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What woud Quez do, if he disliked BD
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Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
What woud Quez do, if he disliked BD
Aug 24, 2007 22:50
What are your guesses?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: What woud Quez do, if he disliked BD
Aug 24, 2007 23:02
Commit Seppuku...
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: What woud Quez do, if he disliked BD
Aug 24, 2007 23:11
Be careful what you ponder. Wii is doing well, and the PS3 audience is growing steadily. That' s War Red rings of death That' s Pestilence No really good releases this summer according to most. There' s your Famine That leaves Death. And we all know if Quez doesn' t like BD he' s going to die. After that, Live will crash permanently, forcing MS to refund millions of accounts. Millions of 360' s are returned to stores because customers are so dissappointed with the fall of Live. Games in development with Live as the primary draw will have to be canceled or adapted to PS3' s network. 360 will fall. Xbox Armageddon. But, I' m pretty sure he' ll like it, so no worries
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: What woud Quez do, if he disliked BD
Aug 24, 2007 23:14
Commit Seppuku... No, I think he woulld KILL himself!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: What woud Quez do, if he disliked BD
Aug 24, 2007 23:15
Something that is perfect from the start can' t be bad. BD was made by a virgin on a holy day. praise the lord! Expect Majik because he is already damned to eternal suffering because he got some jewish stuff in him,I mean we all like Majik but jewish people will realise their gold around their neck means nothing when they find out that Jesus gonna pwn them.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: What woud Quez do, if he disliked BD
Aug 24, 2007 23:23
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Expect Majik because he is already damned to eternal suffering because he got some jewish stuff in him,I mean we all like Majik but jewish people will realise their gold around their neck means nothing when they find out that Jesus gonna pwn them. I' ll kick his scrawny scruffy ass into the next millennium.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: What woud Quez do, if he disliked BD
Aug 24, 2007 23:32
praise the lord! Did someone call?! Quez, be honest. If the game doesn' t live up to your amzingly high anticipation... would you be able to admit it? Even to yourself? I' m just wondering, because never when I' ve had such high anticipation for a game as you have with BD have the game ever lived up to my fantasy. Just the last couple of games that I have hopes for turned out meh, or worse, liek The Darkness, Heavenly Sword (the demo), Final Fantasy XII, STALKER, etc, etc, being the latest to put this  expression on my face.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 24 Aug 07 15:34:01 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: What woud Quez do, if he disliked BD
Aug 24, 2007 23:37
You want my honest opinion? Its like a DQ/early FF clone. Thats what it is. if you are into it,and if you can accept that and just take it for what it is. Then you gonna have a great time. You can either laugh and smile when visiting marumaros village or you can think its for kids and turn your 360 off. I can control people,I like this very very much. I like grinding killing monsters and getting skills,obviously not everyone does. But I do,and I only care what I like anyway. :)
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: What woud Quez do, if he disliked BD
Aug 24, 2007 23:39
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 24 Aug 07 15:39:52 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: What woud Quez do, if he disliked BD
Aug 24, 2007 23:45
Yes,that book is something u americans need to read,you been dissing BD for too long,but people like Evilkiller and me will rise up...and kill you all fools,you cant trash a video game like BD then you deserve to get your organs sliced. Jack Thompson please dont copy/paste this,I know you gonna. It was a joke,please dont copy paste as you did with some other people joking on kotaku.com you fucking retard. Wtf...wa police at my door,wtfa.a...a-..s.
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: What woud Quez do, if he disliked BD
Aug 25, 2007 00:28
Hey, don' t say that, VX. If Quez doesn' t like it, nobody will. I don' t want to dislike the game when I get it (Elite, Bioshock and Blue Dragon for £330? I could kiss the manager).
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: What woud Quez do, if he disliked BD
Aug 25, 2007 09:07
Played it 8,5 hours with my friend via the XBL headset we helped each other out,he played 8,5 hours too.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: What woud Quez do, if he disliked BD
Aug 25, 2007 11:56
I can control people,I like this very very much. Was that a typo or what? Yes,that book is something u americans need to read,you been dissing BD for too long,but people like Evilkiller and me will rise up...and kill you all fools,you cant trash a video game like BD then you deserve to get your organs sliced. I might buy it when it drops to $30, does that make you feel better?
< Message edited by mastachefbkw -- 25 Aug 07 3:58:15 >
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