takes the piss on so many levels...... Not that I' m a fan of Brown, but do you vote BNP by chance?
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RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
Jun 09, 2007 05:01
No I do not vote BNP, however I do believe that this country is fast becoming a home for waifs and strays, who seem to demand too much of their own identities so that true british nationals loose theirs. Why has it offended you unless you are someone who is claiming " asylum" . If you have an issue with that then feel free to argue, however you will find that you are in the minority unless you are a minority then you will be in the majority in which case sue me.
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
Jun 09, 2007 08:22
Study the history of the British Empire and then realise why we now have so many ties and obligated responsibilities.
Ginger Atrocity
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Who is This Gordon Brown Guy?
Jun 10, 2007 21:14
In that case where are all the welfare bandwagoners from Hong-Kong and Africa?
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