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Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
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Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 18, 2004 10:46
I think that these 2 games are gonna be amazing, however... if you had to choose one, which one would it be? At the moment i am more for doom3
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RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 18, 2004 17:11
I' d have to go with Half-Life 2.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 18, 2004 19:50
Doom 3 will be good, but you' d have to be an idiot to buy it over Half Life 2...providing that you' ll be able to run Half Life 2. I' ll be buying Half Life 2, but only after I' ve upgraded my graphics card.
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RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 18, 2004 21:29
Hard to say. Doom 3 is going to be far superior in terms of graphics IMO. It really is another level. Half-life 2 though is probably going to end up being a more involving, rewarding and modded game. I would pick Half-life 2 if I had to make the choice, but I will definitely be buying both.
< Message edited by Pierre2k -- 7/18/2004 9:33:08 PM >
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RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 18, 2004 22:34
I don' t know about that. It' s incredible the amount of stuff you' re going to be able to do in Half Life 2. I was watching a video on G4 the other day and the player ran into a firefight, grabbed a heater off the wall, used it as a shield to advance on the shooters, then through it and knocked down an enemy and killed the others. IMHO, Doom 3' s got some nice graphics but at the end of the day Half Life 2 is going to mesmerize.
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RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 19, 2004 00:22
Thats exactly what I said Yoshi. Half-life will be a more involving experience  
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- Joined: Jul 05, 2004
RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 19, 2004 06:24
Both. Simple answer- you can' t say you won' t end up playing both, because they will both be equally awesome in their own rights. The real decider will be which is more preferable for multiplayer- that is what it will come down to, and shall make for an interesting few months. Either way, I' ll be purchasing both ASAP, and enjoying both :) Half Life 2 totally immerses you in the game- simply watching the half-hr e3 trailer made me felt as if I was there, playing it! Doom 3 will be the best-looking game ever to be played, thus far, and the scariness-factor will make for some caffeine-filled nights! Bring it on, baby!
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RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 19, 2004 06:51
Gr8 stuff, i know i will be aiming to buy both anyway... d' you reckon an nvidia fx 5600 will be enuff. I really hope i can play these games
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- Joined: Jul 05, 2004
RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 19, 2004 09:15
<message edited by fictionised on Jul 01, 2013 07:13>
Russian Mobster
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RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 20, 2004 06:03
Niether. Ill download DOOM3 when it comes out and ill download Half Life 2 when it comes out, if it ever comes out.
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RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 20, 2004 17:29
I' ll buy both
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RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 20, 2004 19:25
hmm, ill rent doom 3 and buy half life 2
Russian Mobster
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RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 20, 2004 20:40
Since when u can rent PC games????
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 20, 2004 22:47
Maybe he' s talking about the Xbox version?
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
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RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 23, 2004 23:07
you can' t say you won' t end up playing both, because they will both be equally awesome in their own rights. Well I probably won' t end up playing both... No, I' m not just being akward. I was never much a fan of Doom It came out at the wrong time for me to really get into it. I was hooked on Duke Nukem 3D when I first got my PC and never really looked back. Unfortunatly I' m screwed because the only game this PC will probably play is still Duke Nukem 3D, damnit! Okay, so thats a bit of a fib. But there' s no way this thing will ever be able to play either games. This PC needs a new processor, more ram, a better graphics card (Save me, I' ve got a Voodoo 3) and probably somebody with a lot of money to buy it all these things. It' s out of luck though, I' m jobless and broke. If anybody is feeling genorus and wants to buy a random person a top of the range PC, you know where to come I' ll probably just get Half Life 2 for the X-Box.
Mass X
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RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 23, 2004 23:53
Well my PC is crap so I wont be able to get neither for PC at all and probably never since I dont have the $$$. But, if both manage to make it to the Xbox and look fairly close and as good as the PC versions, I' ll probably choose Half-Life 2. Looks to be way more in depth with playability.
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RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 24, 2004 00:31
i may just end up renting doom 3, and maybe buy half-life 2, if it ever comes out on xbox.
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- Joined: May 28, 2004
RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 24, 2004 08:03
Doom 3 is still my choice i think... the graphics and the intense looking atmosphere are looking sweeeeet. Although i will still buy hl2
Russian Mobster
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RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 25, 2004 05:52
Well my PC is crap so I wont be able to get neither for PC at all and probably never since I dont have the $$$. If your PC will be able to run it just download the damn game of Emule.
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RE: Which will you buy? Doom3 Or Half life 2?
Jul 28, 2004 18:24
Why is Half Life 2 even a choice? At this rate it will never release. But, given the choices, both, but HL2 will be the better. As for gralphics, I really dont see how you guys (and Gals) think that Doom 3 looks better. But, to each his own.
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